Weekend Wine Trip to Colorado: Winemaker Ben Parsons from The Ordinary Fellow reveals wine, food and nature in Palisade CO

Weekend Wine Trip to Colorado: Winemaker Ben Parsons from The Ordinary Fellow reveals wine, food and nature

Ben Parsons, Winemaker and Owner of The Ordinary Fellow in Palisade, Colorado

Ben Parsons, Winemaker and Owner of The Ordinary Fellow in Palisade, Colorado

Today’s conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  For the full, un-edited conversation, visit our YouTube channel here

Joe Winger: 

Just to touch on background a little bit, you were the winemaker and founder of a very successful urban winery, the Infinite Monkey Theorem

Then you chose to move on to where you are now at The Ordinary Fellow

What was that transition like for you?

Ben Parsons: 

The Infinite Monkey Theorem was really about disrupting the wine industry and trying to make wine fun and relevant and accessible. 

We were the first ones in the U.S. to put wine in the can. We started kegging in 2008. 

It was really about creating these urban winery spaces, just a tap room for a craft brewery in a city where everyone could come down and enjoy. 

After 11 years of taking that to a 100,000 case production distributed in 42 states, there was a really good opportunity for me to get back to what I wanted to do, which is being in a vineyard.

Even though that might sound like a cliche, there is something quite romantic about farming and being surrounded by nature and really trying to make the very best wine you can from Colorado fruit that you grow and putting it in a bottle versus buying someone else’s wine and putting it in a can, they’re like two very different things.

I had an opportunity to take over a vineyard in southwest Colorado down in the Four Corners just outside of Cortez, where the Four Corners meet. 

It was in disrepair and hadn’t been pruned in four years. So I got back in there and now it’s looking really good.

So that’s taken 4 years.  Yeah it’s relatively small. It’s 13 acres of Riesling, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon. 

Sits at 6,000 feet elevation. So very high for a commercial vineyard. And it’s beautiful. 

It sits on a national monument called the Yucca House, which is an un-excavated ancestral Pueblan ruin from between the 10th and 12th century.

Starts at Mesa Verde, which most people are familiar with for the ancestral cliff dwellings from the Pueblans down there. It’s just a beautiful location. 

Yeah, two very different things, but kind of coming full circle almost as to what I got me into the industry in the beginning, back in the late 90s.

And now back there, but doing it on my own.


Palisade Colorado Winemaker Ben Parsons takes a Vineyard Tour


Joe Winger: 

Your famous quote in the wine world: “I miss being in the vineyard”

So for our audience, who’s going to go to wine country this weekend or this summer, when they take a vineyard tour, what should they be looking at?

Ben Parsons: 

As to how wine gets from a vineyard and a grape to a bottle. Most people think it just ends up on a grocery store shelf and that is not the case.

It’s really the idea that you could grow something from rootstock, farm it, suffer the vagaries of agricultural production, deal with all of those challenges,  do it in a sustainable way. 

Ben Parsons, Winemaker and Owner of The Ordinary Fellow in Palisade, Colorado

Ben Parsons, Winemaker and Owner of The Ordinary Fellow in Palisade, Colorado

Determine when you’re going to pick that fruit. Take it into the winery. Ferment it. Turn it into wine. Age it in a barrel. Bottle it. Decide on the branding. Decide on the naming. Come up with a label design. 

Take it to all of those small awesome restaurants that everyone wants to hang out at because they’re making great food and getting good press.

You see my wine or I see my wine on someone else’s table, drinking it and to think where that came from.

And how many times those grapes got moved from a to b and then back, from b to c and then c to d whether it be like shoveling grapes with a pitchfork for a destemmer. 

Or shoveling fermented grapes into a press with a Home Depot bucket.

Or picking that case up and taking it from here to here, that got handled so many times, so much went into that, that I think there’s a huge disconnect amongst most consumers. 

Palisade Colorado Winemaker Ben Parsons on the Area’s Natural Beauty

Joe Winger: 

You chose to be in Palisade, Colorado making your wine. 

Tell us a little bit about the region and why someone should come visit you in Colorado?

Ben Parsons: 

Palisade is beautiful. It’s on the Western slope of Colorado. It’s about a 4 hour drive West of Denver over the mountains.

About 4 1/2 hours East of Salt Lake City. 

It’s an American Viticultural Area designate called the Grand Valley and it’s pretty stunning. 

You come through this Canyon called the Back Canyon on the North side, you have these book cliff mountains that  rise above you on the South side, you have the Colorado River, and it’s a very niche microclimate. It’s definitely an agricultural community.

What a lot of people don’t realize, because they just drive straight past on I-70 is it’s proximity to all things good, outdoorsy. 

Within 28 minutes I could be at a local ski resort called Powderhorn. It got 32 feet of snow last year 

I’m an hour and a half from Aspen.

I’m an hour and 20 minutes from Moab. 

I’m a 10 minute drive from Fruita, which has the best mountain biking in the world. 

It’s all old Indian territory. There’s wild mustangs up on the book cliffs. 

