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Foodies! Love Horror? Love dinner parties? Horror Movie Night Cookbook written by Richard S. Sargent

It’s Scary-Delicious! Invite Your Friends over for Horror Movie Night Cookbook written by Richard S. Sargent and Nevyana Dimitrova (Photographer).

Sixty deliciously deadly recipes inspired by iconic slashers, zombie films, psychological thrillers, sci fi spooks, and more. 

The Horror Movie Night Cookbook

The Horror Movie Night Cookbook on sale now

Horror Movie Night Cookbook can be found at any local bookstore or online Barnes Noble, Amazon. Follow the Horror Movie Night Cookbook Instagram.

Horror Movie Night Cookbook written by Richard S. Sargent

Horror Movie Night Cookbook written by Richard S. Sargent

Author Richard S. Sargent joined me for a conversation about food, cooking, horror movies and Halloween.  The below conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  Find the full, un-edited conversation at our YouTube channel.


What inspired you as far as horror movies go? What’s your all time favorite horror?


Richard Sargent: Wow, that’s a tough one. Yeah, so I would say my all time favorite horror movie is Scream. It’s what got me into diving deeper into horror. My mother actually got me into horror when I was a kid, we would watch a bunch of the old ones after school and that sort of thing, but as I started to discover the newer ones on my own, Scream was the first one that really showed me that there’s more to horror than just blood and boobs.


You’re a filmmaker, an artist, an author, many things. Tell us a little bit about your journey


Richard Sargent: I went to school for theater and film and acting.  As most people do New York or LA, I chose New York. I did that for a while. I did a couple of my own indie horror films as well. And then as I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do. 

As a side project, because you have to have a side project when you’re trying to break into that field. I thought I love cooking. I love experimenting. I love being creative. Let’s take some culinary classes. So I was gifted some culinary classes and it was really great. And I thought, okay, great. Now I’m going to go work in a kitchen. But the more I thought about that, I realized I would hate it if I had to do it as a day job.  I would hate cooking. I put that on the back burner and focus more on the theater and film and all that. 

And just kept plugging away at that. When I moved to the West Coast, I became artistic director of a couple of theater companies and had some plays published, that sort of thing.

So my writing and my directing was starting to take off a little bit. I had a little more free time to go back to the cooking thing that I was looking forward to doing. And the way this came together is that I was doing a play with some friends and we were chatting we actually were doing the play, The Woman in Black, and we were chatting about horror and horror films and they felt the way I felt about them initially, that they’re all just and I just couldn’t have that.

I’d seen so many great ones that have changed my life and had so many positive messages. Because horror movies are basically about the outcasts winning. I felt like I’ve been an outcast my whole life, so I could really connect to them. So I started showing them the ones that I thought were important.

I started with my favorites and then dug deeper into the ones that I felt. Told really great stories and had really great messages through these horror movie nights where I would pair an appetizer, a dinner and a dessert, each with its own movie and we would do three movies a night and we would do this every couple of weeks.


Can you talk a little bit about this book’s undertaking and 1-2 lessons that you learned from that process?


Richard Sargent: Absolutely. Yeah, it really was an undertaking. When I started these nights, these horror movie nights myself I just thought they were going to be fun. I just thought we were all going to have a good time.

Then about halfway through, maybe about five or six nights in, my friends were all like, what are you going to do with this? I’m like, what do you mean? We’re just having a good time. And they’re like, no, other people are going to want to do this. I’m thinking about what can I do with this?

Maybe I can start an event service and cater these nights myself? But ultimately I chose to do a book because it’s more accessible and it’s more fun. You get to do it in your own home and invite your friends over and it makes for a much more fun evening. Once I decided that it was going to be a book, it took about two years to compile it all into book format. Retake some pictures, that sort of thing, get it all ready for my copy. So I self published it two years ago and then it got picked up. 

So the version that you have and that we’re talking about today is the version that Ulysses Press put out about another year or so later.

So it was about a five year process from the first horror movie night, all the way to the book that, that we’re talking about today. 

If I have any tips for people, find what makes your idea stick out.  What about your idea do people want to know, be authentic about it and just keep plugging away at it.

You’re going to get frustrated. Move on to another project, take a walk, do something else. And come back when the inspiration strikes, but never force anything. That’s my big thing. You can’t force inspiration or you’re not going to end up with the best product that you could possibly have.

From the five years ago first draft to Ulysses Press version now, how close is the finished product compared to your original vision?

Richard Sargent: It’s very close actually. A lot of things that were changed were just improvements on the pictures. Things are worded differently, more clear, more consistency throughout the book.

Ulysses was really great with the editing process. They kept a lot of what I wanted to do with the book and the whole spirit of the book. 


There’s millions of horror movies out there. How did you go from a million down to 60?


Richard Sargent: It really had to just speak to me. It had to be bigger and better than the average horror film. Or at least I had to view it that way.

I studied horror and I studied film throughout my life. I can grasp the difference between your average horror film and something that’s trying to influence the viewer in some way. And those are the ones that I tried to put into the book. I know that 60 is not a lot and that’s why there will be more books hopefully.

I thought it would be a fun start to break newbies in. So rather than just hitting every classic that you can think of: Exorcist, Jaws, I picked a lot of classics and mixed them in with some newer things that had more up to date themes and up to date comments on society, like The Conjuring and The Descent, movies like that.

Not everyone seeing this is a huge horror movie fan.  Can you give us any tips or ideas about what makes a really great horror movie?


Richard Sargent: I think it all starts with the characters which then reflects on the script.  So if it’s a really well written script,  it has characters that A) you care about and B) are telling a story within a story, basically, by living through their story, they’re telling us how we should be living our lives. Of course, we know that because of Scream and movies like that, we know the rules of horror.

Don’t don’t say “I’ll be right back” and all that kind of stuff. 

But beyond that, there are things that make a horror film great. It’s a lot of really great being on the side of the outcasts. So if you think of movies like Frankenstein a lot of people will say that the monster is the monster, but the monster is not the monster.  The society not accepting the monster Is the real monster. 

That’s a film that tries to show us how to accept people who are not like us. Some people may say that science is the monster. I am not that kind of person. But, there’s the commentary in that film too, that maybe we shouldn’t do everything that we are able to do with science.

For queer culture and women’s rights we have films like Hereditary that  dive into dealing with grief. 

As long as your characters are doing something important, they’re not just playing with a Ouija board, or running into a shed full of chainsaws.  As long as they’re making smart decisions,, I think it elevates it to the next level, movies like The Exorcist, obviously, more recently, I thought Barbarian just from last year was outstanding, just in that way of telling the story, that was creative to me. 

Ones that stick with you forever. Jaws, a lot of people didn’t want to go in the water after that.


We have a very dinner party kind of an audience. Do you have a favorite kitchen gadget?

Richard Sargent: Yeah, so I had to cook these meals. There were actually some other recipes that I worked on too, for these films that I didn’t put in the book.  Everything is trial and error in the kitchen. So I cooked several of these many times until I found the right measurements of everything.

It was a long process in the kitchen, but a fun one, of course. 

Maybe it makes me basic, but my favorite kitchen gadget is the slow cooker because you can do so much with it and you can step away from it and work on other things while your main meal is sitting there for hours.


Are there 1-2  recipes in the cookbook that you want to point out?


Richard Sargent: As I like to start any meal, let’s start with dessert. I would say I’m super proud of the pavlova from Cabin Fever, if you’re familiar with the movie. The dish is called The Close Shave, and it is a pavlova with Chantilly cream inside and berries on top, berry compote on top, and it just drips through a bloody wound.

I’m pretty proud of that one, and I got a lot of great feedback. I still have my friends from that horror movie night talking about it all the time. 

Another one I’m super proud of is the paella from Broken Lizard’s Club Dread, which is an overlooked horror comedy. Basically, Coconut Pete runs this party island and he has his own special paella, Coconut Pete’s paella, which I tried to recreate with his secret ingredients and I thought it came out pretty well, so I’m pretty pleased with that one as well. 

Let me see, appetizers. One that was fun was just coming up with the popcorn for Scream. I tried a bunch of different flavors and a bunch of different ways of doing it and it’s one of the ones that I feel is a recipe, but also a hack.  An easy way to pop bagged popcorn and put flavoring on it.  

It’s a good one to show that anybody can do what’s in this book. You don’t have to be Martha Stewart to be able to create what’s in this book, recreate it. 

When the book first arrived, I was sitting in a room with teenagers and as old as people in their 70s, so it’s quite a range and we were all having fun with it.

As an author, as a creator, how does that make you feel?  Was it designed to be a communal experience?

Richard Sargent: Putting things out there always makes me nervous.  The feedback that I’ve been getting, hearing people, seeing pictures from people doing their own horror movie nights or just recreating the recipes or just on podcasts and things talking about the clever titles and all that kind of stuff it just makes me feel so good because I was worried that maybe this is just a “me” thing, like I’m just this weirdo super into horror and food.  It’s good to know that I’m not.  The whole horror community, the whole film community is into something like this.


They they can entertain, they can bring their own friends over. They can be the star of their own show. It speaks to everybody. 


Since you are the Horror Movie Night Cookbook expert, can you give us some tips and advice for our next movie night?


Richard Sargent: I’ve done horror film nights where we just all get together and we eat the food and we watch the movies. 

I’ve done one’s where we play extra games other than the drinking games. We have costume contests. It’s really how far you want to go into it. 

But I would say start early if you’re going to use some of the recipes in this book, start early because there are many things that could go wrong especially if you’re not used to cooking and there are things that could go wrong, things that could burn things that might not set the way you want them to.

Have extra ingredients on hand. 

If you don’t like a movie that the recipe is paired with, think about how that recipe could go with another more you like more?

