Food’s Future is getting “Better Better”, led by WhatIf Foods and Chris Langwallner

The Future of food is getting “Better Better” thanks to WhatIf Foods and Chris Langwallner.

WhatIF Foods believes in a better better.

Tasty, delicious foods that are better for our bodies, better for our taste buds and farmer buds alike. Better for degraded lands, our eco-systems and naturally… better for cows.

Today I had the chance to have a conversation (via zoom) with WhatIF Food’s Chris Langwallner to talk about inspiration, their foods, their flavors and the science and technology making it all happen.

This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  For the full conversation visit our YouTube channel.

Today we are here with Chris Langwallner from What If Foods. Thanks for joining us today.

Absolute pleasure. I cannot thank you enough. It’s fantastic to be here and letting our story get out a little bit. So thank you very much. I’m excited because it’s gonna be a lot of fun.



We’re talking about plant-based foods, we’re talking about planet based foods and for a “better-better” world. I’m hoping you’ll clarify that for us.


I look forward to it. Yes, it’s all about a planet based food company. It’s all about regenerating. It’s all about reconnecting to communities, restoring the greater land, and making sure that we are replenishing the nutrients we need on a day-to-day basis.


What inspired you to get into plant-based food?


To be honest with you, as a planet based company I think what really inspired me to get into a better way of doing things is actually a call out of my grandfather.

He has been always saying, leave this planet a better world than how you found it. When I was a young boy, I couldn’t understand. It was too abstract. I couldn’t really get my head around. But as I was then working in the industry for 20, 25 years you look behind the scenes, and you see how food is being manufactured on large scale and how profitability over shadows a lot of decision making.

And on the other flip side of the coin, there is a community out there, about 2.6 billion people. This planet makes a direct income or an indirect income from farming activities. And the vast majority, more than two thirds of these people are the poorest of the poor. And we are leaving them behind. And that’s not fair to them because what we have on the plates has been harvested by them.

They take care of their land. And if we leave them behind in the current state of affairs We’ll see many tears in their eyes. And it doesn’t have to be that way. It can be totally different. And hence my strife was really to look at the planetary health and its affairs as well as humanity overall.

And thinking about that must be a better way of doing things and how can we improve it, not incrementally, but really make a system change. And here we are basically inspired by my grandfather. 

On your website, you take some very science-based heavy content and you make it fun and easy.  Talk about that process.


It’s a team effort. Honestly, there’s a huge team behind the scenes that works tirelessly on improving our communication and our style and our tone. But the essence of it all is that we understand that Gen Zs and today’s youth are essentially those consumer groups that are on this planet.

Probably the first sort of generation that is fully educated in sustainability. And they have their ability today by one click of a button to really look behind the scenes and understand whether or not there is BS or whether or not there’s transparency, there’s honesty, and there is a different approach to things.

So that is one aspect of things. So we wanted to really make sure we are speaking to the youth on this planet. The second aspect of it all is that, You open your social media feeds today, or you open a media channel, you switch on your television and you are bombarded with bad news, after bad news.

And quite frankly, I have worked in universities and with students and I have been shocked by the fact that people, young guys, talk to me, ‘Hey, I don’t care about sustainability. I don’t care about our planet because it’s so crappy. Everything is so bad. I might as well just enjoy the time span I have on this planet.’


And I was shocked in contrast to what my grandfather told me. Today’s youth, some of them, not all, a fraction of them think like that. Or in other words I met this young girl and she says, I don’t know if I want to have children. Because I don’t know whether or not I would like to give birth to people that then inherit a planet that is so hot.

And all of that together was just making me restless and I wanted to really change things and and take this finite time span that I have on this planet to try as hard as I possibly can to leave it better than I found it. And that’s what I strive for. Hence we’re speaking with a fun and engaging voice.

We are speaking with colors and we are speaking with cartoons so that we basically get this heavy message across in an uplifting way and saying, Hey, you can be part of something. That actually does the opposite. It’s not grim. Yes. If we change, we can make this. We’re a better place and here we are.

Thanks for the call out. The credit goes to my team.


As we segue into the products themselves, what I wanna highlight is this BamNut Is that the nickname for the Bambara Groundnut?


