
High blood pressure has a new option. Music Producer Ira Antelis created 120/Life to Help Us All Be Healthier

High blood pressure has a new option. Music Producer Ira Antelis created 120/Life to Help Us All Be Healthier

Have high blood pressure? Over 100 million people do.  Music Producer Ira Antelis wanted to do something about it, so he created 120/Life to help himself and others become healthier.

“Your blood pressure’s sky high,” founder Ira Antelis ’s doctor told him. “Get it down in 3 weeks, or it’s surgery.” So Ira went started changing his lifestyle.  But also, investigating health.

It turns out, there’s answers out there.  And he wanted to know more.

Today I sat down with 120/Life’s Ira Antelis for a conversation about music, creativity, getting healthy and Ira’s inspiring message about following your passion and inspirations.

The conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  The full conversation can be found on our YouTube channel.



So as we just jump right in, Ira, can you give us a little background on you? What did do for a living before 120 life?


Sure. Most of my life has been writing and producing music. A lot of television commercials. The famous one is a Michael Jordan like Mike if I could be like Mike, which was just in the close the closing credits of the “Air” movie, and 30 years later.

Songs from McDonald’s for Disney, artists like Christina Aguilera, Regina Bell, Patti LaBelle, have recorded or sung my music. 

The concept of how I got from there to a blood pressure drink is always like mind boggling to many, and including me, because it’s a path I never would have thought would have arisen to be honest, and it came out of a health issue, and it’s funny because you relate to blood pressure and music. There is a relationship because in music, you put things together. So let’s say I create a piece of music on the piano and say, okay, great. So now I’m going to get a, I wrote the music, I’m going to get… The bass player, I’m going to get the drums, I’m going to get the violins, and then I’m going to put it all together. And I’ve been doing that for many years, it’s like putting ingredients together. And a health issue my blood pressure had risen really high, dangerously high. And then we’re like you have to get this fixed.

If not, we’re going to have to do surgery. Because over time, the first thing anybody I think would do is say what if you have high blood pressure. What do you do? What do you eat? What do you drink? And when it came to the drinks, I kept reading about these things that they all have studies.

I was like, wait a minute. Pomegranate juice, I’m reading the studies. You drink it for six weeks. And one day it just struck me. If I take all of these ingredients, I think it’s like mixing a piece of music and putting them all together. I just knew in my mind they would work because I think the music related to the blood pressure and that’s how it all began.

You literally almost produced a beverage in the same way you produce music. 

You brought in several elements together, let’s say drums, a guitar, a vocalist, all the elements of a band. You thought of it like that, but you found these superfood ingredients and said, gosh, these ingredients could all work together.


Yes, that’s 100% correct.  Now what I was doing is that I think like I’m going to produce this drink like I’m producing music. No, but I’ve had a recording studio for 30 years of my life and I’m making music every day of my life.

It’s just secondhand nature to do things in combinations for me. So when I thought about it later on, I’m like, Oh yeah, that’s why it works. I saw the ingredients, they look the same. I knew I can mix them together. Just from my process of music. I think that’s what happened. 


If you’re doing the music every day, do you think you use creativity to solve a health concern?


Yeah, I think on some level that’s what happened. I was looking at things and I saw it, but in a way maybe nobody else saw it. And I think when you’re a creative person, then that tends to be the, where you go first on some level. I’m always thinking of things from a creative standpoint.


Is there a life lesson at all in here for people, using creativity and trial and error and the confidence to try new things.


Yeah, it’s funny because I did this music project with music from the Holocaust. And we, I wrote the Carnegie Hall and we sold it out,  beyond the most successful thing in my life. And I was sent to somebody, if I had to write a book about my life, I would title the book, “Everybody Says No”. And I think that’s the way, the mission of my life don’t ever let anybody stop your ideas.  Ever. 

If you are passionate about anything, go figure out a way to do it. And I think it’s a life lesson about creativity. What it is, go do it.


So from a step by step process, you have a doctor’s meeting, you’re told you have a health concern, can you just walk us through what those next steps were?


So the first thing somebody tells you, you have extremely high blood pressure. It has to come down. And most of the people I’ve ever met would say we know what high blood pressure can do.

But my question was not that. My question is what is causing the high blood pressure? What is it? My dad was a pharmacist; he knew about strokes and heart attacks. I was trying to figure out what it is and how do you stop it? 

And the truth is even though the doctor is a friend of mine that they will basically go figure it out. 

First thing I learned is to cut your salt. That was stop number one. Most studies show if you cut your salt, it will lower your blood. I’m just doing everything I can do, even taking medication. I’m going on a salt free diet for three weeks. So you have fruit, vegetables, but not just salt.  Every cookie that has sodium, I’m not eating.

That was like step number one. 

Then I’m Googling what are the best foods to eat? What are the best things to drink? And that began the process.  Reading about these did lower my blood pressure to the point where they didn’t have to operate. 

But you get stuck or passionate about some things.  So every day I’m on the computer, looking up drinks for high blood pressure.  Many of the same things come up, beet juice or beet powder, lowers your blood pressure. Hibiscus tea lowers your blood pressure. Pomegranate juice 

I’m reading the studies.  Then one day It just dawned on me. Wait a minute if all of these lower your blood pressure a little bit.  Together, maybe it will lower it a lot.

I figured, somebody had done it. Not only was that not there. Even to this day, there was nothing there. Zero. 

There’s 110 million people that have high blood pressure. And there’s nothing, there is not a drink out there with these ingredients. 

Yeah. But that began the journey.


So on this journey you had  different levels of support. You have a nutritionist in your life, Susan Schachter, talk about her involvement


So as I’m making this drink, [I’m thinking] what’s the best way for people to try it? So I kept thinking, okay, I’m going to make these jugs that contain 112 ounces. And I would give it to people that I knew had high blood pressure and say try it for two weeks.  I’m doing that because one of the people I gave it to is my cousin who at the time was the sole distributor for Keurig the coffee machines and the K cups.  I’m thinking okay I need to get him to distribute this drink.

So I gave it to him and said look if your blood pressure lowers from this drink, you got to promise me you’ll distribute it. He said, ‘Okay’, because he’s very skeptical and he thought there’s no way.

And sure enough, his blood pressure lowered 30 or 40 points. He said, ‘Okay, I’ll distribute it. But, what do you know about this stuff?’ 

My childhood friend Susan Schachter has a Master’s in nutrition. I sent her the drink.  She made some tweaks and that’s how I got her involved. 


Can we go through all six natural ingredients?


Let me start with beets; the superfood for athletes so I knew I was going to have beets in my drink. 