Have fun with it and try it all.

How can we elevate the experience to a Superbowl Sunday level?

Richard Sargent: Definitely add costumes. Decorate. Fog machines are always fun. Pick the ones that pick the recipes that can make it a more social evening. Maybe ones where you add your own stuff to them. Like the one for Cujo is like a burrito bowl, essentially, so that people can add their own ingredients to it.  That gets people up and mingling and having a good time, definitely play the drinking games, but be careful because the drinks are strong.

It’s Halloween season right now.  When is the best time of year for the Horror Movie Night Cookbook?

Richard Sargent: All year. There’s no set time. Horror has so many stories to tell. A lot of them are very important that you can watch them all year round.

Get in that spirit all year round. I think that people don’t give horror the credit that it deserves. There are a lot of great films out there that even people that don’t love horror will like. Those are the ones I think we should be talking about. Horror should always be part of the conversation.

A lot of horror films are set throughout the year, so if you wanted to do a horror movie night for Valentine’s Day, you’ve got plenty to choose from, It’s not just for those of us that like to get dressed up one day a year.  It’s all year round.


As we wrap up, any final message you want foodies or movie lovers to know about you or this book?

Richard Sargent: I would just want them to know that I really did put a lot of thought and heart into everything that they see in this book. I really didn’t just say, Oh, wow, let’s come up with some gimmicky-looking cookie or something. These aren’t decorations. This is real food and real thoughtful recipes that are inspired by things that happen in the film, things that they eat, things that they do, places they go. For example, in The Descent, they are supposed to be spelunking in the Appalachian mountains. So I used a local dish from the Appalachias as that recipe. These are not just Halloween decorations. These are actual recipes that you can enjoy any time of year. But watch the movie too. So yeah, I would just want people to know that don’t expect cutesy little Pinterest ghost cookies. That’s not what you’re going to get. You’re going to get real recipes like you would in any cookbook. This just has the horror edge to it as well.

Where can we learn more about you? Tell us the website, the social media

Richard Sargent: The book can be found at any local bookstore or online Barnes Noble, Amazon

If you want to learn more about me, or just maybe get bonus recipes every now and then on my Instagram you can follow the Horror Movie Night Cookbook Instagram, or my own personal one, @rsargent83.

Tell me what you like. And if you host your own, tag me in that sort of stuff. I’d love to see how your recipes come out, what you would change. I’d love feedback. If you do try any of this, please contact me online and let me know what you liked and what you didn’t.

Celebrate with Style, Health and World-Class Flavor: Jøyus Non-Alcoholic Wines is pouring for you

Celebrate with Style, Health and World-Class Flavor: Jøyus Non-Alcoholic Wines is pouring for you. Not just for #SoberOctober, but its award-winning tastes help you celebrate all year-long.

Jøyus non-alcoholic wines not only taste like wine, but great wine. With the industry awards to prove it. 

Recently I sat down with Jøyus leader Jessica Selander.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  You can find the full, un-edited conversation on our YouTube page.



Can you give us a personal story, maybe that includes the celebration of wine, if you have one?

Jessica Selander: The story is very personal and the funny thing is I get so nervous before talking about things because when I started Joyus, I did not originally [think about] doing things like this, being so face forward. 

I thought I would create a product that I was really excited about.  Eventually I came to realize, how do I do that without telling the “why did I do it?”

The whole reason that Joyus exists and it influences everything I do is because I’m sober.  I quit drinking alcohol 17 years ago now, which just feels like a fantastical amount of time.

For me, it’s been very rewarding. I’m very glad about it. But it was definitely something that was really hard and very personal. It wasn’t something I shared about publicly. So that’s also why this is a journey of getting comfortable talking about my sobriety, my recovery.

I like the taste of wine. I like beautiful glasses. I like the smell of wine.  I love the community and people; and hanging out and celebrating.  It literally says ’let’s celebrate’ on our bottles.  How great sparkling is for summer, but sparkling is such a happy thing.

You know what I mean? Something good happens in your life and people are like, let’s celebrate. Let’s pop some bottles. New Year’s Eve is such a beautiful idea of let’s start over. Whatever happened last year, whatever terrible things went down, there’s a brand new year.

It’s a new idea that we can celebrate either that past year that was good or celebrate the potential of a new year. That’s going to be better and that’s sparkling. 

And for me, I didn’t have any options. 

I started Joyus nine years ago. People ask me how long the company’s been around and we launched about two years ago. So it took me a very long time to figure it out, to save up the money to do it because as you can imagine, nine years ago, people thought it was crazy.

They’re like, ‘That’s a terrible idea. Nobody wants that’. And I’m like ’I want it’.

Having quit drinking, I had a lot of friends that also didn’t drink. I had a lot of people in my life too, who were just light drinkers – could give or take alcohol.  Then I have two kids and there’s a huge percent of the population that quits drinking for nine months [because they’re pregnant], sometimes even longer.

You can get into medications, you’re not supposed to drink on it. Anxiety medication, not supposed to drink on it. Heart medication, cancer treatments. There’s a lot of medical stuff too, that you could go down the list.

So I get a lot of people now who are like, ‘Oh, it’s not alcoholic. It’s trending.’ And that’s a thing now. 

Early on in my sobriety, I actually used to drink a lot of soda pop out of glass bottles, and then eventually discovered non alcoholic beer.

Non alcoholic beer is definitely having a really cool movement right now. There’s so many different options for non alcoholic beer, but the beer has always been around. 

I was like, this exists and it tastes like beer. What’s up with non-alcoholic wine?

There was one sparkling [non-alcoholic wine] in the entire country and that’s all you could find. There was one white and there was one red and that was it.

For me these options were really sweet. They were very affordable, which is nice, but they didn’t have the complete experience that I was going for. I wanted non alcoholic wine that tastes like wine. 

I wanted something that I could bring to a gathering and bring to a get together and have it feel appropriate and look appropriate and just look like everybody else’s [alcoholic] bottles.  Smell like everyone else’s bottles that you just wouldn’t even know that it was non alcoholic until you saw it on the label. And that’s what I did.

So after trying to find it for forever, eventually I was like, I’m going to do it myself. And I had no idea that this whole sober curious, non alcoholic world would take off like it has at exactly the right time.

So part of me is very frustrated that it took so long. But part of that too, it was like saving up the money to start the company.

This is a bootstrap company.  I like making my own decisions. A side effect after getting to this point is I’m 100% in control of all the decisions, which also means that I can control the quality because [it] is incredibly expensive to make.


Let’s talk about your sober story.  What it means to you, how you got there, what your mission is, how that helps others.


Jessica Selander: So for me, I can’t drink alcohol. What happens when I put alcohol in my body is that I make decisions I don’t want to be making.  

I tried a lot of things. I tried cutting back and it didn’t work. I tried replacing [the drinks and that didn’t work].

My life became pretty chaotic. 

I stopped drinking and once I get my life in order, then everything will be fine. I can drink again. 

Then after not drinking for a period of time, I was like, Oh, you know what?  There’s actually something to this and it’s something deeper and it’s probably the best thing I ever did, honestly, in my life. 

I would not be the person I am today on the inside if I had kept drinking.

I have a wonderful spouse and I’ve got amazing kids and I’m able to be a parent and be a person and do that clear eyed and there’s a lot of my upbringing was not the most positive. 

Sober curious, it’s a hashtag now. 

I’m not saying alcohol shouldn’t exist. I’m not that kind of person whatsoever. 

On a personal level it is so exciting to see other brands pop up. The first time I tried non-alcoholic tequila, it blew my mind. It was amazing. The spirits are interesting because some people build it up from science and some people are de-alkalizing; taking the alcohol out.

So that’s the really interesting thing about this. Normally spirits are completely separate from wine, which are very separate from beer, but in non-alcoholic, we’re all in the same swimming pool and everybody’s doing it differently and everybody’s got their own take and you can try one non-alcoholic whiskey and it’s incredibly different from another one.

Community not competition is one of our core values.  Normalizing non drinking is a big one. It’s not necessarily replacing alcohol either. I’ve talked to people in the wine industry who are very offended by the idea of non alcoholic wine.  I’m like no, it’s backwards. You’ve got it backwards. Non-alcoholic wine is a love letter to wine. You love wine so much that you still want to have it. You just can’t have this one piece that’s in it [the alcohol], but I want everything else. 

I want to cheers that glass with other people. I want to drink that red with a really strong stinky cheese. I want to pop that celebratory cork. I want to Rose all day. I just can’t.

I think that wine is very important culturally. It’s so interesting historically. The process is this fascinating mix of art and science.  I love everything about it. Getting deeper and deeper into it too, because I want Joyus to be around for forever and I want to make the best possible non-alcoholic wine.

There’s so much stuff to perfect that I could spend the next 50 years just working on non-alcoholic red – period.


You mentioned you’re seeing other competitors in the marketplace. How many different ways are there to make non-alcoholic wine?  Are some ways higher quality than others?


Jessica Selander: I can give tips. Our wine is a dealcoholized or alcohol removed wine, which means it’s gone through the whole winemaking process.

It’s aged, it’s fermented, and then we have removed the alcohol from it. Our bottles also say it’s non alcoholic. Sometimes you’ll see a bottle in the store and it just says non alcoholic on it. It doesn’t say dealcoholized or alcohol removed. They’re interchangeable. That means it wasn’t fermented.

So if you’re looking for a wine that is really going to taste like wine or have that fermented taste, look for dealcoholized or alcohol removed.

[Look at the label on the bottle] look for dealcoholized or alcohol removed, because it could say that it’s a non alcoholic red or a non-alcoholic grape [varietal] and it might just be a juice, that hasn’t been fermented or ages but comes in a wine bottle.