Yeah, so we came up with Bamnut as a short version, as an acronym for the Bambara Ground Nut, which in reality is a legume, a legume that helps us fix nitrogen organically in soils that are essentially degraded and left behind by intensive agriculture.

The Bamnut word came about in Singapore. We actually did not quite know when we started using it. We didn’t quite know how the Americans would pronounce it. And then we found out, alright, it’s the Bamnut. So it all turned out to be so witty and entertaining and just perfect fit for a “better, better” to be honest.


Because that’s a main ingredient in all of your food. Let’s talk about what is a BamNut. Why is it magical and unique?


I was walking through the world of agro food over the past 20 years, and I’ve always been hugely concerned about the massive speed of land degradation, particularly on arid land.

And that’s getting accelerated because of climate change; and the weather is changing; and the rains and the monsoons are not hitting regularly anymore. So it becomes increasingly more difficult to plant, the planting season to make sure that you are having the seeds in the ground before the rains hit them and so on and so forth.

So it becomes really challenging for folks. So land turpitation has always been a huge concern of mine because another, on the flip side of that, we are losing about 25 soccer fields worth of arid land every minute, while at the very same minute, the same amount of primary forests have been cut down.

So if you compare and contrast these two figures, what it tells me is that in order to make way for the old food industry, we actually cut primary forest and we leave land behind. And that is the wrong thing to do. That is one aspect of things. 

The other aspect of things is I had once the fantastic opportunity to have an interview with Dr. Roy Steiner of the Rockefeller Foundation. And he gave a casual shoutout and he said, nowhere in the world do we produce and consume enough legumes. And I was thinking, why does he say that? But then it’s quite obvious if you think it through, because we are depending so much on crops that the land that basically holds the crops is deprived from organic nitrogen fixing crops like the legumes, and in the absence of nitrogen being fixed through the legumes, we throw endless amounts of synthetic fertilizers on the ground in order to make up for it.

That’s an aspect of things that also worried me.  But today the input costs have gone through the roof is it unravels all over the world and it has gotten more and more expensive to do so the degrading of land in one pocket, I was basically going through my work with that sort of lens.

Then there’s this whole water issue. We are big time irrigating crops, but what does that do? It just slows down the loss of water tables because the moment we take water out of the ground, the water tables are collapsing. I have numbers for that. I had a business in India a long time ago, and it used to be 30 meters, and today it’s probably 90 to 120 meters.

So water is basically a huge issue. There was another lens through which I looked at, and then I was at a conference in Jakarta, and I happened to run into a scientist. He said to me that he works on the Bambara groundnut. It’s a complete crop.  I thought, “Oh, that’s interesting. So what does that mean?”

And I started to really explore that much more deeper. And a complete crop turns out to be essentially a crop that has all micronutrients in the sort of right balance that we need. On top of it, it has all nine essential amino acids that we need. It has rich fatty acids, quality fatty acids, as well as car complex carbohydrates.  So fiber. 

You remember the forgotten macronutrient fibers for our microbiomes? So I got really inspired. So I looked up the amino acid profile and I saw it is rich in plutonic acid or spartic acid. So these are very cool amino acids in terms of generating nice flavors. And off I was; I organized the first couple of five kilos and the trial started, and that’s years and years ago.

In the meantime, the Bambara groundnut actually taught us a few lessons because it’s a very hearty nut and it really takes an effort to make cool products outta it.


It’s called a complete product, is that correct?


A complete food.  A complete crop or complete food crop.


Right now all of the products on your website are based from BamNut. I see Bam Nut milk. I see noodles with seasonings, and then there’s bundles and swag and all kinds of delicious things.

In the future, are we expanding that beyond or what’s the scope?


We would love to explore new categories as we build our business. There are so many occasions throughout the day where we can actually incorporate the bambara ground in exciting products, and we look forward to doing that.

Our focus right now is definitely our milk portfolio. It’s a wonderful product. I encourage everybody to have a little taste and Judge for yourself. We have a client in Los Angeles, a coffee roaster, who said ‘This is the closest thing to cow milk that I’ve ever seen in plant-based milk.’ 

We call it planet based milk. I have to say again, shout out to my team in the R&D side of things because they have established a wonderful product essentially with just three ingredients: that’s water, the bambara groundnut, not coconut oil. The rest is essentially technology behind the scenes that actually makes it foam nicely, very stable foam, small bubbles. So you can do latte art. 