It’s known for its fruit. It’s actually known for its peaches, believe it or not.  Some of the best peaches grown anywhere in the United States. Arguably the best. 

But it’s a very small microclimate. 

Palisade is around 4,500 feet elevation. There’s about 26 wineries you can tour and visit. Take a few days, spend a weekend. 

There’s some good local restaurants, growing their own produce and making real good farm to table food.

Grand Junction is a city that in the last 5 years has really exploded. 

And Grand Junction is 10 minutes from Palisade. It went through a series of boom and busts during the oil shale boom business back in the day, but now it’s strongly focused on tourism.

Lots of people are leaving the front range of Denver, Colorado Springs and  moving to the Western slope for a kind of quality of life.

Also we have a lot of California transplants because it is cheaper to live. You are outdoors all the time. You can travel long distances very quickly.  I put 42,000 miles on my car this year delivering wine all over the state of Colorado. 

I feel like the state and this particular area has a lot going for it.  Definitely more than enough to fill a long weekend or a week’s trip. 

Exploring vineyards, food, farms, outdoor opportunities. 

Taking a trip to Moab, it’s really pretty. It’s one of the reasons I moved here. 

I’d been in the city for a long time. I grew up just South of London in England, but I lived in London for some time and I loved it when I was young.  I love Denver as well.

When I started the Infinite Monkey Theorem, that was really when a lot of people were moving to Denver and it was becoming something substantial. 

It was one of the fastest growing cities in the country at that time. 

I feel like we were a big part of pushing that growth and in tandem with the other food and beverage scene, like craft breweries and good restaurants.

Joe Winger: 

You’ve mentioned different restaurants and food and dinner.  Our audience primarily are foodies.   We’re in Colorado for a wine weekend, we come to the Ordinary Fellow for a wine tasting.

Can you suggest a few places and different cuisines that are a must visit within 20-30 minutes of you?

Ben Parsons: 

In Palisade there’s a good restaurant called Pesh. One of the former line cooks at a linear in Chicago started it with his wife, maybe 5-6 years ago. It’s excellent. 

In Grand Junction, where most people stay there’s a few good restaurants started by this guy, Josh Nirenberg, who has been nominated for James Beard award several times for best chef and has one called Bin 707,  Then he just opened a third called Jojo’s. He also has a kind of trendy taco spot called Taco Party, which is a fun name. 

If you like craft cocktails, there’s a new place that opened called Melrose Spirit Company. Guy opened it in a hotel that was recently renovated. Really cute, really excellent cocktails.

Joe Winger: 

Let’s get into the wine geek stuff now and talk about your vineyards. You have Colorado Box Bar, Hawks Nest.

So let’s talk through terroir, soil type, elevation. 

Ben Parsons: 

So Box Bar, It’s in Cortez, sits around between 6,000 feet elevation.

It’s on this weatheral loam that has some clay in it, which has these water retention properties. It is essentially a desert. So you do have to drip irrigate, there’s less than 7 inches of precipitation a year. 

So very little rainfall which is good in some ways in that there is very little disease pressure.

You’re not having to spray. There’s no necessity to spray for powdery mildew or anything down at our vineyards. 

It’s essentially farmed very minimalistically. 

Lagging very sustainably, which I know people appreciate. 

Riesling, Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay. We’re just planting some Chenin Blanc and some Charbonneau, which is an italian red varietal as well. 

Hawk’s Nest is not my own property, but I work with a grower called Guy Drew who planted four different kinds of Pinot Noir and two different kinds of Chardonnay there.

That vineyard is at 6, 800 feet and that is the highest commercial vineyard in North America. 

Similar soil properties as the Box Bar. Making some really good Pinot Noir. 

I think what’s interesting about Colorado is we have a very short growing season, 155 – 165 days.  Napa has 240 days. That’s frost free days. 

So the thing is that we have such high sunlight exposure because of the elevation and the ultraviolet light that we have the same number of degree days as Napa Valley. So we can ripen like Cabernet Sauvignon, but we’re ripening it in a shorter period of time.  That’s fairly unique. 

The Ordinary Fellow is really focusing on traditional French varietals from Chenin Blanc Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah.

Most recently we took over a vineyard in Utah so I’m actually farming a vineyard about 1 ½ hour drive from Moab called Montezuma Canyon Ranch. 

That’s this ancient sandstone with a little bit of clay in there that was planted in 2007. 12 acres of Chenin Blanc, Merlot, Riesling Chardonnay.  We made an awesome Utah Rosé vineyard last harvest 2023, which we just released. 

You don’t see that many wines from Utah so that’s why I’m excited about it. 

I think there’s only 6 wineries in Utah and I’m not sure that many of them get their fruit from Utah.

Joe Winger: 

You mentioned that you have one of the highest peak elevation commercial vineyards in North America.

What are the benefits and the disadvantages to such a high elevation?

Ben Parsons: 

If you think about spending any time on a mountain, it can be really warm, but as soon as the sun goes down, it gets very cold. 