What are your goals in the present moment and in the near future to help your company continue to be a leader in the industry?


Jessica Selander: I think goals are accessibility. Normalizing sober drinking.  Making [non-alcoholic bottles] easy to find.  We do ship off our website, which is great. We’re shipping from Seattle. We ship everything ourselves.  If you’re out East, it’s going to take four or five days to get to you. 

Also starting to talk to restaurants, getting into more restaurants is a big one.  I’ve had anniversary dinners with my spouse and I’m drinking an Arnold Palmer.

I’m calling restaurants and I’m calling grocery stores and they’re still really skeptical that it can be good and that people want it.


Do you think it’s just audience reaching out? Is there a tipping point?


Jessica Selander: Yes, that really helps having people being in a restaurant and saying, “Hey, what do you have that’s an alcoholic?” Because restaurants are saying nobody’s asking for it. 

Here I am double digit sober and I had never gone into a restaurant and asked for it.

I would look at the [menu’s] non alcoholic section, which is always juice, soda pop, iced tea and stuff. If it’s not on the menu, I would never ask them for anything. Here I am for over a decade, not telling them that I want this thing. So we started doing more education on social media and online.

If you walk into a restaurant, ask them “What do you have that’s not alcoholic?”

Just pregnant people alone. There’s a large percentage of the population.

Is there science that says a pregnant woman can drink this and have zero concerns?


Jessica Selander: Yes. So this is super interesting. In the United States we’re the most strict in terms of alcohol. If you go to the UK, they have different, actually higher limits for how much alcohol can be in something. The US’s rules come from prohibition when you can’t sell, make, transport alcohol.

The government said once it gets under 0.5%, it’s not alcohol anymore. So that’s where that number comes from and sometimes people see it and say, “Oh, there’s a little bit of alcohol in this.” 

There was a study done in Germany where they tested a lot of grocery store items.  What they found was there’s a lot of stuff in our grocery stores that had a little bit of alcohol in it. Very ripe bananas, which we feed to toddlers have some alcohol in them. Orange juice is another one.

American hamburger buns. But it also makes sense, bread, yeast and we have more sugar in our products, right? Bread actually has more alcohol than people realize. 

Let’s talk about your wine’s flavors and aromas and the winemaking process to get there.

Jessica Selander: I knew what I wanted and I was incredibly picky about it. 

We launched with the sparkling white and the sparkling Rose’ and people were asking for a Rose’ with no bubbles.

I thought it would be easy.  It was not easy. 

Stills are very different from sparkling. I’m a balance of “I know what I want. I’m going for this thing and very focused”, but then I’m also balanced with listening. So we do a lot of focus groups. I do want feedback.  I do want opinions. 

We were working on it.  Everyone’s saying it’s good, it’s great.  But I didn’t think it was good enough. We were supposed to launch it in summer and I pushed everything back.  Back to the drawing board. 

What if we did this? What if that?  Talking to people, reading science and chemistry books

Was it like working for the right blend?

Jessica Selander: It’s tweaking so many different things and pieces in the blend. But it doesn’t always work out.  If you tweak a blend, sometimes other notes will come forward that you’re not expecting, or sometimes you’ve diminished things that you didn’t intend to diminish.

The still Rose is a great example, it didn’t have that click and so I just kept working on it. And that’s the one that won Double Gold and Best in Class in the San Francisco International Wine Competition, which is one of the biggest and oldest blind tastings in the world and the biggest and oldest blind tasting in the U.S.


Can you share any details and lessons you learned taking on the world of winemaking?


Jessica Selander: There’s so many things.  We’re not just making wine.  We’re wholesale, we’re distributing, we’re direct to consumer. We have so many different facets. 

I could talk for hours about how our wines are very low in sugar and they don’t have the alcohol in them. So our [bottles] probably freeze easier than anything else on the market. So shipping during the winter.

I’ve had conversations with other non alcoholic people too.  Everybody’s doing it differently and that’s the hard part too, where I feel like there’s a solution for every problem.

We’ve gotten better and better at winter shipping, but it’s not quite there yet.  Figuring out what can we ship in that’s going to have thermal protection, but isn’t going to contribute a ton of garbage. We’ve got the most eco-friendly, innovative winter shippers.  They’re made of corn. 

They’re expensive as hell, but it’s better than styrofoam. We have to keep everything under 50 pounds for UPS and 12 bottles of sparkling is 51 pounds in these corn shippers.

That thermal protection is still not enough, so we added heat packs. 

Let’s talk about your wines.


Jessica Selander: We have four varietals.  We’ve got our sparkling white, a sparkling Rosé. Still Rosé, a Cabernet Sauvignon. I love our red a lot. The reds are hard. They’re the most complicated; red wine has the highest alcohol content to begin with.

What flavor notes should we be looking for?


Jessica Selander: It’s definitely an American Cab. More fruit forward. It’s not grape juice. It’s fermented, it’s aged in American oak so you’ll get some green-ness to, like forest floor.  The longer it’s been open the more tasting notes you’ll get. I like it more and more throughout the week because the fruit notes settle down. Black currant, cherry, some leather 

The still rosé, watermelon, a nice floral to it. 

Sparkling rosé. Slightly floral.  Some orange blossom to it.  Blackberry, but some people say raspberry. Some people say strawberry.  They’re very summery

I think sometimes tasting notes feel in excess because we all taste things very differently. 

Our audience is foodies. Let’s talk a little bit about some of your favorite meals that you think would pair that your favorite pairings with your wines


Jessica Selander: I bake. I come from a big family, so I can pretty much cook anything. 

I heard someone say one time that baking was more science. And cooking was more art and I do agree with that. 

Let’s talk about the wine competitions. How you see them, what the experience has been like, and of course, what their results have been.

Jessica Selander: I did not know that competition was as big of a deal as it is [which was a blessing].  So what happened was I was beating my head against the wall being like, “They taste like wine!”  And my brother said, nobody believes you. You have to enter them into wine competitions. You need to prove to them in their own landscape that you belong there. 

So, here’s this competition. The first one, the sparkling rosé won gold and sparkling white won bronze.

Then I looked deeper into what the competition was [and realized it was the acclaimed San Francisco International Wine Competition & World Spirits Competition ]. It was a blessing because I think I would have been scared to do it. Then [next year] I do it with the Still Rose and the Cab.  Then hearing back, you’ve got the highest a non-alcoholic has ever gotten and you’re Still Rose is the best non-alcoholic wine of any varietal entered from all over the world. 

I was only wondering if it was even going to place, and here it ends up winning the best.

I was at a grocery store [today] I’ve been trying to get into for two years where the head buyer won’t even try it. So it’s [frustrating] but the more of these awards that we stack up, at some point in time they have to not ignore it. They’ll be like, Oh, this is a real thing.

We haven’t [hit that goal], it’s not normalized yet. We’re in over 300 stores and in almost in every state.


If you want more non-alcoholic near you at a restaurant and grocery store, what are the step-by-step, simple direction

Jessica Selander: This is super easy for people.

So if there’s a grocery store or a local market that you shop at already, you just go into the wine department and say, “Hey, what non-alcoholic wine do you have?”  And let them know you want it.  Verbally say it

It’s the same thing in restaurants. I do it myself now too, where I get the menu and I’m not seeing what the stuff on it. And I just ask and say, Hey, what non alcoholic stuff do you have?” 


Tell us how we can learn more about Joyus.  Shopping and following on social media.


Jessica Selander: So all of our social media stuff, our website is DrinkJoyus.com. Our Facebook, our Instagram, our TikTok are all DrinkJoyus

And on the website, there is this Find Joyus store finder map. So you can look on there and find us closest to you and working hard to add new stores pretty much weekly and email, email us. There’s a contact form on the website. Email. If you’re like, Hey, there’s a store by me. I want them to carry you. Email us. And we will call them and we will try, we’ll do our best and we’ll call them again three months later and we’ll call them again.


Yum! Celebrate Pasadena Flavors on Friday Oct 6 – Pasadena Magazine Presents the Inaugural Taste of Pasadena 2023: A Culinary Extravaganza!

Pasadena Magazine Presents the Inaugural Taste of Pasadena 2023: A Culinary Extravaganza!

Pasadena magazine is thrilled to announce the debut of its highly anticipated culinary event, the Taste of Pasadena 2023!

Taste of Pasadena 2023

Taste of Pasadena 2023

This spectacular inaugural celebration will take place on Friday, October 6th, 2023, at the Pasadena Convention Center Historic Exhibit Hall C, running from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm.

“The Taste of Pasadena is…

an immersive celebration of culinary excellence, culture, and community”

“The Taste of Pasadena is not merely another event; it is an immersive celebration of culinary excellence, culture, and community,” says Malina Saval, Editor-In-Chief for Pasadena magazine.

“This event promises an unforgettable evening of delectable experiences,

featuring unlimited tastings

from top chefs and

renowned restaurants spanning the San Gabriel Valley and beyond.”

Guests can look forward to a wide array of culinary offerings, handcrafted cocktails, live music, and captivating experiences that will engage and delight every guest.

Taste of Pasadena 2023

Taste of Pasadena 2023

Participating Restaurants

Some of this year’s Taste of Pasadena 2023 participating Restaurants include Arth Bar + Kitchen, Cabrera’s Mexican Cuisine, Celestino Ristorante, Champion’s Curry, Engine Co. No. 28, Farina Pizza, Granville, Great Maple, Lunasia Modern Dim Sum & Cuisine, KAVIAR, Pez Cantina, The Luggage Room Pizzeria & La Grande Orange, The Raymond 1886, Santa Anita Park, Twohey’s, and more to be announced.