Hibiscus tea has been around for years and have said a multitude of studies. even in the Middle East about lowering your blood pressure. I think some of the qualities are in medical terms that can act like an ACE inhibitor. 

The third ingredient is pomegranate juice. It can act as a beta blocker. It has a lot of antioxidants. So I think those three were the really big things in the drink. 

Susan added magnesium and potassium.  It relaxes your blood vessels. 

Through the studies, I was reading about cranberry juice and tart cherry juice, which has been used for recovery for athletes for soreness of muscles. 



I enjoyed the taste.  I’m always worried health products will “taste like science”  Your drink doesn’t.  What does it taste like to you and how do you recommend drinking it?


The most important thing is it can probably really help you. Some people really like how it tastes.

I say mix it with cranberry juice or put it in your smoothie, especially now we have a powder. So there are different options. I think the point is that high blood pressure is not something to mess around with. Too many bad things could happen.

Is there anything that you want to talk about? 

We’re in a society where people age out, we become disposable after a certain age in so many industries, so I’m inspired by my own story, 60 years old rather than retiring or doing something I had the wherewithal to say, I’m going to do this, it’s never too late in life if you want to do things.

And I think that’s a message for a lot of people. Most people do not start a business at 60. But my thought is like, you have this passion, you have this dream, go for it. I’m very thrilled to just be a part of it.  I let my CEO run it. 

The second thing is that I, we always say to people, Susan always says, know your numbers. Be responsible with your health.  Drink 120 life. Pomegranate juice.  Beet juice, Hibiscus tea, Cut your salt. That’s my message.

Please tell us how can we help you. Please tell us how to find your website and where to browse your products

Ira: If you want to try 120 life,

If you want to try it for two weeks, purchase it. But if you’re unhappy for any reason, money back guaranteed. 

So thank you so much for your time. Thank you for discovering this health idea.

Thank you. You have a great day. 

Your Family needs: Health, Honesty and Flavor in your food. I tried Safe Catch – Food Review

Looking for Health, Honesty and Flavor in your Tuna? I tried Safe Catch and caught some Vibes.

I used to love tuna.  I like the briney taste and who doesn’t love the health experts.  Call it a fantasy, but I thought my skin looked better as a result too.

But then I felt lied to by the whole industry.  Dyed?  Faked?  Poisonous?  Really horrible conditions? I avoided tuna for years. 

Is Tuna healthy? What’s the worst kind?  Farm-raised?  How do you *really* know if it’s farm-raised or not?  

Needless to say, there’s a lot of mis-information out there.  Which is why transparency is good.  Knowledge is good.  And then, once you get the full story, does it actually taste good.  Do I want to eat it?  Does my family want to eat it?  What’s the best way to cook it or prepare it?

It’s a lot of questions for what should be a simple product.  

Safe Catch is trying to solve a lot of these problems.

So I was excited to receive a Safe Catch package.  I feel like they read my mind, because they share (over-share) a ton of info.  And I loved browsing through all of it.

So let’s talk about Safe Catch, how healthy they are, how tasty it is and what I really think.

How is Safe Catch’s Tuna is Caught

Their tuna is traceable from catch to can and they reveal they only buy from captains whose fish come from managed and sustainable tuna stocks as part of their Sustainability Policy and Socially Responsible Sourcing Policy.

How They Test Their Tuna 

They use proprietary technology to test every single fish for its mercury content. If it doesn’t meet their purity standards we don’t buy.  

(They stress it still might be a good tuna, it’s just not ‘good enough’ for Safe Catch.)

How it’s Packaged

Safe Catch explains other canned tunas lose flavor and Omega 3 healthy fats from machine processing. Instead, Safe Catch hand packs pure, raw tuna steaks to retain maximum nutrients and then slow cook them to perfection.

Other canned tuna companies precook their tuna and use additives and fillers to artificially enhance their fish. Safe Catch doesn’t add anything, except salt where it’s been noted.

I found Safe Catch’s Recipes section pretty cool.

I’m a foodie.  My family are different levels of foodies.  But if I make it a game (we call cooking ‘games’) then everyone will at least have a bite.  After one bite, you get a very, very honest response immediately. But it’s also been a great way to add (or disguise) flavors for anyone how may night life “fishiness” as much

What are Safe Catch’s current Tuna products

Elite Wild Tuna

Wild Pacific Pink Salmon

Wild Pacific Pink Salmon, No Salt Added

Elite Wild Tuna, Chili Lime

Elite Wild Tuna, Citrus Pepper 

Elite Wild Tuna, Garlic Herb

Wild Ahi, Yellowfin Tuna

Wild Ahi, Yellowfin Tuna in Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Wild Ahi, Yellowfin Tuna in Avocado Oil

Wild Albacore Tuna

Wild Albacore Tuna, no salt added

Wild Pacific Pink Salmon, Citrus Dill

Wild Pacific Pink Salmon, Italian Herb

Wild Pacific Pink Salmon, Rosemary Dijon

Sardines in Water, Skinless and Boneless

Sardines in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Skinless and Boneless

Wild Mackerel in Olive Oil, Skinless and Boneless

Do I recommend Safe Catch?

Yes.  You have to admit, they’re going above and beyond with transparency, safety and health.  That’s what we need more of.

How does Safe Catch Tuna taste?

I loved it.  Their taste is even a little subtle if you appreciate fresh seafood brine.  Try their recipes and you might even convert the pickiest eaters in your family.


Visit Safe Catch’s website here.

Find Safe Catch on Instagram

Looking for healthier? We tasted Chef Woo Instant Ramen – Packed with Bigger Flavor, Better Health – Food Review

Hungry for a Modern, Healthier Ramen? We tasted Chef Woo Instant Ramen – Packed with Bigger Flavor, Better Health

If we’re being honest, Instant Ramen hasn’t had the best reputation.  Kinda the opposite.  It’s known as the cheapest stuff broke college kids can eat. I ate it, maybe you did too.  You get a case at the dollar store for $10 and that could last you a week.  From 16 to 22, it’s what you did.  It was almost a rite of passage.

Too salty, full of bad stuff, tasted like a potpourri of slimy chunky stuff.  But cheap and filling.

Well, it’s time to change that.  And Chef Woo wants to do just that.  Bring good flavor and bring a much more health-conscious approach?

Did they do it?  Keep reading and find out.

Chef Woo’s Inspiration 

Chef Woo’s Instant Ramen is inspired by Song Wu Sao, the legendary female chef from ancient China, whose tasty soup became so famous, it lifted her community out of hard times. 