Our Airy [flavor] is essentially the one that I would use for a nice drink, like a shake.

In between there is the Every Day [flavor] that goes essentially into my cereal in the morning. 

What are the flavors?


Today we are in the market with three different products.

The first one in a slightly black sort of packaging is the Barista. It has the richest mouthfeel. It is the creamiest. We have designed it to perform fantastic or be able to perform fantastic latte art. So it really goes into the cappuccino sort of an experience rather nicely.

I personally take it also for Boba tea. I might as well use the bambara groundnut and foam it up. 

I have my little trick with the barista. I actually froth it in the frother and I put my espresso shot into the frother with the barista together. So I froth it together. But that is just me. I just like it that way. 

Then we have the purple package, which is our Everyday. My wife uses it in baking. We do make cakes, like traditional Austria style, and we totally use only the Everyday [flavor] for that.

Friends of mine [pour] it into their cereals in the morning. It’s a little bit richer, earthy, nutty in character because we do tend to roast the nuts a little bit stronger in the process of making it.

Last but not least, we have our Airy [flavor], which is the lightest one of it all. It is the mint colored package. It is the one that people take into milkshakes and protein shakes. 


Let’s move on to Noodles


We wanted to create technologies that help us regenerate what’s broken. And today a large portion of all ramen that is being consumed on a day-to-day basis globally is deep fried in palm oil. Palm oil leaves huge banks of land degraded behind, particularly after the third cycle of palm plantations being grown.

We see the aftermath of the palm plantation industry essentially now in Southeast Asia. Therefore we were alerted when we started this project to basically say no to frying and no to deep frying and no, to essentially dehydrating instant noodles or ramen using that sort of process.

So we invented a technology that actually took that sort of challenge away. We invented an industrial scale air frying technology. Once you actually don’t fry anymore, you save about 20% of the space because 20% of palm oil is [based] in the noodle product of classic ramen.  That’s what it absorbs in the frying process. 

So if you don’t deep fry, you save 20%. Now nutrients will survive. Now colors may survive.  Then we replaced all the palm oil with the Bambara. 

We started to actually say, how can we bring color and different flavors and textures on the plates of consumers? And we created these four different products with the four different colors, which is essentially the black one, which is charcoal driven, moringa is green, pumpkin is orange and the original is yellow.

So four different options, all the same philosophy. 

The backbone of making it is the same, but then we add different nutrients to it to have fun, and then we add fancy seasonings to it, which makes just a nice flavor experience as well.



Our audience is passionate, hungry, curious, foodies. What does it actually taste like?


I’m extremely proud of our Noodles because even without the seasonings, you can cook them up and eat them and you will have a wonderful experience.

Try and contrast that with other ramen that you find in the market, and you will come back to our offering immediately because they’re just tasting nice. 

So our starting point of then adding the seasonings to it, like hot and spicy, or the mushrooms is an easy undertaking. It is actually an easy sort of concept to work with because if you have a neutral and nice taste to start with from the noodle base, you can build interesting flavor profiles on top.

Rather than having to use heavy flavors to mask off-flavor from a product base, or not so nice processes or even crappy raw materials. We don’t have that challenge. 

We also decided very early on to keep the salt at a minimum to stay away from any flavor enhancers. No MSG,  we’ve tried to keep it as clean as we possibly can.

We’ve tried to use as much spice as we can access.  No flavoring and stuff like that. I’ve been in that industry for over 20 years.  We thought let’s stay honest, to the product as well, to the noodles as well. And that has been a fantastic journey.

Our “Original, is a hot and sweet, hot and spicy pairing.  In Southeast Asia, it’s based on wok cooking. That’s my personal favorite. I eat it on salads with a little bit of a balsamico dressing

We have with Sesame Garlic, many kids who go for a green one. 

Pumpkin with the traditional Indian curry offer a great pairing. Watch out, it comes hot and spicy.  Typical Indian flavors. 

Last but not least is our charcoal with mushrooms. It’s fantastic for, if you go out to have a beer and come home and wanna have a bite, go for it. It’s a good one. 

How did you decide which flavors to choose? Was it a lot of trial and error?


There’s a lot of trial and error. There’s a lot of pairing up with our noodles.