2023 Desserts include Beard Papa’s Pasadena, Bertha Mae’s Brownie Co., Esther & Olivia BouqCakes, I Like Pike Bakeshop, Marsatta Chocolate, Ms. Rhonda’s Crack-N-Pop, and Nothing Bundt Cakes just to name a few.

Wines being Poured

Wines will be poured by Adobe Road Winery (Sonoma County), Bernardus Winery (Carmel Valley), Bouchaine Vineyards (Carneros Napa Valley), Defiance Vineyard (Paso Robles), The Mill Keeper by Gamble Family Vineyards (Napa Valley), Tercero Wines (Santa Barbara), Vino Los Angeles (Mexico), Wilson Creek Winery & Vineyards (Temecula Valley), and more.

Spirits, Cocktails, Beer, Music, and Special Experiences


Spirits, Cocktails, Beer, Music, and Special Experiences courtesy of Acqua Panna, Cerveceria Del Pueblo,Balcones, Corbin Cash Distillery, Casa Azul Tequila, Dough Ball Whiskey, Frey Ranch Farmers + Distillers, Knox & Dobson, Mezcal 33, Old Hillside Bourbon, Rancho La Gloria Tequila, Shelter Distilling, and many more.

Special Partners and Sponsors: AbilityFirst, Pasadena Convention Center, Visit Pasadena, Sodexo Live!,Pasadena Chamber of Commerce, Yelp, and Viva LA.

Pasadena Magazine Presents the Inaugural Taste of Pasadena 2023

Ticket Information:

The inaugural Taste of Pasadena will take place on Friday, October 6th, 2023, at the Pasadena Convention Center Historic Exhibit Hall C from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm and this is a 21+ event.

General ticket prices are $85 ($100 at the door the day of the event). Early Bird Pricing is available for $60 until Friday, September 22nd, 2023.

For more information and to get your tickets today, please visit Pasadenamag.com/taste.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam is a Destination Dining Redefining Global Gastronomy

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Redefines Global Gastronomy as a Destination Dining

In recent years, Vietnam has become recognized as one of the must visit, premiere dining destinations on the planet. 

From bustling street food markets, where the aroma of sizzling meats, zesty herbs and fragrant spices fills the air, to the abundance of premiere fine dining restaurants showcasing local Vietnamese flavors infused into classic European recipes, Vietnam promises its international visitors an unparalleled East meets West culinary adventure. 

In 2016, Anthony Bourdain taught former President Barack Obama the art of the noodle slurp, while throwing back some local Vietnamese beers, and feasting on piping hot bowls of Bún Chả at a local Hanoian restaurant.

In a recent interview, Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsey named Vietnam his top food destination in the world.  The Michelin Guide recently awarded three of Vietnam’s leading restaurants their coveted stars for the 2023 season. 

To say the country is achieving sensational, and well earned, praise on the global culinary stage is an understatement, and with post-Covid international tourism sharply on the rise, we thought we’d to share our top 5 picks for some of the best dining destinations within Vietnam’s bustling southern metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City.




Noriboi has reimagined traditional Japanese cuisine with their artistic, and highly inspired, modernist approach to their fine dining menus. 

Evoking a one-of-a-kind, and simply astonishing, multi-sensory gastronomic experience, their expert team of Japanese trained Master Sushi Chefs, each a Vietnamese native, apply molecular gastronomy to craft and underscore each dish, producing sublime artistic presentations, unsurpassed by even the best restaurants in Tokyo. 

Utilizing only the very finest seafood, Wagyu Beef and even rice, imported daily from Japan, and paired with regional Vietnamese and specialty ingredients, each plate is an utter triumph of taste, texture and artistic presentation. 

In addition to their daily Omakase and a la carte menu offerings, Noriboi is also known for their exclusive dining events, which upon announcement on their social media outlets becomes the hottest reservation in town, sold-out within hours of their postings. 

10-course Summer Truffle Omakase

They recently presented a 10-course Summer Truffle Omakase, where each dish was highlighted by the earthy and distinctive flavor of freshly shaved imported European truffles, and a Kegani Omakase, with the highly coveted Kegani Hairy Crabs, a seasonal Japanese delicacy, as the focus ingredient. 

If you wish to experience truly outstanding Japanese food during your trip to Saigon, Noriboi cannot be missed.

35 Ngo Quang Huy Street, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City


All-Day Dining Divine


LUCA – Eatery & Bar Lounge is a fantastic all-day dining eatery, offering its guests a bountiful array of local Vietnamese and Western dishes to choose from, satisfying even the most discerning and astute culinary palate. 

It’s a favorite restaurant destination for neighborhood locals and visiting tourists alike, craving an inventive and sophisticated array of dishes, served at any time of the day.  With menus designed by their talented Executive Chef An, for breakfast or Brunch, the fluffy Soufflé Pancakes, decadent Luxe Lobster Benedict and their Phở Bò Luca, an elevated spin on the Vietnamese classic, are spectacular. And for the coffee lover, try their Vietnamese Salted Egg Coffee, a staple beverage from Hanoi- rich, creamy, salty and sweet. 

For lunch, the Summer Peaches and Kale Salad is crisp, refreshing, and the perfect choice for a hot Saigon summer’s day, as is the Scallop Carpaccio with raw sweet Hokkaido Scallops, gently kissed with a drizzle of Yuzu sauce for a touch of acid.  

For Happy Hour, indulge in a platter of the freshest Miyagi Oysters, perfect to pair with a late afternoon glass or two of Rosé.  And for dinner, a hardy Australian Rib Eye Steak should do the trick, served with Chef’s signature Steak Sauce.  At any time of the day when visiting Saigon, Luca is a great choice to experience a chic dining atmosphere and truly wonderful food.

49 Xuan Thuy Street, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City


American Comfort Food Infused with Vietnamese Flavors

OKRA Foodbar

Chicago, Illinois born Chef-Owner Jamie Celaya developed his menu to showcase the incredible bounty of regional produce, products, and seasonings available in Vietnam. 

Described as

“International Izakaya, third culture cuisine”

which to the laymen doesn’t make sense until you experience it, Okra offers “Subtle” small plates of vegetable forward comfort food, meant for sharing, and a selection of larger portioned “Sufficient” mains for a healthy appetite. 

Located in Thao Dien, in District two, this intimate and contemporary eatery with a laid back and unpretentious vibe serves up simply delicious food and craft cocktails, with warm and friendly service. 

Must try dishes at Okra include their spin on Street Corn, with Cilantro, Parmesan, Chili, Brown Bourbon Butter and Pork Floss, Grilled Broccolini with Truffle Crème Fraiche & Sa Tế Chili Oil, Land & Sea-Viche, a Sea Bass Crudo with Braised Pigs Ear, Chili, Lime and Bánh Tráng, and their signature Charred Okra with Preserved Lemon-Tomato Jam, Curry Yogurt, Burnt Pomelo and Sarsaparilla-za Atar. 

And to wash it all down, a chilled glass of Mùa Craft Sake on draft, also proudly brewed in Vietnam.

10 Thao Dien Street, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City  


Contemporary Vietnamese Cuisine & Cocktails 

The Triệu Institute


The concept of pairing craft cocktails with food is a gastronomic trend which has gained tremendous popularity in recent years in Vietnam, and no dining destination has perfected this principle better than The Triệu Institute.

They serve inventive contemporary Vietnamese dishes containing all the aromatics found within the gins of their namesake craft gin brand Lady Triệu, and their food and bespoke beverages blend in perfect harmony, allowing each patron to eat and drink simultaneously the bold, and singular flavors which Vietnam has become so famous for.  

A popular pairing include the Cured Kingfish, pickled with a housemade Hibiscus Vinegar which takes eight to ten weeks to complete, infusing sweet, sour, and floral notes deep within the fish, and a Flower General cocktail, containing Dalat Flowerbomb Gin, Wasabi, Jasmine Syrup and Seaweed Foam;  it’s a perfected combination.

10 Mac Thi Buoi Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City


Vietnamese Cuisine Portraying a Story

Nén Light Restaurant

Deeply committed to producing preeminent modern Vietnamese cuisine which pays homage to their country’s rich and vibrant heritage, Nén Light’s team of outstanding culinary artists developed their restaurant’s concept of Conscious Vietnamese Cuisine (Ẩm Thực Nhìn) to showcase their knowledge, appreciation and deep respect for their native roots and beloved culture. 

Serving wildly creative, 6-9 course storytelling tasting menus, they showcase hyper-local Vietnamese ingredients discovered on foraging trips throughout Central Vietnam, and guide each guest though a unique and unparalleled culinary journey which engages all five senses. 

Along with a Sake pairing, expertly curated by their in-house Sake Sommelier, and a “Conversation Pairing”, allowing servers to share the story behind the evolution of each plate,  a visit to Nén Light Restaurant will guarantee a singular and unrivaled immersive Vietnamese dining experience.

122/2 Tran Dinh Xu, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward, Ho Chi Minh City


A.O.C. Debuts Five New Seasonal Cocktails at 3rd Street & Brentwood Locations

A.O.C. Debuts Five New Seasonal Cocktails at 3rd Street & Brentwood Locations

Market-Fresh Seasonal Cocktails Crafted by Head Barman Ignacio Murillo Now Available at Suzanne Goin and Caroline Styne’s A.O.C. Restaurants

A.O.C. debuts a new cocktail menu crafted by Ignacio Murillo to welcome the changing summer produce and warmer temperatures.