So having high elevation vineyards, even though you might be in a quite a hot growing region as soon as the sun goes down, the temperature does drop.

You have a large diurnal temperature shift. 

So in Cortez, in the growth, during the growing season or during ripening, say late September, mid September, late September. We could be 85 to 90 in the day, but 45 to 50 at night, which is a really big temperature swing. 

It basically means that the vine has a kind of chance to just shut down and rest.

From an enology perspective, you can retain more natural acidity in the fruit because it’s not being metabolized by having a lot of sunlight constantly and higher temperature. So we don’t have to make any artificial acid additions or anything like that you may have to do in more established wine regions in the United States. 

Our wines all have really great balance to them and really good acidity. None of them are overdone. They’re not big, jammy, overly alcoholic. 

They’re all well balanced between acids, tannin, alcohol, sugar, but they’re all bone dry. 

There is no fermentable sugar in any of them, which leads to palate weight and mouthfeel, but but they’re not sweet per se. 

Even my Riesling is bone dry.

Joe Winger: 

During the Infinite Monkey Theorem days you led the canned wines movement.  

How does it feel seeing it become so incredibly popular and any big lessons you learned from that experience?

Ben Parsons: 

I genuinely believe that [we led with canned wines].  In 2009 we entered into a R and D project with Ball Corporation, the largest supply of aluminum cans in the world. 

To figure out how to can wine and everyone thought it was stupid and everyone just turned their noses up at it and thought that RTD wine and RTD drinks were stupid.

It’s a tough question because I think that canned wine is good because of its use application, primarily.  Where you can take it and where you can drink it. 

Now, very rarely do I see people putting the best wine they’ve ever made in a can. So I think it’s all about where you want to drink it, who you want to drink it with.  There’s definitely this kind of utility aspect to it. 

Also price point wise, you don’t see that many canned wine, four packs above $16,

I would say so. Yeah, price wise, it’s fairly economical from a sustainability perspective. It makes a lot of sense.

But from an absolute quality perspective, you’re probably still going to be buying bottled wine over canned wine. 

It’s all about where you’re going to consume it. 

Sometimes when I see it I think about when you start any category, there’s always those people that are out there doing it way before anyone else is doing it.  It’s those people that usually don’t reap the benefits of it because they put all of the effort into it. 

I look at LinkedIn occasionally and I’m just baffled by people that think that it’s a new thing.  It just blows my mind. 

Joe Winger: 

You have an excellent sparkling wine and you’ve mentioned England’s excitement about the sparkling. 

Why is England falling in love with sparkling wine? And why should all of us be falling in love with sparkling wine?

Ben Parsons: 

Historically, England has consumed a lot of sparkling wine. 

But in terms of actually growing grapes and making their own sparkling wine, that’s happened in the last 20 years. 

That’s one of those unfortunate advantages of global warming in a kind of isolated geographical area that previously, you wouldn’t have been able to ripen Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier.

It would have been a challenge making really good sparkling wine in Kent and Sussex and Southeast England where a lot of it is made. 

But with a few degrees temperature rise, that’s now possible. And it’s the same chalk escarpment as champagne. They’re very close to each other.

They’re just separated by 24 miles of the English Channel, right? 

So they’re actually geographically very close to each other a little further than 24 miles, but climatically very similar. 

So actually, a lot of French champagne houses have bought up land in Kent and Sussex over the last 20 years and have been planting that, and now some of the bubbles are coming out.

Joe Winger: 

When I have an opportunity to speak with an Oregon winemaker, we often talk about the challenges based on their region. Do you feel like you are also in a region [Colorado] that’s more problematic?

Can you share a lesson you’ve learned from solving some of those problems?

Ben Parsons: 

The whole industry because of the shortness of the growing season, it’s always on a knife edge because you can have late spring frosts that can come through a bud break and just wipe you out.

But you can also have these freak-like early winter freezes in October where there’s there’s still fruit hanging or maybe it’s just come off and it goes from 70 degrees in the day to 8 degrees suddenly, and the sap still flowing in the vines and then all of the vines, the trunks split, the cordon split.

That’s what happened in Palisade maybe 3 or 4 years ago now. 

Then in Cortez where Box Bar is, last year we had a hailstorm come through just after the bud break. So our Chardonnay was out and got wiped out. Then the secondary buds pushed and we went from a crop of 36 tons to 10 tons overnight.

That’s just agriculture anywhere. Unfortunately that’s just one of the risks.

Joe Winger: 

Let’s talk about wine. Their flavor profiles. The different bottles you offer.

When we come visit your tasting room in Palisade, Colorado any hints about what they should be excited to taste?

Ben Parsons: 


Blanc de Noir

Yeah the sparkling wine, that’s Blanc de Noir, so that’s 100% Pinot Noir. That’s about as geeky as it gets, because that’s single vineyard, single grower, single clone of Pinot Noir. only 8 months in barrel.  The base wine was barrel aged for about 6 months, and then it was entourage, lying on its utilise in a bottle for six months.