Chef Woo Today

Now Chef Woo is trying to change the world too. They’ve created plant-based ramen that’s tasty and nutritious, and puts significantly less strain on our environment. 

As their website says:

“Better for our health.

Better for our families.

And for our global future. It’s a lasting change we can make together!”

Chef Woo products are made with the highest standards when it comes to quality and nutrition.

Chef Woo’s Flavors


Roasted Chicken

A hearty classic to warm your soul and fill your tummy. Roasted Chicken flavor made with absolutely no animal products.

Roasted Chicken Ingredients

Organic Wheat Flour, Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Pea Protein, Seasoning (Cane Sugar, Corn Maltodextrin, Yeast Extract, Autolyzed Yeast, Torula Yeast, Dehydrated Vegetables [Garlic, Onion, Chives], Spices, Natural Flavor), Dried carrot, Salt, Dried Onions, Dried Red Bell Pepper, Dried Peas, Dried corn, Potassium carbonate, Sodium carbonate, Guar gum.

Braised Beef 

Home comfort in a bowl. Enjoy the rich and satisfying braised beef flavor, made with absolutely no animal products.

Braised Beef Ingredients

Organic Wheat Flour, Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Pea Protein, Seasoning (Corn Maltodextrin, Cane Sugar, Salt, Yeast Extract, Autolyzed Yeast, Dehydrated Vegetables [Onion, Garlic, Chives], Spices, Natural Flavors), Dried carrot, Salt, Dried Onions, Dried Red Bell Pepper, Dried Peas, Dried corn, Potassium carbonate, Sodium carbonate, Guar gum.


Thai Lemongrass

Transport your taste buds to south-east Asia with the tangy zest of Chef Woo Thai Lemongrass.

Thai Lemongrass Ingredients

Organic Wheat Flour, High Oleic Sunflower Oil, Organic Pea Protein, Spice (garlic, onion, green onion, brown sugar, salt, soy sauce powder [soy sauce (fermented soybeans, wheat, salt), maltodextrin, salt], turmeric, lime juice powder (lime juice, maltodextrin), citric acid, sesame oil, lemongrass oil, spice extractive, silicon dioxide), Dried Carrot, Dried onions, Dried Red Bell Pepper, Dried Peas, Dried corn, Salt, Potassium carbonate, Sodium carbonate, Guar gum, Sodium Tripolyphosphate.

Sweet Chili Togarashi

Add a little spice to your day with a sumptuous medley of Japanese flavors. Our Sweet Chili Togarashi never disappoints.

Sweet Chili Togarashi Ingredients

Organic Wheat Flour, High Oleic Sunflower Oil, Organic Pea Protein, Seasoning (Spices, sea salt, dehydrated orange peel, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, brown sugar, dehydrated garlic, and silicon dioxide), Dried Carrot, Dried onions, Dried Red Bell Pepper, Dried Peas, Dried Corn, Salt, Potassium carbonate, Sodium carbonate, Guar gum, Sodium Tripolyphosphate.

Chef Woo’s Ramen Conclusion

How does it taste:

It has way better flavor.  I loved the chicken and braised beef.  Frankly, some of the others have too much flavor for me.  But maybe it’s perfect for you.  I don’t like spicy.  If you do, you’ll probably love all of them.

Is it healthy?

First, easily they are all more health-conscious then the previous generation.  Second, yes again, they are healthy in general.

Would I recommend Chef Woo’s Ramen?

Yeah, I’d buy the chicken and the beef.  For me, not the spicier ones.

Browse more at Chef Woo’s website

Find Chef Woo’s Facebook and Instagram.

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam is a Destination Dining Redefining Global Gastronomy

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Redefines Global Gastronomy as a Destination Dining

In recent years, Vietnam has become recognized as one of the must visit, premiere dining destinations on the planet. 

From bustling street food markets, where the aroma of sizzling meats, zesty herbs and fragrant spices fills the air, to the abundance of premiere fine dining restaurants showcasing local Vietnamese flavors infused into classic European recipes, Vietnam promises its international visitors an unparalleled East meets West culinary adventure. 

In 2016, Anthony Bourdain taught former President Barack Obama the art of the noodle slurp, while throwing back some local Vietnamese beers, and feasting on piping hot bowls of Bún Chả at a local Hanoian restaurant.

In a recent interview, Celebrity Chef Gordon Ramsey named Vietnam his top food destination in the world.  The Michelin Guide recently awarded three of Vietnam’s leading restaurants their coveted stars for the 2023 season. 

To say the country is achieving sensational, and well earned, praise on the global culinary stage is an understatement, and with post-Covid international tourism sharply on the rise, we thought we’d to share our top 5 picks for some of the best dining destinations within Vietnam’s bustling southern metropolis of Ho Chi Minh City.




Noriboi has reimagined traditional Japanese cuisine with their artistic, and highly inspired, modernist approach to their fine dining menus. 

Evoking a one-of-a-kind, and simply astonishing, multi-sensory gastronomic experience, their expert team of Japanese trained Master Sushi Chefs, each a Vietnamese native, apply molecular gastronomy to craft and underscore each dish, producing sublime artistic presentations, unsurpassed by even the best restaurants in Tokyo. 

Utilizing only the very finest seafood, Wagyu Beef and even rice, imported daily from Japan, and paired with regional Vietnamese and specialty ingredients, each plate is an utter triumph of taste, texture and artistic presentation. 

In addition to their daily Omakase and a la carte menu offerings, Noriboi is also known for their exclusive dining events, which upon announcement on their social media outlets becomes the hottest reservation in town, sold-out within hours of their postings. 

10-course Summer Truffle Omakase

They recently presented a 10-course Summer Truffle Omakase, where each dish was highlighted by the earthy and distinctive flavor of freshly shaved imported European truffles, and a Kegani Omakase, with the highly coveted Kegani Hairy Crabs, a seasonal Japanese delicacy, as the focus ingredient. 

If you wish to experience truly outstanding Japanese food during your trip to Saigon, Noriboi cannot be missed.

35 Ngo Quang Huy Street, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City


All-Day Dining Divine


LUCA – Eatery & Bar Lounge is a fantastic all-day dining eatery, offering its guests a bountiful array of local Vietnamese and Western dishes to choose from, satisfying even the most discerning and astute culinary palate. 

It’s a favorite restaurant destination for neighborhood locals and visiting tourists alike, craving an inventive and sophisticated array of dishes, served at any time of the day.  With menus designed by their talented Executive Chef An, for breakfast or Brunch, the fluffy Soufflé Pancakes, decadent Luxe Lobster Benedict and their Phở Bò Luca, an elevated spin on the Vietnamese classic, are spectacular. And for the coffee lover, try their Vietnamese Salted Egg Coffee, a staple beverage from Hanoi- rich, creamy, salty and sweet. 