In addition to the full bar of premium and classic cocktails, the specialty drinks at both 3rd Street and Brentwood locations include:

Summer Chelada with Skyduster Rice Beer, Watermelon, Chamoy, Tamarind & Lime;

Red Maya with Mezcal, Lemon, Red Plum & Maple;

California Sangria with White Wine, Argonaut Brandy, Citrus & Yellow Peach (2 Servings);

Bing Sour with Gin, Lemon, Egg White & House Cherry Liqueur;

and The Kingdom with Suntory Toki Whiskey, Strawberry Aperitivo & Rhubarb Bitters.

From his early days as a busser at the OG A.O.C. at 3rd & Crescent Heights, Ignacio Murillo always went the extra mile and immersed himself in the A.O.C. ways.

He came to every wine and cheese tasting, dedicated to being the best he could be, and made himself a key member of the A.O.C. family. Eventually, he moved to the bartender position, where he honed his cocktail-making skills, developing an incredible palate and a talent for layering flavors and textures in a magical way.

Murillo is now taking center stage, running A.O.C.’s bar program featuring seasonally motivated cocktails created to pair with Chef Suzanne Goin’s market menu offerings.

Cocktails are priced at $18 and $34 for a pitcher of Sangria. They are available now and continue through the summer season.

summer chelada 18

skyduster rice beer, watermelon, chamoy, tamarind & lime

Cheladas are the simplest of the cervezas preparadas, or beer cocktails; just beer, lots of lime and a salt rim. We’ve made an even more refreshing version with farmers’ market watermelon, spicy tamarind chamoy and a chili-salt rim. When combined with local brewer,

Skyduster’s Super Dry rice lager, this drink becomes the perfect summer crusher.

Of course, we can always make it with non-alcoholic beer for those who want something “free-spirited!”

red maya 18

mezcal, lemon, red plum & maple

When thinking about a summer mezcal cocktail, we decided to turn to one of our favorite summer fruits, the plum. We love the way the rich sweetness of red plums play off the smokiness of mezcal. We added a squeeze of lemon and a touch of maple syrup to marry the flavors and to create a sophisticated yet refreshing hot-weather cocktail.

california sangria 34

white wine, argonaut brandy, citrus & yellow peach

Sangria just screams Summer! And we wanted ours to scream California. So we started with a white California wine and loaded it with lots of California peaches, California oranges and our own peach liqueur (made from California peaches, ofcourse), and finished it with our favorite Californian brandy from our friends at Argonaut.

Served in a pitcher of two orders each.

bing sour 18

gin, lemon, egg white & house cherry liqueur

Because cherry season comes and goes so quickly, we always make a house cherry liqueur to preserve that flavor all year. To showcase the perfect sweet-sour balance of the Bing Cherries at the market right now, we decided to simply mix our liqueur with some egg white

and gin to present as a classic sour.

kingdom $18

suntory toki whiskey, strawberry aperitivo, rhubarb bitters, orange

While Tochigi is the prefecture in eastern Japan known as the strawberry kingdom, here in Los Angeles, anyone who loves strawberries swears by Harry’s Berries, a family farm started by Harry Iwamoto and whose legacy is carried on by his family in Oxnard. This locally grown treasure is highlighted in Kingdom to create a spirit-forward seasonal cocktail. This combination of strawberry aperitivo, house-made rhubarb bitters and Suntory Toki whiskey is A.O.C.’s nod to a classic Manhattan.


Serving now and continuing through the summer season; available for lunch, brunch & dinner per operating hours

A.O.C. 3rd Street


Sunday – Thursday 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Friday & Saturday 5:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.


Saturday & Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Pick up & delivery

5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. nightly

Saturday – Sunday brunch 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

A.O.C. in Brentwood


Wednesday – Friday 11:30 – 2:30 p.m.


Sunday – Thursday 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Friday & Saturday 5:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.


Saturday & Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Pick up & delivery

5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. nightly


A.O.C. 3rd Street

8700 W. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90048 – 310.859.9859

A.O.C. in Brentwood

11648 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049 – 310.806.6464


With the opening of Lucques, their flagship restaurant, in 1998, James Beard Foundation award-winning Chef/Author Suzanne Goin and award-winning Restaurateur Caroline Styne planted the seeds for The Lucques Group, a Los Angeles hospitality company that comprises two fine dining restaurants – A.O.C. in both Los Angeles and Brentwood. Along with these culinary enterprises, the company also owns the Larder Baking Company and oversees Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine, which curates all the food and beverage outlets at L.A.’s iconic music venue. The duo also operates two new restaurants – Caldo Verde and Cara Cara, and the new Dahlia cocktail bar at the Downtown L.A. Proper Hotel. The Lucques Group is dedicated to seasonally influenced cooking and focuses on sourcing local, organic produce from which Goin creates soulful dishes that are bold in flavor, vibrant, layered and complex.

For further information and complete menus, visit


Scott Augat, Sam Seidenberg Lead Cuyama Buckhorn’s Buckhorn Bar — Unlike any Roadside Cowboy Bar in High Desert Country

Cuyama Buckhorn’s Buckhorn Bar, led by Scott Augat and Sam Seidenberg is Unlike any Roadside Cowboy Bar in the High Desert

Bar Lead Sam Seidenberg is doing something twofold at the Buckhorn Bar – he is encouraging and creating cultural exchanges unlike perhaps anywhere else in the state, and he is taking the idea of outdoors-to-glass to the next level.

A high desert hideaway, Cuyama Buckhorn sits on Highway 166 between Santa Maria and Bakersfield, CA—an hour away from Santa Maria Airport, two hours from Santa Barbara Airport, two and a half hours from Los Angeles International Airport, two hours from Burbank Airport, and just over an hour from Bakersfield Municipal Airport.

The L88 airstrip, a privately-owned, public use airport is 2 blocks from the resort.

Nestled in what is referred to as The Hidden Valley of Enchantment—a fitting nickname for this hidden gem of a region—Cuyama Buckhorn neighbors small farms, ranches, wineries, and natural landmarks including Carrizo Plain National Monument, Los Padres National Forest, and Bitter Creek Wildlife Preserve. The area is a popular destination for motorcyclists and pilots.

Cuyama Buckhorn was originally a roadside motel built for oil executives to have a place to stay in the 1950s, and in the 70+ years since it opened, has since catered to everyone from local ranchers and cowboys to bikers and car buffs out for their Sunday drives.

Seidenberg brings a wealth of experience to the job, having worked in bars in San Francisco and Portland before discovering New Cuyama one day and realizing the town had everything he needed.

Today the bar’s motto “Come as you are” welcomes everyone from mountain bikers and outdoor enthusiasts to city folks looking to enjoy the resort for the weekend.

“This is essentially an American country bar and my goal is for us to meet the needs of everyone who walks through the door,”

says Seidenberg.

“We have a more diverse clientele here than I ever saw when I was working in the Mission District in San Francisco,” says Seidenberg of the scene.

What he has done with the cocktail program is create a way to tell stories through the drinks he’s created and thus encourage those drinking them to better understand where they are at that moment.


God’s Country, made with Rye, 3H Wagyu Beef, Coors Light and Corn

God’s Country, made with Rye, 3H Wagyu Beef, Coors Light and Corn


For example, his drink,  God’s Country, made with Rye, 3H Wagyu Beef, Coors Light and Corn is basically an homage to the ranch traditions of the Valley itself.

As with the layered stories behind each drink, Seidenberg, who has a deep personal passion for the area and the Los Padres National Forest in particular, focuses on layering ingredients from the region as well into each drink he develops.

Whether he be out for a mountain bike ride or a trek into the mountains, he’s always on the hunt for what he can bring back into the bar and ultimately the glass. While manzanita may be highly endangered elsewhere in the state, in the Cuyama Valley it grows abundantly and Seidenberg finds many ways to use it from harvesting berries to picking the flowers.

A drink such as the Prickly Pear, Manzanita Flower, Yerba Santa and Mezcal Spritzer is just one example of the fruits of his labor.

General Manager and Sommelier Scott Augat, who has spent his career at some of the best restaurants in Boston, Miami and Dallas,  is also passionate about both creating conversation and inciting curiosity with bar patrons.

Augat’s sourcing of draft beers includes some local favorites

Augat’s sourcing of draft beers includes some local favorites, including a beer from There Does Not Exist, a local San Luis Obispo brewery helmed by Max Montgomery, who worked at Firestone-Walker Brewing for many years.

The “Cans & Bottles” section features “usual suspects” and then there are the unusual suspects – outliers like Anchorage Brewing’s Sent By Liars, Oxbow Brewing Company’s Bramble On, and Fonteinen’s Sherry Lambikken Blend, to name a few.

Augat’s wine list of nearly 60 wines offers more than a few surprise-and-delight moments. While Augat recognizes that Cuyama Buckhorn is in Santa Barbara County, one of the country’s top wine producing regions, he also wants to introduce guests to wines from other regions that are making their best versions of particular grape varietals –think small regions of Italy and France, as well as Austria, Lebanon, and Slovenia. He’s focused on seeking out small producers and showcasing single vineyard wines from across the globe.

Between Seidenberg and Augat and their team, locals and hotel guests are in good hands where libations are concerned. Not only is everyone guaranteed a stellar beverage experience here, but they may get an education at the same time. Everyone who works behind the bar shares a passion for talking to people and sharing stories, which seems to create an environment where guests find themselves talking and learning, intentionally or unintentionally, about the area and each other.


Cuyama Buckhorn’s Buckhorn Bar Menu


The bar menu is divided into six sections – Farm to Glass, Barrel Aged Cocktails, Macerations, Draft Beer, Cans and Bottles, and Spirits Flights.

FARM TO GLASS is five enticing elixirs, all created to showcase the house-made liqueurs, bitters and seasonal syrups made from local produce and foraged herbs that feature prominently in each glass. Each cocktail is $18.