Then it’s put on a riddling rack and hand riddled one bottle at a time. Then disgorged by hand, just take the top off, put your thumb over the top of it so nothing comes out and then no dosage.

So again, just super geeky, like really bone dry, like really crisp, great acid. So that is that wine is super hands on.

It’s delicious. It still gets those more developed, brioche-y notes. Texturally it’s very pleasing on the palate. I think we make really good method champignons, bottle fermented sparkling wine. 



A lot of people these days think it’s trendy to not like chardonnay, because they heard somewhere about that, but there are actually some really good Chardonnays out there, which aren’t all aged in new French oak and haven’t all gone through like a creamy buttery secondary fermentation. And I think mine is one of them. It was aged in 8 year old barrels.  So there’s really no influence on it at all. 

It’s all hand harvested or whole cluster pressed. I think that wine has a really pretty texture, like this palette coating texture but it has really good acidity and it smells like a ripe peach or a dried apricot. It’s really pretty.

Pinot Noir

Our red pinot noir.  Again that spent just 9 months in neutral barrels so I think there was a trend like 20 years ago to put everything in a brand new barrel and every winemakers thought it was cool, but you know in the last 5 – 6 years, I think that has changed 

Winemakers are really trying to let the soil and let their vineyards speak for themselves.

Minimal kind of intervention to a certain extent. It is the trend.

Our Pinot Noir has done really well. It’s on the much lighter side. I would say it’s more like a German style Pinot Noir, like lighter with really good acidity, firm tannin. Beautiful aroma.

I think all of our wines are just very well balanced. Very food friendly, very clean. They’re not funky. I’m very proud of that.

Joe Winger: 

I’m assuming balance and the clean is a style choice by you? 

Ben Parsons: 

Balance is easy because it’s done in the vineyard because of the elevation and the retention of acidity.  It’s just about when you pick it. So you’re tasting [the grapes] for flavor and like phenolic ripeness and the seeds being brown, et cetera, but you’re also testing a few for your pH, your titratable acidity and your sugar levels. Then you make an informed decision as to when you’re picking it. 

The cleanliness part of it really just comes down to the fact that I feel like winemakers, even though this doesn’t sound very romantic, you’re almost just like an insurance manager in that you don’t want to mess it up.

So you make informed decisions, preemptively.  You top your barrels, like every 2-3 weeks, you do things to make sure the wine, does not end up flawed  through a secondary characteristic developing.   

Sometimes that’s a flavor enhancer and sometimes that’s good, but when it’s overdone…  I believe there are a lot of wines that they get away with it these days.  To me it’s just bad winemaking.

I’m definitely kind of a minimal interventionist 

Joe Winger: 

I always feel like white wine doesn’t get enough love and respect. People love talking about the complexities of reds.  You make a phenomenal Riesling

Ben Parsons: 

Interestingly I really don’t drink red wine anymore. Occasionally I’ll drink some Pinot Noir, but I much prefer drinking white wines. I think a lot of people in the industry crave acidity, and yeah, my reasoning is a good example.

The general consumer in the U. S. still thinks that all raisins are sweet. I think that’s just a common misconception, that’s purely a stylistic choice from the winemaker, and my choice is to allow the yeast to ferment all of the sugar until there is no residual sugar.

To have a wine with high natural acidity that pairs well with food. That’s my choice as a winemaker. Those are the wines that I enjoy most that kind of just leave your palate just like this rasping acidity. Take the enamel off your teeth, and but have beautiful aroma.

Our Riesling is starting to show some characteristics from being in the bottle for 18 months. Where it gets those kind of, it’s tough to say about making it sound bad, but those more kerosene-y , kind of petroleum, kind of eraser like notes, which are very typical of Riesling, intertwined with really nice citrus and green apple.

Yeah, and like really just good structure. That benefits from growing at elevation here for sure.

Joe Winger: 

Petit Verdot is probably lesser known, less popular, but it deserves all the love anyway. 

Ben Parsons: 

Petit Verdot, interesting, like one of the six red Bordeaux grape varieties. Bordeaux is maritime climate. It’s much cooler than Colorado.

It doesn’t really get the chance to ripen as well as it does here. So when it can ripen, it doesn’t just need to get blended into Cabernet Sauvignon or something to just give it more tannin and more structure. 

Here it can stand alone as a single varietal. 

The greenness is gone. The tannin is not like just rip your face off tannin.  It’s well developed. Like silky, velvety, firm, but not like really dry and like Petit Verdot can be.  Aromatics are very lifted on it, and it’s not a massive red wine by any means.

That’s grown at a vineyard about half an hour from Box Bar called Canyon of the Ancients and that vineyard was planted in 2006.

Unfortunately we only made about 99 cases of that wine. It’s fun to introduce people to wines that they probably haven’t heard of, but wines that that can stand up to any good red wines that you may have heard of.

Palisade Colorado Winemaker Ben Parsons reveals his Favorite Food

Joe Winger: 

Do you identify yourself as a foodie?   Can you pick 1-2 of your bottles and your favorite dish for dinner tonight?