For lunch, the Summer Peaches and Kale Salad is crisp, refreshing, and the perfect choice for a hot Saigon summer’s day, as is the Scallop Carpaccio with raw sweet Hokkaido Scallops, gently kissed with a drizzle of Yuzu sauce for a touch of acid.  

For Happy Hour, indulge in a platter of the freshest Miyagi Oysters, perfect to pair with a late afternoon glass or two of Rosé.  And for dinner, a hardy Australian Rib Eye Steak should do the trick, served with Chef’s signature Steak Sauce.  At any time of the day when visiting Saigon, Luca is a great choice to experience a chic dining atmosphere and truly wonderful food.

49 Xuan Thuy Street, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City


American Comfort Food Infused with Vietnamese Flavors

OKRA Foodbar

Chicago, Illinois born Chef-Owner Jamie Celaya developed his menu to showcase the incredible bounty of regional produce, products, and seasonings available in Vietnam. 

Described as

“International Izakaya, third culture cuisine”

which to the laymen doesn’t make sense until you experience it, Okra offers “Subtle” small plates of vegetable forward comfort food, meant for sharing, and a selection of larger portioned “Sufficient” mains for a healthy appetite. 

Located in Thao Dien, in District two, this intimate and contemporary eatery with a laid back and unpretentious vibe serves up simply delicious food and craft cocktails, with warm and friendly service. 

Must try dishes at Okra include their spin on Street Corn, with Cilantro, Parmesan, Chili, Brown Bourbon Butter and Pork Floss, Grilled Broccolini with Truffle Crème Fraiche & Sa Tế Chili Oil, Land & Sea-Viche, a Sea Bass Crudo with Braised Pigs Ear, Chili, Lime and Bánh Tráng, and their signature Charred Okra with Preserved Lemon-Tomato Jam, Curry Yogurt, Burnt Pomelo and Sarsaparilla-za Atar. 

And to wash it all down, a chilled glass of Mùa Craft Sake on draft, also proudly brewed in Vietnam.

10 Thao Dien Street, Thao Dien Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City  


Contemporary Vietnamese Cuisine & Cocktails 

The Triệu Institute


The concept of pairing craft cocktails with food is a gastronomic trend which has gained tremendous popularity in recent years in Vietnam, and no dining destination has perfected this principle better than The Triệu Institute.

They serve inventive contemporary Vietnamese dishes containing all the aromatics found within the gins of their namesake craft gin brand Lady Triệu, and their food and bespoke beverages blend in perfect harmony, allowing each patron to eat and drink simultaneously the bold, and singular flavors which Vietnam has become so famous for.  

A popular pairing include the Cured Kingfish, pickled with a housemade Hibiscus Vinegar which takes eight to ten weeks to complete, infusing sweet, sour, and floral notes deep within the fish, and a Flower General cocktail, containing Dalat Flowerbomb Gin, Wasabi, Jasmine Syrup and Seaweed Foam;  it’s a perfected combination.

10 Mac Thi Buoi Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City


Vietnamese Cuisine Portraying a Story

Nén Light Restaurant

Deeply committed to producing preeminent modern Vietnamese cuisine which pays homage to their country’s rich and vibrant heritage, Nén Light’s team of outstanding culinary artists developed their restaurant’s concept of Conscious Vietnamese Cuisine (Ẩm Thực Nhìn) to showcase their knowledge, appreciation and deep respect for their native roots and beloved culture. 

Serving wildly creative, 6-9 course storytelling tasting menus, they showcase hyper-local Vietnamese ingredients discovered on foraging trips throughout Central Vietnam, and guide each guest though a unique and unparalleled culinary journey which engages all five senses. 

Along with a Sake pairing, expertly curated by their in-house Sake Sommelier, and a “Conversation Pairing”, allowing servers to share the story behind the evolution of each plate,  a visit to Nén Light Restaurant will guarantee a singular and unrivaled immersive Vietnamese dining experience.

122/2 Tran Dinh Xu, Nguyen Cu Trinh Ward, Ho Chi Minh City


A.O.C. Debuts Five New Seasonal Cocktails at 3rd Street & Brentwood Locations

A.O.C. Debuts Five New Seasonal Cocktails at 3rd Street & Brentwood Locations

Market-Fresh Seasonal Cocktails Crafted by Head Barman Ignacio Murillo Now Available at Suzanne Goin and Caroline Styne’s A.O.C. Restaurants

A.O.C. debuts a new cocktail menu crafted by Ignacio Murillo to welcome the changing summer produce and warmer temperatures.

In addition to the full bar of premium and classic cocktails, the specialty drinks at both 3rd Street and Brentwood locations include:

Summer Chelada with Skyduster Rice Beer, Watermelon, Chamoy, Tamarind & Lime;

Red Maya with Mezcal, Lemon, Red Plum & Maple;

California Sangria with White Wine, Argonaut Brandy, Citrus & Yellow Peach (2 Servings);

Bing Sour with Gin, Lemon, Egg White & House Cherry Liqueur;

and The Kingdom with Suntory Toki Whiskey, Strawberry Aperitivo & Rhubarb Bitters.

From his early days as a busser at the OG A.O.C. at 3rd & Crescent Heights, Ignacio Murillo always went the extra mile and immersed himself in the A.O.C. ways.

He came to every wine and cheese tasting, dedicated to being the best he could be, and made himself a key member of the A.O.C. family. Eventually, he moved to the bartender position, where he honed his cocktail-making skills, developing an incredible palate and a talent for layering flavors and textures in a magical way.

Murillo is now taking center stage, running A.O.C.’s bar program featuring seasonally motivated cocktails created to pair with Chef Suzanne Goin’s market menu offerings.

Cocktails are priced at $18 and $34 for a pitcher of Sangria. They are available now and continue through the summer season.

summer chelada 18

skyduster rice beer, watermelon, chamoy, tamarind & lime

Cheladas are the simplest of the cervezas preparadas, or beer cocktails; just beer, lots of lime and a salt rim. We’ve made an even more refreshing version with farmers’ market watermelon, spicy tamarind chamoy and a chili-salt rim. When combined with local brewer,

Skyduster’s Super Dry rice lager, this drink becomes the perfect summer crusher.