Done Deal

Aquavit, Amaro, Golden Beet, Lemon

Long December

Reposado, Carrot, Cardamom, Honey

Chelsea Cooler

Botanicals, Celery, Thyme, Red Peppercorn

God’s Country

Rye, 3H Wagyu Beef, Coors Light, Corn


Grappa, Pineapple, Campari, y, Chartreuse

BARREL AGED COCKTAILS are served from a wine thief from one of four Rod & Hammer whiskey barrels. Each one holds a traditional cocktail such as a Manhattan, a Boulevardier, a White Negroni and a Nouveau Carré and all are made using the Solera aging process so that the flavor of each drink develops over time.  Each cocktail is $20.

MACERATIONS are visual delights and feature Tequila, Grappa, Rum and Whiskey

MACERATIONS are visual delights and feature Tequila, Grappa, Rum and Whiskey – each infused with a combination of flavors such as watermelon, hibiscus and black pepper corn or pineapple, tomatillo and arbol chiles. The watermelon and pineapple have both been smoked with Cypress wood from a felled tree on the property. These can be sipped neat, used in cocktails or  served over a large ice cube topped with a splash of Topo Chico. Macerations are $10.

The FLIGHT MENU is two flights of each spirit–Bourbon, Rye, Peated Whiskey, Brandy/Cognac, Gin, Mezcal and Tequila–with the choice of a Staple Flight or a Premium Flight. Flight mats are provided (staple flights on one side, premium on the other) with information about each spirit along with tasting notes.

Call (661) 766-2825 or visit https://www.cuyamabuckhorn.com/to reserve

E-mail: hello@cuyamabuckhorn.com



Instagram: @cuyamabuckhorn


4923 Primero Street, New Cuyama, CA 93254

A high desert hideaway, Cuyama Buckhorn sits on Highway 166 between Santa Maria and Bakersfield, CA—an hour away from Santa Maria Airport, two hours from Santa Barbara Airport, two and a half hours from Los Angeles International Airport, two hours from Burbank Airport, and just over an hour from Bakersfield Municipal Airport. The L88 airstrip, a privately-owned, public use airport is 2 blocks from the resort.

Nestled in what is referred to as The Hidden Valley of Enchantment—a fitting nickname for this hidden gem of a region—Cuyama Buckhorn neighbors small farms, ranches, wineries, and natural landmarks including Carrizo Plain National Monument, Los Padres National Forest, and Bitter Creek Wildlife Preserve. The area is a popular destination for motorcyclists and pilots.


Cuyama Buckhorn is a timeless roadside resort, restaurant, bar, and coffee shop in the heart of California’s high desert within Santa Barbara County, approximately 2 hours north of Los Angeles.

First opened in 1952, Cuyama Buckhorn was remodeled by 2 Los Angeles-based designers who sought to bring the rich history of the resort back to life. The modern motel features 21 renovated Western-chic guest rooms, all with dedicated patio areas. Vintage accents and fixtures throughout the resort nod to the property’s rancher history and original mid-century architecture.

For dining, the property features a farm-to-table restaurant, bar, and coffee shop, along with spaces for hosting private events, weddings, or meetings.

Island-Inspired Cocktail Bar ‘Gin Rummy’ Opens on the Westside Memorial Day Weekend

Gin Rummy – An Island-Inspired Cocktail Bar Opens on the Westside Memorial Day Weekend

Renowned Los Angeles bar proprietor Jared Meisler (The Roger Room, Bar Lubitsch, The Friend and The Little Friend) and the exemplary team of David and Patti Reiss of Reiss Co. (The Brig and The Alibi Room) announce the opening of a new westside cocktail establishment, GIN RUMMY, on Friday, May 26, 2023.


The cocktail program is masterfully led by Beverage Directors Danilo Kim, formerly of The Alibi Room and Nueva and Marcus Ragas, whose resume includes The Chestnut Club and Caboco.

Located at 822 Washington Boulevard, Marina del Rey, adjacent to Meisler’s popular Little Friend, GIN RUMMY takes over NUEVA after a successful three-year run.

Meisler states that he and his partners saw a need for a large and welcoming bar space in the neighborhood.

Meisler states:

“I’ve always loved the cocktails that come from beach cultures, just as much as I love the imagery and feel of beachy bars. I see a through line between a Tiki Bar, a Cuban Rum Bar, a Mexican Cantina, a Brazilian Quisque, a Spanish Chiringuito and a Venice Beach watering hole. They’re all timeless, relaxed, and fun, serving fantastic and unique drinks…

“…Gin Rummy is an homage to all things Beach Bar, from Nautical to Tropical, in a vintage parlor.”

At this gateway to Venice, GIN RUMMY invites passersby to escape to the tropics and get swept away, sipping exotic cocktails and enjoying delicious snacks in a pirate’s lair.

Gin Rummy’s spacious 200-seat setting…


The spacious 200-seat setting… reimagined and designed by Jared Meisler creates a colorful and ornate island paradise marrying nautical and South Pacific themes with contemporary design.

Enter Gin Rummy’s large front door…

Enter GIN RUMMY through the large front door just off Washington and take in the huge zinc-top mahogany bar with shelves stacked with vast arrays of rum, gin, tequila, and mezcal along with decorative tchotchkes of ships in bottles.

A large bank of skylights above the bar provides soft sunlight during golden hour as guests relax in a convivial state of mind.

When dusk turns to night, the far wall is illuminated by a row of vintage island-themed pinball machines giving GIN RUMMY a timeless, comfortable feel.

As one’s eye travels the room, imbibers take in giant redwood beams supporting a tongue and grove ceiling adorned by funky glassware. Native and tribal prints cover the bar stools and wood booths.

Scattered around the room are mini palm trees and lush tropical plants adorned with brass ship hardware. The thick posts are wrapped in nautical rope and accented with imagery of Caribbean and Polynesian life, ocean and boats and jungle paintings. Other notes include large bone-inlaid mirrors, woven wood light fixtures, rattan chairs, and lazy ceiling fans for a sultry Key Largo effect.

On Gin Rummy’s Outside…


Outside, the convertible indoor/outdoor patio exudes a tropical sandy beachy village vibe, adorned with wood carvings and carved wooden mirrors. The natural oak tables are painted with checker and backgammon boards, inviting guests to linger and play games comfortably in reclined rattan chairs. Lush tropical foliage is covered by a mahogany pergola illuminating the space with brass ship lights.


Gin Rummy’s playful craft cocktail bar program


At GIN RUMMY, Beverage Directors Marcus Ragas and Danilo Kim have created an inventive and playful craft cocktail bar program and menu:

Fun drinks equal a fun vibe. Look for categories of FROZEN RUMMYS, STIRRED and TIKI, classic and imaginative HIGHBALLS, as well as the irresistible COCKTAILS FOR FOUR that look back to the legendary Trader Vic’s from days gone by.

GIN RUMMY offers several NO BOOZE options for the sober crowd or designated driver.


GIN RUMMY is open daily: Monday – Friday: from 4:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.; Saturday and Sunday: from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m. and Happy Hour: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. nightly.


Hemingway Daiquiri with Rum, Grapefruit, Luxardo Maraschino & Lime

Guava Daiquiri; Mango Ango

Habanero Honeysuckle

Frozen Margaritas

Pina Colada




Banana Manhattan

MSG Old Fashioned

Tail of The Cock with Oaked Cachaca, Cynar, Carpano Antica & Orange Bitters



Agave Zombie

Velvet Falernum

Pina Colada

Nui Nui

Jungle Bird

Marina Fog Cutter

Tropical Itch; Rye Tai

Pain Killer (for two, served in a pineapple)



Gin & Tonic

Super Paloma

Captains Wheel

AK Mojito

Yuzu Spritz with Gin, Yuzu, Aperol & Champagne



Reina Picante

Strawberry Caipirinha


Corpse Reviver No. 47 with Chamomile Infused Gin, Yellow Chartreuse,

Lemon, Orange Curaçao, Absinthe & Chamomile Smoke

Nitro Charged Carajillo



Scorpion Bowl with Vodka, Gin, Light Rum, Dark Rum, 151 Rum, Pineapple, Orange & Lemon

Fish Bowl with Vodka, Coconut Rum, Blue curaçao, Lemon & Pineapple.


For guests who prefer sans alcohol, there are creative NO BOOZE options, including Passionfruit Picante Spritz with Passionfruit, Tamarind, Lime, Black Lava Saline, Thai Chili & Mineral Water; Virgin Mint Margarita with Spiritless Jalisco Tequila, Lyres Orange Sec, Lime & Agave; and Not Gin & Tonic with Ritual Zero Proof Gin, Rosemary, Sea Bean, Lemon Basil, Juniper Berry and Fever Tree Tonic.


For a complete list, please visit GIN RUMMY’s online drink and spirits menu


GIN RUMMY offers a selection of satisfying nosh to enjoy

while sipping on delicious cocktails and dreaming of the Pacific.


Crispy Cauliflower

Tempura Calamari

Coconut Shrimp

Fries and Sweet Potato Fries

 Onion Rings



(with Buffalo, BBQ and Lemon Pepper Mango Habanero Thai Chili)

Beer Battered Fish & Chips

 Chicken & Chips

Vegan Chicken & Chips

(Sauces – Chipotle Aioli, BBQ, Hot Honey, Creamy Ranch, Vegan Ranch, Cocktail Sauce, Tartar Sauce, Thai Chili, Honey Mustard, Yellow Mustard, Buffalo & Mango Habanero)


Smokey Caesar

Kale Salad

Aaarrrugula & Quinoa



Zucchini & Squash

Shrimp; Chicken


Carne Asada

(served with Salsa and Onions)


Key Lime

Chocolate Chess

Banana Cream

(for a complete list, please visit GIN RUMMY’s online SNACKS menu)


Monday – Friday: from 4:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.