Ben Parsons: 

Yeah I would definitely pair my Riesling with a Thai curry or even a panang curry. I think it does really well with oriental food that has some level of heat to it. But also I think it does really well with a charcuterie plate, some almonds and some cheese. I think you can’t go wrong with that. 

Then my Petit Verdot, for example I think there is more tannin in there.  For those of us that like the light grilling you couldn’t go wrong with serving that with a ribeye. It’s delicious.  Or if you’re cooking a little heartier food in the winter, maybe a lasagna.  Something that can really work with that tannin.

I think my wines do well with a lot of different food just because of the balance that they have, they’re not going to overpower the food and vice versa, which is what it’s all about. 

But I also enjoy them, just having a glass on its own, to be honest.  When I get home from work, sometimes I love that.

Joe Winger: 

I’m watching your Instagram videos quite a bit, and it seems like you’re having a lot of fun sharing knowledge, showing your vineyard, showing what it’s like day to day.

Ben Parsons: 

The one time that I do enjoy social media is when you’re in the vineyard or you’re doing something that seems that other people might never have seen before.

I’m in awe of where I am because I feel like it comes across in those videos. It’s pretty down here today, and those are beautiful vineyard sites.

Or if you’re filtering a wine or racking a wine or, trying or shoveling grapes.

Just the imagery comes across and really shows how much work is involved in it. I always struggle when it’s like go take a photo of a bottle of wine in front of a restaurant.  I don’t know how you make that look cool.

Find more about Ben Parson’s The Ordinary Fellow website, instagram

More about Palisade, CO




A Month of Flavor: Celebrate Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Owner Alex Sarkissian and Chef Vartan Abgaryan Celebrate Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary With Four Renowned Chefs & Monthlong Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Celebrate Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Momed in Atwater Village is turning ten this September, and to celebrate a decade of culinary excellence, Owner Alex Sarkissian and Chef Vartan Abgaryan are bringing back the beloved “Immigrant Chef Series.”

This special event, kicking off on September 9th, will feature four extraordinary Monday night dinners, each showcasing the talents of renowned Los Angeles chefs with rich immigrant backgrounds.

Starting September 9th and continuing each Monday throughout the month, guests can indulge in a unique Seven-Course Tasting Menu ($80 per person) served family-style, featuring dishes crafted in collaboration with Chef Abgaryan.

Each evening will highlight the diverse cultural and culinary heritages of the guest chefs, creating a vibrant tapestry of flavors that truly celebrates the richness of Los Angeles’ immigrant communities.

The Momed 10th Anniversary “Immigrant Chef Series” lineup includes:

Chef Susan Yoon, Momed Atwater Village

Chef Susan Yoon

Monday, September 9th

Chef Susan Yoon

Orsa & Winston, Wolfdown, 71Above

Chef Nakul Mahendro, Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Chef Nakul Mahendro – BADMAASH

Monday, September 16th

Chef Nakul Mahendro


Chef Wesley Avila, Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Chef Wesley Avila

Monday, September 23rd

Chef Wesley Avila

Guerilla Tacos, KA’TEEN, MXO Steakhouse

Chef Vivian Ku, Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Chef Vivian Ku

Monday, September 30th

Chef Vivian Ku

Pine & Crane, Joy

Momed cocktails

Momed cocktails

Complementing the culinary experience, guests can also enjoy Five Specialty Cocktails and Five Specially Selected Wines by the glass, all priced at just $10 each.

But the celebration doesn’t stop there!

To keep the festivities going, Momed will offer Happy Hour “all night” at the bar from Sunday through Thursday all throughout September.

Additionally, in the spirit of giving back, Momed will donate 5% of the proceeds from each dinner to five organizations committed to immigrant and refugee affairs: Armenian Relief Society (ARS), Immigrant Center for Women and Children (ICWC), International Rescue Committee (IRC),Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA), and the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles(CHIRLA).

Momed’s 10th Anniversary “Immigrant Chef Series” promises to be a flavorful and festive celebration of culture, community, and culinary artistry.

Don’t miss this special event and mark your calendars and make your reservation today!

For more information on Momed’s 10th Anniversary “Immigrant Chef Series” coming up on Monday, September 9th, 2024, Monday, September 16th, 2024, Monday, September 23rd, 2024, and Monday, September 30th, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm. 

Please visit www.AtMomed.com to make your reservations, and for further information call Momed directly at 323.522.3488.

About Momed:

Momed, owned by Alex Sarkissian and short for “Modern Mediterranean,” offers a fresh take on the diverse flavors of the Mediterranean basin, emphasizing seasonality and sustainable ingredients. Since opening its doors in 2014, Momed Atwater Village has become a cherished dining destination in Los Angeles, known for its warm ambiance, inventive cuisine, and commitment to community. With Chef Vartan Abgaryan now at the helm, Momed continues to push culinary boundaries while honoring its Mediterranean roots.