Of course, we can always make it with non-alcoholic beer for those who want something “free-spirited!”

red maya 18

mezcal, lemon, red plum & maple

When thinking about a summer mezcal cocktail, we decided to turn to one of our favorite summer fruits, the plum. We love the way the rich sweetness of red plums play off the smokiness of mezcal. We added a squeeze of lemon and a touch of maple syrup to marry the flavors and to create a sophisticated yet refreshing hot-weather cocktail.

california sangria 34

white wine, argonaut brandy, citrus & yellow peach

Sangria just screams Summer! And we wanted ours to scream California. So we started with a white California wine and loaded it with lots of California peaches, California oranges and our own peach liqueur (made from California peaches, ofcourse), and finished it with our favorite Californian brandy from our friends at Argonaut.

Served in a pitcher of two orders each.

bing sour 18

gin, lemon, egg white & house cherry liqueur

Because cherry season comes and goes so quickly, we always make a house cherry liqueur to preserve that flavor all year. To showcase the perfect sweet-sour balance of the Bing Cherries at the market right now, we decided to simply mix our liqueur with some egg white

and gin to present as a classic sour.

kingdom $18

suntory toki whiskey, strawberry aperitivo, rhubarb bitters, orange

While Tochigi is the prefecture in eastern Japan known as the strawberry kingdom, here in Los Angeles, anyone who loves strawberries swears by Harry’s Berries, a family farm started by Harry Iwamoto and whose legacy is carried on by his family in Oxnard. This locally grown treasure is highlighted in Kingdom to create a spirit-forward seasonal cocktail. This combination of strawberry aperitivo, house-made rhubarb bitters and Suntory Toki whiskey is A.O.C.’s nod to a classic Manhattan.


Serving now and continuing through the summer season; available for lunch, brunch & dinner per operating hours

A.O.C. 3rd Street


Sunday – Thursday 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Friday & Saturday 5:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.


Saturday & Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Pick up & delivery

5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. nightly

Saturday – Sunday brunch 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

A.O.C. in Brentwood


Wednesday – Friday 11:30 – 2:30 p.m.


Sunday – Thursday 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Friday & Saturday 5:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.


Saturday & Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Pick up & delivery

5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. nightly


A.O.C. 3rd Street

8700 W. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90048 – 310.859.9859

A.O.C. in Brentwood

11648 San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049 – 310.806.6464


With the opening of Lucques, their flagship restaurant, in 1998, James Beard Foundation award-winning Chef/Author Suzanne Goin and award-winning Restaurateur Caroline Styne planted the seeds for The Lucques Group, a Los Angeles hospitality company that comprises two fine dining restaurants – A.O.C. in both Los Angeles and Brentwood. Along with these culinary enterprises, the company also owns the Larder Baking Company and oversees Hollywood Bowl Food + Wine, which curates all the food and beverage outlets at L.A.’s iconic music venue. The duo also operates two new restaurants – Caldo Verde and Cara Cara, and the new Dahlia cocktail bar at the Downtown L.A. Proper Hotel. The Lucques Group is dedicated to seasonally influenced cooking and focuses on sourcing local, organic produce from which Goin creates soulful dishes that are bold in flavor, vibrant, layered and complex.

For further information and complete menus, visit

Suzanne Tracht and Jar Welcomes Raphael Lunetta for a Collaborative Dinner at Jar on July 18

Suzanne Tracht and Jar Welcomes Raphael Lunetta for a Collaborative Dinner at Jar on July 18

Two of Los Angeles’ Seasoned Chefs/Restaurateurs Join Talents for a Best-of-Summer Menu on July 18

Chef Suzanne Tracht welcomes her long-time friend and colleague Raphael Lunetta for a first-time collaborative dinner at Jar, combining their talents and love of Southern California’s seasonal markets.

Suzanne and Raphael have been talking about doing a dinner together for months.

“We’ve known each other in the culinary community for years and share the same sensibility in our cooking,”

says Tracht.

“It’s rare for chefs to see each other unless we’re at an event, and even that is fleeting. This makes for an opportunity that we know we’ll enjoy, and it’s great for both of us because we can work off each other’s energy and inspire one another.”


The four-course dinner begins with an Amuse Bouche of Sweet Summer Melon with Dungeness Crab with Jalapeno Vinaigrette & Persian mint. Then to share for the table, guests will savor Suzanne’s signature Fried Ipswich Clams with Cocktail & Roasted Garlic Tartar Sauce. Next is Wild Striped Bass & Spot Prawn with Sweet Corn Succotash, followed by the entrée of Westholme Australian Wagyu New York Strip with Weiser Farms Baked Potato, Wild Watercress, Gorgonzola, Tomato Confit & Roasted Balsamic-Glazed Ojai Roots’ Vidalia Onions.

Finish with Raphael’s Chilled Summer Cherry Soup with Vanilla Ice Cream & Chocolate Biscotti for dessert.

Guests can pair beverages with Jar’s complete list of wines, cocktails and beers, available à la carte. The dinner is priced at $172 per person, menu only, and inclusive of taxes and gratuity. The dinner must be reserved and pre-paid via OpenTable Experience ticketing.The public may call JAR at 323.655.6566 for further information.

Lunetta & Jar

July 18, 2023



Sweet Summer Melon with Dungeness Crab

jalapeno vinaigrette, persian mint


Fried Ipswich Clams

cocktail & roasted garlic tartar sauce


Wild Striped Bass & Spot Prawn

sweet corn succotash


Westholme Australian Wagyu New York Strip

weiser farms baked potato,

wild watercress, gorgonzola, tomato confit

roasted balsamic glazed ojai roots vidalia onions


Chilled Summer Cherry Soup

vanilla ice cream, chocolate biscotti

$172 per person

includes tax and tip

alcohol, wine, and beverages not included

Cuyama Buckhorn brings back Famous ‘Jonathan Gold’ Ostrich Burger 30 years later

Cuyama Buckhorn brings back Famous ‘Jonathan Gold’ Ostrich Burger 30 years later

High Desert’s Cuyama Buckhorn brings back Famous ‘Jonathan Gold’ Ostrich Burger 30 years later

Thirty years ago, then Chief Food Critic of the Los Angeles Times, Jonathan Gold ventured out to New Cuyama because he’d heard that Cuyama Buckhorn was serving Ostrich Burgers and he was set on trying one.


“Paris has the Eiffel Tower, Agra has the Taj Mahal . . . and New Cuyama has the ostrich burger”


His review, “Which Came First?…” was about his visit to this remote roadside motel in California’s high desert to experience the burger.

“Paris has the Eiffel Tower, Agra has the Taj Mahal . . . and New Cuyama has the ostrich burger,” the article began.

In the past few years, Cuyama Buckhorn has once again become a destination worth driving to, and not just for the novelty of ordering an Ostrich Burger.