Saturday and Sunday: from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.

Happy Hour: 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. nightly


GIN RUMMY offers customized Event Planning by appointment at info@ginrummybar.com. 

Come have a taste! Hollywood Bowl Previews their Food + Wine Menu for the 2023 Season

Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine for the 2023 Season presented by Los Angeles Philharmonic Association

The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association announces it’s menus for the 2023 Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine season.

Eighth year with award-winning chef Suzanne Goin and restaurateur Caroline Styne


Now into the eighth year with award-winning chef Suzanne Goin and restaurateur Caroline Styne, Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine promises exceptional dining for visitors to the iconic venue.

Goin and Styne’s culinary history has defined Los Angeles tastes since 1998 when they opened Lucques, their legendary first restaurant.

At the Hollywood Bowl, their California-inspired offerings include three restaurants and three marketplaces.

Additionally, menus for the Terrace and Garden Boxes, which can be ordered a day in advance, are created by four-time James Beard Foundation award-winner Suzanne Goin.

Vibrant Summer Dishes

Goin’s vibrant new summer dishes pair beautifully with the exceptional wine and beer programs curated by Caroline Styne, the James Beard Foundation’s 2018 Outstanding Restaurateur of the Year award recipient. Overseeing the broad range of dining options serving Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine’s thousands of nightly guests is Executive Chef Jeff Rogers.

Hollywood Bowl’s Wine Selection


This year Caroline Styne has expanded the retail wine selections in the three marketplaces, broadening the varieties and options for wine lovers visiting the Bowl.

In addition to increasing the selection of her popular canned wine offerings, she has also added a number of vegan and organic bottles, as well as a collection of natural wines from producers including Broc Cellars, Johan Vineyards, Lo-fi Wines, Angeleno Wine Company and more.

Returning for the 2023 season are the fan favorites Winemaker Wednesdays and Sunday Market Tastings – a 14-week program of complimentary wine tastings at the Plaza Marketplace with guest winemakers, importers and sommeliers hand-selected by Caroline to give the venue’s visitors an immersive and personal experience with her favorite people in the wine world.

Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine’s dining options


Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine’s many dining options include three sit-down restaurants, street-food kiosks, pre-ordered picnic boxes and a full-service dinner delivered to your box seat. For private events, Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine provides catering at several locations for groups both large and small.

Notable additions for the 2023 Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine portfolio include:

  • Suzanne’s Fried Chicken:  This kiosk serves an all-inclusive bucket of chicken in two sizes, complete with sides of cornbread, coleslaw, house-made ranch dressing, honey and hot sauce

  • Bar West, with batched craft cocktails, made with soju and other wine-based liquors by A.O.C.’s head barman Ignacio Murillo

  • The Plaza’s new South LA Cafe, a thriving Black-owned, family-owned and community-owned and -focused company, operates daily  7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and  during performances

  • State-of-the-art customer self-checkout at Marketplace East, where guests can have their entire purchase of up to 12 items scanned at once

  • Food kiosks – fried chicken, tacos, pizzas/BBQ and Kitchen 22 – have ordering stations, or guests can order from the Hollywood Bowl app or posted QR code

  • Additions of smaller Sweet Shop and soft serve ice cream stations around the grounds to increase availability

  • New beer pads for grab-and-go beers with self-checkout

  • Comprehensive compostable food ware and greenware program used throughout all disposable food services


Highlights for the 2023 menus include:


Supper in Your Seats – Available by pre-order online until 6 p.m. the day before a performance, Supper in Your Seats offers curated three-course dinners or customized meals from à la carte selections delivered right to your box seats.


Menu Highlight: The Angeleno – summer fruit and arugula with Leonora goat cheese, jamon and candied pecans; a choice of soft polenta, wild mushrooms, Swiss chard, mascarpone and gremolata or slow-roasted salmon with farro tabbouleh, summer vegetables and cucumber yogurt; and dessert of crème fraîche cheesecake with stone fruit and blackberries.


Newly available Supper in Your Seats items for 2023 include:


  • chopped Greek salad: romaine, cucumber, tomato, black olives and feta

  • summer fruit and arugula with Leonora goat cheese, jamon and candied pecans

  • tortiglioni pasta with heirloom tomatoes, pancetta, parmigiano-reggiano and garlic breadcrumbs (can be prepared vegan)

  • diver scallops with saffron risotto, young spinach and Meyer lemon salsa

  • braised short ribs with shell bean ragoût, rapini and whole grain mustard


Ann’s Wine Bar by A.O.C. – Showcasing a wine list personally curated by Caroline Styne, Los Angeles’ favorite wine bar comes to life at the Hollywood Bowl with a wine-friendly menu of artisanal cheese and charcuterie, farmers plates, grilled flatbreads, market-fresh salads and A.O.C.-style fish and meats.

There are also craft brews and farmers market-driven cocktails made with soju and other wine-based liquors.


Newly available Ann’s Wine Bar by A.O.C. items for 2023 include:


  • grilled flatbread with summer squash, taleggio, sun-dried tomato pesto

  • apricots and pickled cherries with soft ricotta, jamon and coriander hazelnuts

  • cherry tomatoes with sweet peppers, stracciatella, basil pesto and torn croutons

  • quinoa dumplings with spiced tomato, sugar snaps, pea shoots and feta

  • cumin lamb chops with black beans, cucumber, roasted poblano, Urfa and pistachios

  • milk chocolate torta with rum caramel and coffee cream


the backyard – The al fresco dining area, adjacent to the amphitheater, is flanked by two large wood-burning grills and offers an updated seasonal market-driven menu of summer salads, an extensive raw bar and side dishes, in addition to the wood-grilled selection of fresh fish, seafood, organic chicken, chops and steaks.


Newly available items for the backyard in 2023 include:


  • hamachi tostada with avocado, cucumber, citrus and salsa macha

  • avocado bruschetta with cherry tomatoes, feta and piri piri

  • heirloom tomatoes with Jimmy Nardellos, butter beans, aloreña olives and paprika

  • whole sea bream with couscous, golden raisins, pistachios, kumquat and chermoula

  • grilled lobster with toasted cornbread, succotash salad and smoked tomato butter

  • chicken paillard with pecorino pudding, haricots verts, spring onions and mustard breadcrumbs


Picnic Boxes – All four of Suzanne Goin’s complete picnic boxes can be pre-ordered a day before a concert and picked up at the Plaza Marketplace or delivered to your box seats.


Menu Highlight: The Maple Drive – Grilled wagyu with arugula, cherry tomatoes and preserved lemon salsa; summer succotash salad; feta stone-fruit salad with beets, dandelion and hazelnut vinaigrette; 2 cheeses, pain aux fruits, nuts and dried fruit, fig jam; and crème fraîche cheesecake with stone fruit and blackberries


Kitchen 22 – Made-to-order beef and veggie burgers, Suzanne’s Spanish fried chicken, grilled Comté cheese on Larder sourdough and savory sandwiches anchor the Hollywood Bowl’s tribute to classic American fare.


Menu Highlight: Big and Juicy Burgers


Marketplaces – Three Marketplace locations – Plaza, East and West – specialize in “grab-and-go” salads, sandwiches, farmers’ market-driven main courses, charcuterie, cheese plates, desserts, and Magpies Softserve ice cream pies and sundaes.


Showcasing the best of Goin and Styne’s casual Larder café-marketplace, these Hollywood Bowl venues also feature a large selection of hand-picked wines, craft beers, sodas and waters, as well as salty and sweet snacks including cookies and brownies, candy, nuts and crackers.


Lucques at the Circle full-service dining experience for Pool Circle


Lucques at the Circle – This is a full-service dining experience for Pool Circle subscribers, showcasing a seasonal made-to-order menu and exceptional wine list styled from the award-winning cuisine of Lucques.


Menu Highlights:

  • ricotta gnocchi with chanterelles, sweet corn, spinach and sage brown butter

  • “three sisters” gazpacho: yellow tomato, avocado, pepitas and queso fresco

  • dandelion and radicchio with roasted wild plums, pecans and crumbled goat cheese

  • arugula and Weiser melons with cucumber, Urfa, lime and pistachios

  • grilled ribeye steak frites with arugula salad and smoked tomato butter

  • Spanish stuffed chicken, romanesco, pickled golden raisins and Marcona aioli

  • pistachio baklava Magpies: chocolate crust, almond pound cake and fudge


Authentic street foods and snacks


Street Food and Snacks – Authentic street foods can be found throughout the grounds of the Hollywood Bowl, including Suzanne’s fried chicken, tacos (including vegan), artisanal pizzas, pulled pork BBQ sandwiches, assorted sandwiches and beverages.

The Sweet Shop offers signature desserts, cookies and brownies, coffee and ice cream. Visitors will find L.A.’s Magpies Softserve’s ice cream pies and their mix-in ice creams, which include nondairy and vegan options.

Please visit Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine for more information about the food and wine experiences available at the Hollywood Bowl.

Hollywood Bowl has been the summer home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic since its official opening in 1922

One of the largest natural amphitheaters in the world, with a seating capacity of nearly 18,000, the Hollywood Bowl has been the summer home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic since its official opening in 1922 and plays host to the finest artists from all genres of music, offering something for everyone.

It remains one of the best deals anywhere in Los Angeles; to this day, $1 buys a seat at the top of the Bowl for many classical and jazz performances. In February 2023 the venue was named the Outdoor Concert Venue of the Year at the 34th Annual Pollstar Awards, an honor bestowed 15 previous times.