About Chef Vartan Abgaryan:

As a child growing up in Los Angeles, Vartan Abgaryan was deeply moved by the way his family’s Armenian American culture celebrated all occasions, both happy and somber, with food. Inspired by the pure joy of cooking and how food brought many generations together, Abgaryan decidedly embarked on a career in the culinary realm. Educated at Le Cordon Bleu, Abgaryan graduated in 2004 and went on to cook at the famed Andre Soltner restaurant Lutece for one and a half years. In 2006, he moved back to the West Coast to be closer to his family, where he worked at Red Pearl Kitchen, followed by three years as Executive Chef at A Restaurant in Newport Beach. He then headed inland to accept the position of Executive Chef at Public Kitchen and Bar at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, where he received 2-stars from the Los Angeles Times food critic and was mentioned as a ‘Restaurant to Watch’ in Esquire magazine by Food Writer and Critic John Mariani.

In 2012, Abgaryan joined the Eastside’s iconic Cliff’s Edge as Executive Chef. Here, he successfully took the eight-year-old neighborhood restaurant and made it relevant again. At Cliff’s Edge, Abgaryan became known for his highly seasonal approach to ingredients and his stunning presentation of dishes – Eater Los Angeles’ Matthew Kang commented that his dishes were “among the most beautiful plating in the city.” In 2014, Cliff’s Edge was awarded three stars by LA Weekly’s Restaurant Critic, Besha Rodell.

After a successful run, he elevated his role, quite literally, by opening 71Above – the highest restaurant west of the Mississippi, in July 2016. Since opening, the restaurant has received great critical acclaim and put Abgaryan on L.A.’s culinary heat map. Under his hand, 71Above was awarded 3-stars by LA Weekly, and Los Angeles Magazine named it ‘one of the Top Ten New Restaurants of 2016,’ with Critic Patrick Kuh remarking that “the experience is luxury that reflects on-point execution.” The Los Angeles Times’ beloved Jonathan Gold called his Suckling Pig dish “something out of a charcuterie dream.”

After serving over 300 diners a night at elaborate helicopter-hovering heights, Abgaryan had become one of the city’s most talented and respected chefs. When an opportunity presented itself to bring a refined culinary experience to Abbot Kinney Boulevard, considered by many to be “America’s coolest block,” he took it. Abgaryan’s culinary endeavor, Yours Truly, with partners Dave Reiss (formerly of Salt Air) and Paul Pruitt (Founder of New School), allowed him to focus less on the number of guests and work within a more intimate dinner setting. Continuing to build dishes blending flavors from many cultures, Abgaryan’s dinner menu exhibited a multi-cultural approach to each dish, combining ingredients from the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

In February 2023, Abgaryan took on a new challenge as the Chef at Momed in Atwater Village, where he continues to bring his creative vision and dedication to seasonal, culturally rich cuisine.

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Santa Monica ‘s Mon Ami “First Class to Spain”  Sept 19 Experiential Dining Brings Catalonia to Your Table

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Tucked behind the crowds on Ocean Avenue, this hidden courtyard restaurant feels like the best-kept secret for cocktails and bites near the beach. 

Nas Negahban’s Mon Ami “First Class Experience’ takes Your Tastebuds to Barcelona

Under the guidance of Nas Negahban from Pacific Coast Group, a seasoned traveler with a passion for authentic culinary experiences, Mon Ami strives to mirror the richness of Mediterranean cultures in every aspect. 

The Mon Ami event series will launch September 19.

Reservations to the Barcelona First Class Series Event: https://resy.com/cities/santa-monica-ca/venues/mon-ami?date=2024-09-19&seats=2&query=Mon%20ami&activeView=list

Pricing is: $95 plus tax and gratuity for the 4-course food menu

Or $125++ for the food menu and 2 included drinks

Mon Ami Chef explaining tonight's dishes

Mon Ami Chef explaining tonight’s dishes

Speaking on his inspiration and Mon Ami’s concept, Nas explains:

“I’ve always had a passion for building new concepts and brands across various industries.

We currently have a few restaurants in Spain and other countries

but Santa Monica is home. ”


Nas Negahban


Mon Ami is the true Mediterranean experience.

With an emphasis on a variety of culinary dishes and spices and inspired spirits with an enhanced flair attached to it from several countries located on or by the Mediterranean Sea such as Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Morocco, & many more with a lot of their food curated and selected from the local Santa Monica Farmers Market. 

First Class Series Event on September 19 – Extraordinary Journey to Barcelona

The First Class Event Series includes 2 items from Mon Ami’s drink menu (specialty cocktails or wine)… and dishes from their food menu:

  • appetizer
  • first course
  • second course
  • choice of 3rd course
  • and choice of dessert

If that sounds like a lot, it is.  And not in a “I’m stuffed and need to roll home” kind of way.

Incredible flavor.



But you leave feeling pleasantly fulfilled. Not heavy.

For me, that’s incredibly important.

Mon Ami’s First Class Series is a great idea for date night, for a casual business dinner, for a birthday or celebration.