Guests now come for the accommodations and the amenities this modern resort now has to offer. Whether it be to experience the culinary offerings and local farm-to-table fare, or to have a beverage at the Buckhorn Bar where some of the state’s best cocktails are being made, the resort is notable for much more than ostrich burgers these days.

In honor of Jonathan Gold, and the thirtieth anniversary of his visit to this remote outpost just two hours from Los Angeles, the Ostrich burger will be making a comeback– and an elevated one at that on what would have been Gold’s birthday, July 28th.

The new Ostrich Burger, the Ostrich Smash ($28) is made with Ground Ostrich, Molasses Onions, and Santa Barbara Cheese Company’s Sheep’s Milk Gouda served on toasted Rye bread and a  side of pickled vegetables.

As Gold remarked:

“To be honest, the only point in eating an ostrich burger

may be to be able to say that you’ve eaten an ostrich burger…

Ostrich burgers may not be much of a tourist attraction,

but how many times can you visit the Louvre?”


Burger will be available starting July 28, 2023, Jonathan Gold’s birthday


Burger – $28

T-shirt – $28



4923 Primero Street, New Cuyama, CA 93254

Cuyama Buckhorn is located 1 hour east of Santa Maria, and 2 hours north of Los Angeles.


Call (661) 766-2825 or visit reserve


Life Lessons and Adventure, perfect for Fathers Day, Near Death Lessons’ Chris Jankulovski book now available on Amazon

Fathers Day is coming up and every family is searching for Dad’s perfect gift.  Chris Jankulovski’s book Near Death Lessons offers story of family, adventure, motivation, and life lessons.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Chris Jankulovski (via zoom) to talk about his Father’s Day wishes, business success, family, health concerns, empowerment and more.

The conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  Watch the full conversation on our Youtube channel.


Congratulations on your new book, Near Death Lessons. 


Thank you. Been a journey to get it out there, but I am so honored and privileged to do this work. 

It is an inspiring and a motivating book, and I would say equally important is not only is it inspiring and it’s motivating, but for somebody who wants to break-through, you actually give us the lessons that you use to accomplish it so we can follow those lessons as well.



What was the hardest part of writing the book for you?


Friends tell me, Chris, you gotta write a book, man. Seriously, you’ve got some wild stories. It almost killed me when the tumor bursted in my head. I couldn’t walk, couldn’t talk. I was in bed for three months.

I knew that the moment I could stand upright, I wanna write a book for my sons. I want them to know who their father was.  Because yet again, I just confronted a serious adversity where 60% of people normally die on the operating table. I somehow survived it. I’m the lucky 40%, and I just had my operation one month before the birth of my second son, Billy.  And I wanted my six year old and my new son to know who their father was.

I’ll give you a timeline.  We’ll plot it all, and then we’re gonna give it to a ghost writer who’s gonna somehow be able to direct our story. Then we’ll put the muscles in it, and then we’ll build it all up.

And that’s the journey I went on until I gave it to an editor who completely shut it down and it took me about a a year to correct everything. No kidding. 


Okay. So how long from the moment you started with your writer through the editing process, what was the timeline from inception to on the shelf?


Oh wow. So the first year after my brain operation, I’m still writing this book. A year later, I’m in the pool, rehabilitating [with the book notes] still in front of me.

I’ve got this diagnosis of doctors telling me, Chris, you gotta have these cancers removed asap. They’ve taken off. I don’t know if your kidney is gonna survive removing six cancers. You might be on dialysis. Doom and gloom.

I’ve just gone on a journey of learning how to walk and talk for eight months. I’ve got so many defects going on. 

My tongue didn’t half work. I couldn’t even talk. It was affecting my speech. So I’m there in this scenario and at the height of my worst moment in life, I’ve got this outlook. That’s a disaster. 

'Near Death Lessons' by Chris Jankulovski

I’m trying to run in the pool because I’m learning how to walk properly and I’m about to confront this adversity again.

I’m thinking: Why am I buying a future that no one knows? This is all just estimates, predictions, guesswork. I don’t have to accept this. What if I dare hope that the best is yet to come? Why don’t I look forward to the life ahead of me? That it’s the best? 

And that was the most pivotal moment in my life because, I went from a $4 million house to a $16 million house.

Eight months later, I go off to double my business from 8 million to 16 million. I go off to do all these things, and now I’m in America taking it to another level. 

I was in the hospital room, that’s year one by the way.  I bargained for my life because things were not looking good, that’s when I decided to take my story public.

And since the moment I’ve taken the story public. I wrote the book initially because I didn’t want to give any advice to my sons because I didn’t want them to hate me from the grave. I didn’t wanna just share my story. I wanted to share the lessons.

I wanted to share the things that have transformed my life. So I hired a resilience consultant, and I said to her, can you please read my book? Put a spotlight on how I respond to adversities compared to a more common response because I just keep bouncing back stronger.

She read my book five times. We ended up having 26 zoom sessions, and then from that we unearthed 11 distinctions. We gave those to instructional designers which then they came back to me with the five life lessons that I shared in the book.

That’s a heck of a journey. Tell us about some of the diagnoses you’ve had all the way back from your teenage years.


So at the age of 19, we went to a specialist clinic to understand what was causing tumors in my eyes. The doctor was puzzled.  There was this new genetic testing going on. So I had the genetic test done.   I [was diagnosed] with Von hippel-lindau syndrome. A hereditary condition, means maybe your mom and dad have got it. I go, no one’s got it, okay?

The average life expectancy is 30 years, so you’re probably gonna have a short life and you’ve probably got cancers now. 

I was like, what? I’m gonna be dead by 30. What do you mean? That was my brutal wake up call and I went to my car and I cried.

I couldn’t relate to anyone with this problem. I told my parents, I told my friends, I couldn’t connect with anyone about this. I just decided to ignore it. I thought if I pretended deep down I never got this, perhaps it would disappear.

So that’s what I did. I ignored it from the ages of 19 to 32 when my first brain tumor finally caught up. And when it did, it almost killed me. It was so big –  five centimeters. I had to contour my body to go to the toilet and had these weird electric shocks running down my spine.

When I got the operation, I transformed. I looked at the sky and I said, God, kill me. I’ve had enough of living this victim life. I’ve had enough of being disempowered, always reacting to my circumstances.

I choose to focus on life. I choose whatever happens. I’m gonna choose to make the most of whatever life I have, but I’m not living like that anymore.  So that was a pivotal moment. 

I’m now 50, so I’ve had a good run for the last six years. At age seven, my appendix burst, almost killing me. Two weeks in hospital. At the age of 21, I almost drowned. 