What we have tried to do is really look into what are the best pairings for these sort of flavors.

From that point of view, we also wanted to stay with our seasonings. We wanted to stay essentially planet based.  None of our ingredients have any animal derived products in it.

You look at the charcoal, you cook it up, you eat it, you give it to a chef, let him experiment around. 

We had a Spanish chef take our charcoal and put it into a paella. All of a sudden there was a totally different sort of recipe.

The way we actually derived the final products has also a lot to do with people that actually use it day-to-day in the kitchen and learn from them.


What’s the future of WhatIf foods?


We are going to enter new categories of food and we are gonna expand our existing categories with new products. 

But I probably would love to use the opportunity to take you along on a more philosophical sort of journey for WhatIf foods and what comes hopefully in the next couple of years to come, because I think we have a better opportunity that needs doubling down now.

What I’m talking about is really the cost of the way we are making everything right from originating bambara groundnut, with partnering farming communities in all parts of Ghana. Encouraging them, making the ingredients ourselves, and then making the food applications, making the food, and then basically taking it to retail all the way through to Manhattan and other parts of the US.

So it’s that entire regenerative value chain that we have created and what that actually represents to us is an opportunity to really explore the intersection between soil health and restoring the soil that has been once degraded from intensive agriculture. 

It is that intersection of renewable energy because the Bambara groundnut now grows in a shell and hence the shell has energy in there and can be used in order to fire up essentially for power.

If you do that smartly, you generate biochar. With biochar, you then actually sequester carbon from the atmosphere into the soils permanently for hundreds, if not a thousand years to come.

 And last but not least, another intersection is wellbeing for consumers. We call them “Better Believers” as well as farming communities because we work with them directly.

We are proud of the fact that we have increased profit, not income; profit of farmers who work with us by 300%. 

At 2.5 acres, these farmers are permanently uplifted above the poverty line. That’s the intersection we really wanna double down to. Again, soil health, renewable energy, carbon sequestration.

Well-being for both the better believers as consumers, as well as the farming communities. Its possible and we’re looking forward to doing that on a large scale. If we wanna fulfill the demand that we hopefully can create, then we will probably need about 20,000 farmers to do that in the next five to ten years to come.

And then generate all the energy that we need internally to be there for carbon zero.  Even further carbon or maybe even participate in the carbon market through certificates. That’s our next challenge. That’s where we wanna go.


Find more about What If Foods on their website

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This Halloween in LA: Scary-good whiskies: J. Mattingly 1845 Welcomes Fall with New Whiskey Offerings

Scary-good whiskies this Halloween: J. Mattingly 1845 Welcomes Fall with New Whiskey Offerings

J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery is debuting scary-good whiskies this fall, with its first fall spiced Bourbon 31 Blended Bourbon and the ability to customize your own whiskey for your Halloween festivities through its J. Mattingly 1845 craft your bottle program.


Bourbon 31 Blended Bourbon is a play on the brand’s Bourbon 30 Bourbon brand and this limited-edition release was created for the Halloween season.

Bourbon 31 is a blend of three whiskies which have all undergone J. Mattingly 1845’s Double Staving™ process and the blend consists of 51 percent Bourbon, 29 percent Light Whiskey and 20 percent Rye Whiskey. Double Staving is a proprietary process used by J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery that gives the whiskey inside the barrels additional surface exposure to charred barrel staves to impart more flavor and color.

The Double Staved Classic Bourbon used in this blend has just scored a 96 from famed Whiskey Bible author Jim Murray.

The Bourbon 31 Blended Bourbon was created by J. Mattingly 1845’s team of expert blenders to reflect the flavors typically associated with fall. “When we blended these three whiskies, we were looking for a flavor profile that reflects flavors typically associated with fall, such as pumpkin and cinnamon while matching the light-hearted fun we’re having by changing the brand name from Bourbon 30 to Bourbon 31 to celebrate the Halloween season,” said Harry Richart, president, J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery.

Tasting notes for this bourbon describe it as having a nose of nutmeg, cinnamon, vanilla and walnut, with the flavors of brown sugar, cinnamon, and fall baking spices on the palate. On the finish, pumpkin bread, baker’s chocolate and seasoned oak are prevalent.