Most importantly, it creates memories.  It’s been a few days since my dinner, and I’m still remembering it and smiling.

Mon Ami's Blackberry Mojito

Mon Ami’s Blackberry Mojito

Mon Ami’s Blackberry Mojito

Mon Ami's Catelonia Margarita

Mon Ami’s Catelonia Margarita

Mon Ami’s Catelonia Margarita.

The dinner started with a light appetizer, perfect to ignite your appetite.

Mon Ami; Amuse Bouche (Iberian Jamon with Burrata, Calabria Chile on a crustini)

Mon Ami; Amuse Bouche (Iberian Jamon with Burrata, Calabria Chile on a crustini)

Amuse Bouche (Iberian Jamon with Burrata, Calabria Chile on a crustini)

Light with a good crunch and subtle flavor.

Equally important, the perfect conversation starter.  If your dining table has a quiet moment, the arrival of this plate sparks smiles, giggles and reactions.

Mon Ami; Tapas Trio: Truffle mushroom, Chicken Mousse with a Pickled Onion, Spicy Tomatoes and Pepper

Mon Ami; Tapas Trio: Truffle mushroom, Chicken Mousse with a Pickled Onion, Spicy Tomatoes and Pepper

1st Course

Tapas Trio: Truffle mushroom, Chicken Mousse with a Pickled Onion, Spicy Tomatoes and Pepper

This is the first feel of diversity.  Flavor, mouthfeel; each of the three delivered a different experience.  From subtle, to bold, to a kick of spice.

Is your dinner Instagrammable?  It is if you’re at Mon Ami.

All evening long diners were taking pics of their meals.  Why?  Sure, it’s delicious.  But the plating.  Beautifully well-designed and playful.

Mon Ami takes their flavor seriously, but has fun creating each dish into art.

Mon Ami; Grilled Octopus with Patatas Bravas

Mon Ami; Grilled Octopus with Patatas Bravas

2nd Course

Grilled Octopus with Patatas Bravas

The grilled octopus is tender and juicy, paired well with crispy fried potatoes and drizzled with red sauce. It made you hungry for what’s next…

Mon Ami; Marinated Skirt Steak with a side of Spanish Rice and Roasted Zucchini

Mon Ami; Marinated Skirt Steak with a side of Spanish Rice and Roasted Zucchini

3rd Course 

Marinated Skirt Steak with a side of Spanish Rice and Roasted Zucchini

Don’t forget, the 3rd course has options: steak vs pasta.

Choosing skirt steak because it’s commonly a tougher cut and I was curious to see how Mon Ami’s skilled chef would create a heavenly plate.  Here, the marinade brought out the tender juicy flavor that we hoped for.  Well-prepared.

Our table shared smiles, giggles and mmmm’s with each bite.

Mon Ami; Crema Catalona with Shaved Chocolate and Berries

Mon Ami; Crema Catalona with Shaved Chocolate and Berries


Crema Catalona with Shaved Chocolate and Berries

Again, dessert offered choices.  Dessert was between Crema Catalona and Sorbet.  I chose the Crema because I wanted to see how the Chef and his kitchen would prepare the dish.  His choices were impressive so far and I chose to trust his instincts.

I’m glad I trusted him.

It was perfect for me.  To be clear, I don’t want a mountain of sugar.  I want 5 bites of flavor and pleasure.

If tonight had been a date, sharing 2-3 bites each would have been the perfect evening to a perfect dinner.




Born and raised in Santa Monica, Nas is committed to elevating his hometown’s hospitality scene to reflect the sophistication of beachside cities he has encountered abroad.

This is present in every aspect of MON AMI’s ambiance, from its lush indoor-outdoor seating surrounded by greenery to its late-night live entertainment and picture-perfect cocktails. MON AMI is meticulously curated to enchant and immerse guests.

The event series will launch September 19 at the Mon Ami Santa location.

Reservation to the Barcelona First Class Series Event: https://resy.com/cities/santa-monica-ca/venues/mon-ami?date=2024-09-19&seats=2&query=Mon%20ami&activeView=list

You can also email events@monamism.com if you have any questions or want to book over the phone.)

Pricing is: $95 plus tax and gratuity for the 4-course food menu or $125++ for the food menu and 2 included drinks. 

Mon Ami will offer a complimentary taste of the sangria upon arrival.

Taste Temecula, Fun Roadtrip South of LA !  Bold flavor, Rich fruit, lingering finish: Leoness Cellars earns 6 90+ Point Wines from Wine Spectator 

Taste Temecula, Fun Roadtrip South of LA !  Bold flavor, Rich fruit, lingering finish: Leoness Cellars earns 6 90+ Point Wines from Wine Spectator

Temecula’s Leoness Cellars earns 6 90+ Point Wines from Wine Spectator

Leoness Cellars, a celebrated winery and restaurant in the picturesque Temecula Valley, has once again been honored for its exceptional winemaking prowess.