But one of the first times I crossed over, out of body kind of experience and a different time dimension was a few years later, 25, when I woke up [during] an eye surgery, I felt the needles sliding on my eye, like on an egg, and they’re poking in.

I woke up and flatlined. I was looking down at myself.  I could see the machine flat-lining until everything went white. And then I felt like I was in a different time dimension. I just felt ‘Whoa. Where am I? Let’s go. Hey, I’m not going anywhere. It’s my sister’s wedding soon. And then I snapped back into life again with the nurses all about to zap me.

So that was at 25 and then at 32 is the brain tumor. And then two months later was the removal of my right kidney because it was occupied by cancers. Some as large as four and a half, five centimeters. Which is way too dangerous. They’re all very aggressive..

The reason why I called that a near death experience as well is because I survived my cancer battle and it didn’t spread. It killed my dad, it didn’t kill me. And then two years later, I had to remove four large cancers from a remaining left kidney. 

A decade later, another six cancerous kidneys.  Before that one was the second brain operation to remove two tumors in my head, and that was the most serious. 


Let’s talk about a deliberate life. You mentioned it in your book, what does a deliberate life mean to you and what are the main steps? How do we get there?


I have nearly died, came back to life, and every time that happens, it’s like a reset button in my heart.

Everything’s up for grab: my values, my behaviors, my patterns. Because I’m back again. You go through many of these experiences.

Everything you’ve been holding true gets re-evaluated, and therefore, all of it – fears, insecurities, all gets washed away. And what remains is what’s most important and true. For me, every time I go through these experiences, I get an onion layer experience. I get more to the core of who I am and who we are.

All of us, including me, are remarkably powerful. I can’t believe the more I get to me and the core of my authentic me, the more energy, the more light, the more vibrancy, the more drive, the more of everything is there. 

I’ve always been spending money looking for advice and solutions outside myself.  Deep down, the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my life was when I meditated in silence for three weeks in India.  Silence. Every time I nearly died, I’d go into this black void. Vibrancy, energy, and I don’t understand why I’m still consciously pressing, but then when I return, now I know I’m gonna say something really taboo, but life and death coexist in my mind because when I close my eyes and I’m in this black void, if I can meditate to a point where I’m outside of my sense of skin, brain patterns, feelings, and just be presently alert of my awareness.

Man, that’s the same space I go to when I’m in a different time dimension. Hence why I believe that life and death coexist and that fuels me. That just fuels me even more because our mortality is what should fuel all of us. Why? Who are we to take our time for granted here? 

This drop of time that we have here, how selfish of us to be caught up in our own doubts and fears and insecurities. We are so much more than that. 

There is just this magic and energy in us that wants to drive. Follow that drive, follow that energy. Don’t restrict it.  It communicates in feelings and glimpses of vision.

I live a deliberate life because of these adversities, and I keep coming back to life.  I wanna optimize. If I’ve got anxiety. If I was to listen to Steve Jobs, live as if it’s your last day of life. I get anxiety. I can’t be strategic, I can’t plan. I’m always challenged every year with my scans.

So the way I play this game is every year when I get a MRI scan for my brain and spine and kidneys and all this stuff. When I get the results of those scans towards the end of the year, I see them as a certificate to go live life to the fullest. So I get this scan results. I go, yes, I’ve got a free run.  Then that following year, I’m bolting. I’m a hundred percent, I’ve got one more year to live. I see every year as if it’s another year to live. 

What I’ve realized over 30 years of doing this is,  I can’t live deliberately, so I can’t live my life to the fullest every year unless I’m living deliberately and I can’t live deliberately unless I have clarity with what I wanna do, because otherwise I’m spending time on all these things that aren’t important.

I linked my goal to an image and I put it on a board because visually I know that the only way my subconscious relates to this is by image and feeling. Now, I know people call it vision boards, but they’ve got it all wrong. You gotta really link an image to a goal.  That image needs to excite you.   That simple solution allowed me to focus my energy throughout the whole year towards these things. 


You offer a ‘free gift’ in your book.  Can you give us a sneak peek of what it is?


Since I’m talking about life so much and living life to the fullest I wanted to show people the 10 things that were often affecting me and stopping me from living a life to the fullest.

What does success mean to you? It’s different for everyone and so is living life to the fullest.  But, for people who are driven, success-oriented, ambitious people,  they would relate mostly to this because that’s who I am.

I wanna spend more time with my family. I wanna smell the roses. I wanna see how far I can go and I wanna see the kind of impact I can make because I don’t wanna just pass and it never even be known that I even existed.

So living life to the fullest means you are embracing your true power. You are embracing and optimizing your most important resource,  your time. You are embracing the fact that you’ve got an ability to create. 

So if we can do these simple things, we can achieve our dreams. That’s as simple as that. If we’ve got the right mindset, if we stop responding to life as if we have got no control, if we are always victims of it, I’ve been thrown these incredible blows from the universe.

So many battles outside of my control. I refuse to not take responsibility. I actually take responsibility. Look, the tumors happen genetically, but I take responsibility. It’s a game. Okay? It’s just a game. It’s a game of self-empowerment.


Chris Jankulovski’s book, Near Death Lessons on sale at Amazon now.

If we want more from you, where do we find you? What’s your website? Where do we find you on social media?


I’m building and then you’ll be able to access other things. 


What does the future look like for you?  What are you gonna be up to next?


I’m developing my personal brand and what that represents to the world.  What that represents to the American people.  What I strive to do in terms of impacting.. 

I’ll be working very heavily on my business, but I’ll also be putting myself out there to meet people, to talk to people and more media of course.

When I said I’m gonna inspire millions, this is the deal. And that deal isn’t just writing a book. That deal is to connect with people. One-on-one or in groups or to speak, and not because I’m looking to become a speaker, but because I’m looking to deliver this incredible energy, this incredible passion, this incredible lessons and distinctions with no bullshit on what gets results and how what you gotta do to optimize your most important time here on Earth.

Chris, I wish you huge success with the book Near Death Lessons. I think there’s so many lessons about either launching a new life or breaking through.  It’s a great New Year’s. Gift and a great Father’s Day gift. 

Thank you mate. 

Hank’s in Palisades Village is celebrating National Hamburger Day this Memorial Day Weekend on Sunday May 28th

Hank’s in Palisades Village is celebrating National Hamburger Day this Memorial Day Weekend on Sunday, May 28th, with a special Burger Combo Deal all day and evening.