The Hollywood Bowl was also named Amphitheater of the Decade at the 32nd Annual Pollstar Awards as well as Top Amphitheater at the 2017 and 2018 Billboard Touring Awards.

For millions of music lovers across Southern California, the Hollywood Bowl is synonymous with summer. hollywoodbowl.com

Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine is presented by the Los Angeles Philharmonic in partnership with The Lucques Group and Sodexo Live!

LA Foodies Want to know: What does Plant-based Honey Pair Well With?

LA Foodies want to know, what does Plant-based Honey Pair Well With?

You keep reading about plant-based honey. The environmental story, the nutrition.  But how does it taste?  What can you pair it with?  Let’s find out in an exclusive interview with Mellody Food’s Darko Mandich.

Darko Mandich is a food entrepreneur in San Francisco. After spending almost a decade in the European honey industry as a business executive, Darko committed to reimagining the honey industry to become sustainable. Darko immigrated from Europe to California to launch Mellody, the world’s first plant-based honey brand. Darko is an advocate of saving the bees and wild pollinators.

Mellody Food's Darko Mandich

Mellody Food’s Darko Mandich


Recently, I had a chance to talk with Darko.


You said you are a foodie. What are some incredible food pairings that you recommend with this honey?


When I like to talk about food, I always like to join food and beverage.

What does Plant-based Honey Pair Well With?

What does Plant-based Honey Pair Well With?


I’ll start with beverages first. I think this honey is perfect for mocktails and cocktails. It gives just enough of sweetness that someone is looking for in their alcoholic cocktail or non-alcoholic cocktail.


Will Plant-based Honey pair well With baklava

Will Plant-based Honey pair well With baklava


In terms of food, I would split it into savory and sweet. Sweet applications are my favorite, I just have a sweet tooth. My favorite dessert is Baklava because it comes from the part of the world where I come from. My wife, who’s a home chef, [used our honey to make] baklava and it was amazing.


We did an amazing collaboration with an upscale Italian plant-based restaurant in San Francisco Baia. They created this amazing, vegan panna cotta with our honey on top. It was culinary mastery developed by Chef Joshua Yap, who started working with Chef Matthew Kenny, who is also a well-known, plant-based chef.


Will plant-based honey pair well with a burger

Will plant-based honey pair well with a burger

In terms of savory applications, that opens a whole new world of opportunities. How we interact with stuff like pizza and honey, burgers and honey. Obviously honey and vinaigrette and olive oil, used as a dressing for salads, honey mustard, just name it.


What’s next for Mellody? What are the next steps out there for you?


Getting into as many restaurants as possible in this country. People are inquiring about the standalone product [separate from the speciality box] get it very soon at Eleven Madison Home.

Working on getting this product to as many people as possible, and just to invite everybody to participate in this mission of creating the sustainable future of honey.

I’m just excited about every tiny step in this journey until melody becomes the word for honey.


Eleven Madison Home's The Specialty Tea and Honey Box featuring Mellody Honey

Eleven Madison Home’s The Specialty Tea and Honey Box featuring Mellody Honey


Is the honey currently available at Eleven Madison Home?


Yeah, the honey is currently available. The Specialty Tea and Honey Box launched for the Mother’s Day collection and Earth Month.

It’s a specially curated box of artisanal teas coming from different parts of the world with honey and also amazing, shortbread cookies. All plant-based, also made with our honey. That’s available right now

Sometime very soon a standalone jar [of honey] will also be available to Eleven Madison Home.

Eleven Madison Home's The Specialty Tea and Honey Box featuring Mellody Honey

Eleven Madison Home’s The Specialty Tea and Honey Box featuring Mellody Honey


Tell us again what’s available, how to find it; and how to follow you and support you.


Yeah, follow us on Instagram and TikTok at MellodyFoods

In terms of purchasing, head to ElevenMadisonHome.com and you can purchase it there.

Saving the bees is learning more about them. Learning more about pollinators and you can do that on our social media.

And finally, if you’re equally passionate about bees and plants as we are, ask your favorite restaurant to reach out to us to offer Mellody in your favorite restaurant. It can be a vegan restaurant on non-vegan.

We are gonna work with all the restaurants that reach out to us where people ask to see our product offered, either on the menu, either within a meal, or just if you order a cup of tea and you want a side of Mellody.


Manhattan NYC’s La Grande Boucherie Chef Maxime Kien Reveals His Inspiration

Manhattan NYC’s La Grande Boucherie Chef Maxime Kien Reveals inspiration from Past Generations of Chefs


Chef Maxime Kien is the new Executive Chef of NYC’s The Group, responsible for La Grande Boucherie, Boucherie Union Square, Boucherie West Village, Petite Boucherie and more.  And by the end of 2023, they’re launching even more restaurants throughout the United States..  


But today’s conversation is about how the past has inspired Chef Maxime Kien’s work.


Chef Maxime Kien has over twenty years of fine dining experience but it all started as a young boy growing up in his family’s kitchens.



You grew up in kitchens.  Your grandparents loved to cook and your father was a chef.  How did these experiences inspire you?


Well, my Dad was a professional Chef in the South of France.  In Monaco, all my grandparents, both my grandmothers and my grandfathers were great cooks. One of my great-grandfathers was a professional cook in Paris at an open air market that was very famous in the early 1900s. There was a very famous French brasserie opened over there and the story behind that is that the gentleman that opened that place wanted to have a place where all the chefs [that worked there] could meet because there was the open air market that was right next to it. 


So you had a mix of late night partiers that would go out and party and wanted a place to be able to go eat and drink all night long.  Now you had a place for that.


All the people that worked until late at night wanted a place where they could go and eat something before they went home. And Chefs that had to go to the market very early, at four o’clock in the morning to pick up that day’s poultry, rabbits, quails and all the fresh fish coming from Britain on a daily routine. They would do that at four o’clock in the morning and afterwards they needed a place to go for breakfast. 


It was open 24 hours a day. It was always a mix of people from show business, like singers and actors.


You would have Mick Jagger sitting at the bar. Next to him would be a Chef.  Next to the Chef would be a 14 year old boy having an omelet for breakfast with a glass of red wine at six o’clock in the morning. So it’s always been a mix of everything. 


Unfortunately, my Dad passed away when I was really young. I was six. But I guess I was drawn to cooking and that lifestyle.  It’s chaotic. When you’re working in a kitchen, you never know what time you’ll get done. It might be quiet and you get home at night by 10 o’clock. 


If you start to get busy, you might not be done until two o’clock in the morning. So it’s a mix of adrenaline and being busy and it’s tough and it’s grueling and it’s rewarding and it’s a mix of everything


How did growing up in kitchens with your family inspire you to run your own kitchen?


Every chef is different. The way I run my kitchen is different from the way that other chefs I’ve worked with run theirs. It’s like a recipe. Everyone can interpret it differently.  You take bits and pieces from a recipe to take the same dish and make it your own. 


Someone’s management style is the same way. I’ve worked for some chefs who were very good at managing people, but in the kitchen they were not as great. And some of them were geniuses at creating dishes, but they were not the best at managing people. So you have to create your own style.




You graduated culinary school when you were very young.  Would you still recommend school or encourage new chefs to learn hands-on in a kitchen?


The hard part about school versus hands-on is being able to understand exactly what [a new chef] is trying to achieve. Meaning that when I went to culinary school back in the 1980s, you wanted to graduate and get a diploma. After that, you wanted to be able to get your foot inside the door of a three Michelin star restaurant, a very famous place because you knew the chef was someone you were gonna be able to learn from. 


And that [experience] was gonna take you to the next chef, that was gonna take you to the next chef, and so on.  Because it’s a close-knit community, like a family. All the big chefs know each other. So when you’re ready to make your next move, the Chef [at your current kitchen] would come and ask, ‘Where do you want to go next?’  He’ll make a call and help you get that next job.


Now, unfortunately, the way some TV cooking shows happen, they give a vision of what it is to be a chef that is completely different from the truth. 


So now you have cooks that go to very famous, very expensive culinary schools and they spend a huge amount of money to graduate. Then after two years of education, they expect to find a position of Executive Chef, making six figures and wearing Egyptian cotton jackets with their name on them.


But they don’t have the basics.  They’re trying to run before they can walk. The biggest difference with my generation is, we went through all the processes, we didn’t try to rush the steps before you actually tried to be a chef. 


You had to be a good line cook before you tried to become Chef de Partie and then [become] a good Chef de Partie before you become a Sous Chef, and then [become] a good Sous Chef, before you become an executive chef. So that’s the main difference.


Almost like an army style, you have to graduate through the ranks.


New chefs try to go too fast. Take your time. Find a chef you can learn from.  New York is very lucky for that because you’ve got so many great chefs. 


Daniel Boulud and all these great chefs brought the New York Culinary to the next level.  Daniel Boulud has been here for 30 years now. 


So go work for them, write everything down, taste everything, take pictures!


When I started, we didn’t have cell phones to take pictures, so it was whatever you could remember and whatever you could write down. Now we’ve reached a point where you can take a video of a chef doing a dish and afterwards you can write down notes. 


I would say the biggest advice to the cooks right now: find a chef, find your niche, go work for him for two years, three years, four years. Write everything down, taste everything, ask questions, and then learn as much as you can. 


Don’t think about being called “Chef” right away. Don’t think about making a ton of money. Learn as much as you can then, then after that, start to think about your next step.  But take your time.


If you have the financial ability to be able to afford culinary school, do it, but it can be pricey. You don’t need to go to a very expensive, very famous one; but go to get some good basic training in a culinary school. 


Then after that, go see a chef and say, “I just want to learn. I want to work for you. You’re the best in the business in your town.” It can be in New York.  It can also be in Chicago or anywhere else. Just say, “I want to learn. I want to work for you.”


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