Leoness is a Temecula must-visit destination for wine lovers

In the latest review by Wine Enthusiast, six of its selections earned impressive 90+ point scores, further cementing Leoness as a must-visit destination for wine lovers.

In addition, Leoness Cellars’ restaurant was recently ranked in the top five best winery restaurants in the nation by USA Today, which has been praised for its stunning Temecula Valley setting and culinary team that masterfully fuses French cooking techniques with modern Californian cuisine to create a diverse menu designed to pair beautifully with its award-winning wines.


Temecula’s Leoness Cellars also ranks Top Five Best Winery Restaurants based on USA Today

These recognitions serve as a continued testament to Leoness’ unwavering commitment to producing wines of the highest caliber while delivering a fine dining experience for visitors from around the world.

Leoness Cellars’ six 90+ point wines include:

  • 2021 VS Syrah Alessandro Vineyard, Summit Block (92 points) – This Syrah stands out with its intense flavors and remarkable aging potential. Wine Enthusiast writer-at-large, Matt Kettman notes, “Baked fruit and woodspice on the nose, with hickory smoke and rich berry flavors on the palate. Ideal for cellaring until 2039.”2021 VS Syrah Alessandro Vineyard, Foundation Block
  • 2021 VS Syrah Alessandro Vineyard, Foundation Block (92 points) – Celebrated for its complexity, this wine offers a deep blend of rich fruit and earthy notes. Kettman describes it as featuring “roasted fig, black plum, and fig flavors, heavily spiced with nutmeg, clove and allspice.”

2021 VS Syrah Alessandro Vineyard, Summit Block

  • 2021 VS Syrah Dragon’s Den Vineyard (92 points) – Known for its bold flavors and smooth, lingering finish, this Syrah boasts “Cabernet-like aromas of pepper, cocoa, and dried berry, with charred plum and berry flavors complemented by bay leaf and anise,” according to Kettman.

2021 VS Syrah Dragon’s Den Vineyard

In addition to these standout selections, three other wines have also achieved critical acclaim but are currently sold out: The 2021 Signature Series Grande Mélange (91 points) captivated with its balanced ripe berries and subtle spice

The 2021 Signature Series Eloquent (90 points) showcased Leoness Cellars’ artistry with its rich, silky texture and refined barrel notes.

Finally, the 2021 Signature Series Syrah (94 points) was celebrated as a collector’s item, praised by Wine Enthusiast for its rugged, earthy aromas and complex flavors.

In addition to its success with Wine Enthusiast, Leoness has also earned the distinction of ranking number five in USA Today’s 2024 list of Best Winery Restaurants in the United States.

The Restaurant at Leoness Cellars has risen in prominence not only for its award-winning wines but also its “stunning views of both the vineyards and surrounding mountains, creating the perfect backdrop for dining and drinking.”

USA Today describes The Restaurant at Leoness Cellars as a culinary gem, where seasonal fare, such as wild mushroom risotto and grilled local yellowtail, are expertly paired with Leoness Cellars’ wine selections, creating an unparalleled dining experience. The accolade highlights the winery’s commitment to excellence in both winemaking and hospitality.

“We are honored to receive these prestigious accolades from both Wine Enthusiast and USA Today,”

Rebaux Steyn

CEO and co-founder of Temecula Valley Winery Management and owner of Leoness Cellars

“Crafting exceptional wines and creating unforgettable experiences for our guests is the cornerstone of what we do. We are proud to be recognized for our achievements in both areas.”

As Leoness Cellars continues to garner recognition for its exceptional wines and dining experiences, guests are invited to explore all that the winery has to offer.

Whether through guided wine tours, educational tastings, dining or weddings and special events, Leoness Cellars delivers the perfect wine experience in the heart of Temecula Valley.

To learn more, visit www.leonesscellars.com.

ABOUT LEONESS CELLARS: Founded in 2002, Leoness Cellars is a prestigious winery and restaurant situated in the scenic Temecula Valley of Southern California. Renowned for its exceptional wines and innovative approach, Leoness Cellars offers a rich array of experiences, including guided wine tastings, immersive vineyard tours, a vibrant wine club membership program and engaging wine education sessions.

Guests can savor a unique dining experience at the top-rated Restaurant at Leoness, which features a sophisticated blend of French cooking techniques and modern Californian cuisine curated to create a diverse menu that pairs beautifully with its wines. The estate also serves as an elegant venue for weddings and special events, providing an unparalleled setting for creating unforgettable memories.

Discover more about Leoness Cellars and its offerings by visitingwww.leonesscellars.com.

About the Author
Joe Wehinger (nicknamed Joe Winger) has written for over 20 years about the business of lifestyle and entertainment. Joe is an entertainment producer, media entrepreneur, public speaker, and C-level consultant who owns businesses in entertainment, lifestyle, tourism and publishing. He is an award-winning filmmaker, published author, member of the Directors Guild of America, International Food Travel Wine Authors Association, WSET Level 2 Wine student, WSET Level 2 Cocktail student, member of the LA Wine Writers. Email to: Joe@FlavRReport.com

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