Visit Hank’s for National Hamburger Day Sunday, May 28th


Hank’s in Palisades Village is celebrating National Hamburger Day this Memorial Day Weekend on Sunday May 28th

Guests can enjoy any one of Hank’s Hamburgers, including Executive Chef Isaias Peña’s award-winning Hank’s Single and Double Diamond Burger, which was named “BEST BURGER” WINNER in the Los Angeles Times Best of the Southland 2022,” with a choice of Side and Draft Beer ($25) on National Hamburger Day, Sunday, May 28th, 2023!


Hank’s in Palisades Village is celebrating National Hamburger Day this Memorial Day Weekend on Sunday May 28th

Executive Chef Isaias Peña, courtesy of Hank’s Burgers


Executive Chef Isaias Peña’s award-winning Hank’s Single and Double Diamond Burger


Hank’s, named in honor of Owner Rick Caruso’s father Hank and known for its delicious burgers, friendly service, and lively and inviting atmosphere, is the perfect place to celebrate National Hamburger Day this Memorial Day Weekend with family and friends.

Hank’s will be open on National Hamburger Day, Sunday, May 28th, 2023,  from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm; 1033 N. Swarthmore Avenue Pacific Palisades, CA 90722; 424.363.7166:

 Follow Hank’s on Facebook @HanksPalisades and Instagram @hankspalisades

Kendrick Lamar, Foo Fighters, The Lumineers, ODESZA and more! Headline Austin City Limits Music Festival 2023

Kendrick Lamar, Foo Fighters, The Lumineers, ODESZA and more! Headline Austin City Limits Music Festival 2023

The legendary Austin City Limits Music Festival returns in 2023 with an incredible lineup featuring headliners

Kendrick Lamar, Foo Fighters, Mumford & Sons, Shania Twain (Weekend One only)

The Lumineers, ODESZA, Alanis Morissette and The 1975 (Weekend Two only)

along with Hozier, Kali Uchis, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Maggie Rogers, Labrinth, Cigarettes After Sex, Niall Horan, Tove Lo, Thirty Seconds to Mars and many more.

The nine-stage, two-weekend extravaganza will take place October 6-8 and October 13-15, 2023, at Zilker Park.

3-Day Tickets for both weekends will go on sale today at 12pm CT at

New in 2023: No surprises at checkout – all fees and shipping costs are included upfront. Layaway Plans are available starting at only $25 down.


Kendrick Lamar, Foo Fighters, The Lumineers, ODESZA and more! Headline Austin City Limits Music Festival 2023

Kendrick Lamar, Foo Fighters, The Lumineers, ODESZA and more! Headline Austin City Limits Music Festival 2023


nine-stage, two-weekend extravaganza


Austin City Limits Music Festival’s stages are where the next generation of headliners are born, and where music fans can experience an abundance of artist discovery across the diverse and inclusive bill.  2023’s roster features 45% female performers, LGBTQ+ artists, allies and icons, multiple Latin stars including Ivan Cornejo, Kevin Kaarl, Eddie Zuko, and much more.


At the heart of Austin City Limits Fest is its Texas pride


At the heart of ACL Fest is its Texas pride, and this year the festival is proud to showcase a long list of amazing homegrown artists including Cigarettes After Sex, The Mars Volta, Tanya Tucker, Ben Kweller, d4dv, Jimmy Vaughn, Asleep At The Wheel, Penny & Sparrow, Randall King, Abraham Alexander, Angel White, BigXThaPlug, Katy Kirby and Goodnight, Texas, Calder Allen, Kathryn Legendre, Arya, Grace Sorenson, Sunrose, Blackchyl, We Don’t Ride Llamas, Jane Leo, Ellis Bullard, Rattlesnake Milk, Shooks, QUIN NFN, Caramelo Haze, Die Spitz, Nemegata, Huston-Tillotson Jazz Collective, The Moriah Sisters and The Disciples of Joy.



While taking in all that ACL Fest has to offer, be sure to slip into the shady grove and enter the world of Bonus Tracks, the biggest party on the smallest stage at Zilker Park.  Programming at Bonus Tracks creates a hub of culture, connection, and positive vibes between music performances.  Past appearances include beloved local Austin favorites Kate Waitzkin, dance parties with Outdoor Voices and DJ Mel, drag shows curated by Extragrams!, and a hilarious and lively swearing session with legends Brett Goldstein and Brené Brown. Stay tuned for the 2023 programming announcing later this summer.

3-Day General Admission Tickets, 3-Day GA+ Tickets, 3-Day VIP and Platinum Tickets and Hotel Packages will go on sale today at 12pm CT at www.aclfestival.comwith all fees and shipping costs included upfront.  Layaway Plans are available starting at only $25 down.  1-Day General Admission Tickets, 1-Day GA+ Tickets, 1-Day Tickets will be available at a later date.  Music fans ages 8 and under will be admitted free of charge. Austin Kiddie Limits programming information will be announced soon.

GA Ticket Holders will experience a new amenity this year!  For the first time, premium cocktails will be available on bar menus throughout ACL Festival, not just in select areas.  GA+ will include a full-service bar with preferred pricing for all beer, seltzers, wine and cocktails. VIP guests will enjoy complimentary beer, seltzers, wine and cocktails in two private lounges, which also feature viewing decks offering elevated sightlines of the two main stages.  Platinum guests will receive complimentary beer, seltzers, wine and cocktails, as well as the best seats in the house with exclusive viewing at six stages.  A full list of GA, GA+, VIP and Platinum amenities can be found at

Hulu returns as the Official Streaming Destination of ACL Festival! Catch three days of select live performances, interviews and much more during Weekend One, October 6-8! Full broadcast lineup and schedule to be announced later this summer.

Austin City Limits Music Festival is proud to call Zilker Park home.

Since 2006, ACL Festival, in partnership with Austin Parks Foundation, has generated nearly $55 million towards improvements to Zilker Park and parks across Austin. In 2022, through a percentage of ticket sales, fans of ACL Fest contributed $7.2 million to improving Austin’s public parks, trails, and green spaces.

In the coming year, APF will utilize ACL Fest funds to help design and complete park improvement projects across Austin including projects at Earl J. Pomerleau Pocket Park, Rosewood Neighborhood Park, Onion Creek Metropolitan Park, and McBeth Recreation Center. For more information about Austin Parks Foundation’s work in the Austin community and how fans have contributed to Austin’s parks, please visit

Fans can sign up for the ACL Fest SMS and Email Lists to be the first to get new information at and follow social media to stay in the loop on all festival announcements.  Instagram || Facebook || Twitter.

Austin City Limits Music Festival 2023 thanks American Express, Honda, T-Mobile, Miller Lite, Tito’s Handmade Vodka, BMI, Karbach Brewing Co., and Hulu for their generous support.

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