Bourbon 31 is available online and at the J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery in Frankfort, KY.  Suggested retail pricing is $60 for a 750 mL and it is 98 proof.

J. Mattingly 1845 Custom Whiskey Program is the “Choose Your Own Adventure” of the whiskey world by allowing the buyer to choose between double staved™ bourbon, light whiskey or rye whiskey recipes, select their bottle shape, customize their own label, and even choose their own wax color from every color of the rainbow! This program is available online and in person at the Distillery and can result in some frighteningly fun labels and Halloween-themed wax colors.  Imagine expressing your innermost devilish (or angelic) thoughts on the bourbon bottle you give your favorite boo.

Pricing for the custom bottles start at $120 for a 750 mL bottle and shipping is available to 46 states.

About J. Mattingly 1845 Distillery

The Mattingly family has been synonymous with distilling in Kentucky for more than two centuries, having a hand in the development of at least nine separate distilleries in the Commonwealth.

It all started in 1845, with John Graves Mattingly’s first distillery in Marion County, Kentucky, Registered Distillery #2.

In 2010 Jeff Mattingly took up the family mantle and started his own craft bourbon business. Today, Jeff’s son Cameron has joined the team as Vice President of Production, continuing the legacy into the latest generation for J. Mattingly Distillery 1845 in Frankfort, Kentucky. Together father and son offer their proprietary double staving process as well as a custom bourbon blending experience unparalleled in the spirits industry, available on-site in Frankfort or online at https://jmattingly1845.com/build-a-bottle/

LA wants “Indulgence without compromise” Dairy-free, plant-based: OATRAGEOUS Oat Milk Liqueur

Dairy-free, plant-based: OATRAGEOUS Oat Milk Liqueur from the Makers of Misunderstood Whiskey Co.

OATRAGEOUS Oat Milk Liqueur proudly announces the launch of its innovative, dairy-free cream liqueur line, setting a new standard in the cream liqueur category. Crafted with the highest quality ingredients, OATRAGEOUS offers a plant-based alternative that is free from dairy, gluten, lactose, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and seed oils.

OATRAGEOUS is proudly the first portfolio of Oat Milk Liqueurs to hit shelves in the United States.

“We couldn’t be more excited to share OATRAGEOUS with the world,”

JD Recobs

Co-Founder of OATRAGEOUS.

“There are a lot of consumers out there who want to enjoy cream inspired products but are limited by dietary restrictions, lifestyle choices, or simple taste preferences.”

OATRAGEOUS will debut three core SKUs this fall: Coconut, Espresso, and the world’s first Dairy-Free Bourbon Cream (14% ABV).

OATRAGEOUS Oat Milk Liqueur is designed for those who seek indulgence without compromise. OATRAGEOUS delivers a light, smooth, and creamy experience while boasting less sugar and fewer calories versus traditional cream liqueurs. The expressions are crafted with 100% sustainably sourced, non-GMO oats, smooth bourbon whiskey and real ingredients.

“We are thrilled to be able to open doors for consumers by giving them delicious, dairy-free options that are produced transparently and made with significantly less sugar compared to what is currently available on the market,” added Co-Founder Chris Buglisi.

While OATRAGEOUS is best enjoyed simply chilled or over ice, the products are a great base for dairy-free alternative cocktails such as the Dairy-Free Espresso Martinis (or EspressOAT Martinis) and Dairy-Free Pina Coladas!

“We aspire to create exceptional products that prioritize both people and the planet,” said Emily Recobs, Co-Founder of OATRAGEOUS. “With a commitment to sustainability, we carefully craft every bottle using clean, high-quality ingredients, keeping the environment in mind every step of the way.”

Key Features:

  • Bourbon Based Cream Liqueur: Made with premium bourbon whiskey; distilled at the historic old Seagrams distillery by Ross & Squibb Distillery (MGP) in Lawrenceburg, Indiana.
  • Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free: Perfect for those with lactose intolerance, choosing a dairy-free lifestyle and with gluten sensitivities.
  • Plant-Based & Vegan-Friendly: A delightful option for those following plant-based diets.
  • Made With Clean Ingredients: No seed oils, high fructose corn syrup or artificial sweeteners. Kosher.
  • Less Sugar & Calories: OATRAGEOUS contains 30% less sugar & calories than the leading cream liqueur brands. Proudly only 100 calories per 1.5 oz serving.
  • Sustainably Sourced: Committed to environmental responsibility, using non-GMO oats.
  • Transparently Produced: The company proudly discloses nutrition facts on their website.

Core SKUs:

  • Coconut (14% ABV) – A tropical delight with the smooth, creamy taste of real coconut.
  • Espresso (14% ABV) – A rich, bold flavor infused with the essence of Arabica espresso.
  • Bourbon Cream (14% ABV) – A classic, luxurious blend of small batch bourbon whiskey and dairy free oat milk cream.

Availability and Pricing:
OATRAGEOUS will retail at $27.99 and be available for sale nationally online (www.drinkoatrageous.com) and in liquor stores in select markets including: FL, MA, NJ, NY, and TX.

About OATRAGEOUS Oat Milk Liqueurs
OATRAGEOUS Oat Milk Liqueur was created to bring fun, innovative dairy-free cream liqueurs to the world with a focus on quality and sustainability. OATRAGEOUS is a brand of Buglisi Recobs Group, also owner of Misunderstood Whiskey Company, a NJ based innovative whiskey brand delivering approachable spirits to its customer base which includes its Ginger Spiced Whiskey and America’s Original Dairy Free Oat Nog seasonal release.

Lakers Fans: Basketball legend Introduces ‘Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James’, available September 30

Lakers Fans: Basketball legend Introduces ‘Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James’, available September 30

Hennessy, the world’s leading cognac, and basketball legend LeBron James are proud to unveil ‘Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James’ – a V.S bottle collaboration available globally starting on September 30, 2024.

This first-time collaboration between Hennessy and LeBron James unites two giants in their respective fields and brings an unexpected twist to fans and the industry alike. Their mutual respect, shared drive for excellence and commitment to pushing boundaries makes this partnership a celebration of greatness and serves as a reminder that Hennessy is made for more.

“As an admirer of Hennessy and its iconic brand, I’ve always appreciated its commitment to basketball and how it celebrates the sport’s influence on and off the court,”

lebron James

“I was fortunate enough to visit the Maison in Cognac a while back, and seeing the care and craftsmanship that go into creating each bottle was pretty incredible. This collaboration represents a shared sense of dedication and discovery coming to life for everyone to enjoy.”

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

The limited-edition bottle features fresh, vibrant and distinctive designs which nod to James’ impact on and off the court. Both the bottle and gift box showcase an illustrative portrait of James in purple and orange. The iconic Hennessy Bras Armé is reimagined, sporting a sleeve as a tribute to James and intertwined with his trademark crown. The blend will remain the same and continue to deliver on the bold, yet smooth character that has made Hennessy V.S one of the most popular cognacs in the world.

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

“We are elated to officially welcome LeBron James to the Hennessy family after many years of mutual admiration and friendship,” said Antoine Varlet, Senior Vice President, Hennessy U.S. “LeBron is not just a basketball star, but someone who redefines boundaries in sport, style, culture and beyond. This partnership is more than just a collaboration, it’s a statement about what’s possible when two cultural icons come together.”

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James

To highlight the cognac’s versatility, James put a fresh twist on the Hennessy Margarita cocktail featuring Hennessy V.S, lime juice, orange liqueur, orange juice and agave syrup. The addition of orange juice comes directly from James, inspired by a recent tasting experience in Cognac where he experienced the different possibilities of the spirit and discovered that Hennessy is enjoyed more than just neat, complementing a wide range of serves. This follows the release of Hennessy’s “Made for more” campaign, which shows how any drink or occasion can be made ‘more’ when you add Hennessy. Find the full recipe on hennessy.com.

The ‘Hennessy Limited Edition by LeBron James’ V.S will be available for purchase starting September 30, 2024.


About the Author
Joe Wehinger (nicknamed Joe Winger) has written for over 20 years about the business of lifestyle and entertainment. Joe is an entertainment producer, media entrepreneur, public speaker, and C-level consultant who owns businesses in entertainment, lifestyle, tourism and publishing. He is an award-winning filmmaker, published author, member of the Directors Guild of America, International Food Travel Wine Authors Association, WSET Level 2 Wine student, WSET Level 2 Cocktail student, member of the LA Wine Writers. Email to: Joe@FlavRReport.com

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