LA Says: Clean Coffee Tastes Better, Dr Christina Rahm from Rahm Roast Coffee

LA Says: Clean Coffee Tastes Better, Dr Christina Rahm from Rahm Roast Coffee

Today we’re talking coffee!  The rich and delightful taste of Rahm Roast, crafted from carefully selected coffee beans straight from Guatemala.

Dr. Christina Rahm is a scientist, supermom, devoted partner, and the ultimate coffee aficionado! 

With a passion for detoxing and a mission to uplift lives, she’s not just about the lab coat life; she’s out there exploring the globe in pursuit of both science and the perfect cup of joe.

Today’s conversation has been edited for length and clarity.  For the full, un-edited conversation, visit FlavRReport’s YouTube channel here

Joe Winger: 

So what I love the most is your introduction, Dr. Christina Rahm, “Mother. wife, scientist and coffee lover.”

Dr. Christina Rahm: 

Thank you. Yeah I always start with mother. Now my kids are older. I’m like, am I supposed to say mother to adult children? They were such an integral part of my life. And hey, that was the reason I started drinking coffee. Just to be honest, I had to stay awake to take care of them.

Joe Winger: 

Do you remember what first inspired you to get interested in coffee?

Dr. Christina Rahm:

Motherhood, basically.. 

I grew up in a home where everybody loved coffee but me. I remember when I had my 1st child, and I was thinking, how do all these mothers stay awake? 

I worked back then too. It was a lot, working and taking care [of my first baby].

I was delusional because I thought I’m going to have my son, and I thought, I’ll go back to work on Monday. Cause you don’t know. I remember that Monday getting up and calling my mom and saying, “This is not doable.  What am I going to do?”

I had a job where they let me take him to work, but still it was a lot. And my mom was like, you’re going to have to drink coffee. 

So I started drinking coffee. 

My parents loved it growing up. They would offer us coffee with cream and sugar when we were little.

I grew up on a farm and  they would offer it and I’d be like, no, I don’t like it. I was the only one in my family that didn’t like it, but I learned to love it after I had a child. 

Then I three more [kids]. But I love the taste of it. 

Also, as a scientist, I had a pituitary tumor and different types of cancer.

When I started researching, you can’t ever claim that a natural substance cures anything, but I did notice there were certain types of coffee and coffee beans that caused cancer cell death, apoptosis. 

So it was one of the things that I added to my regimen. 

What happened was, the cancer metastasized and I was trying to eat everything from spirulina to coffee to resveratrol.

I did give up alcohol for a while. 

Then someone said one glass of alcohol is good because of the resveratrol. 

So I  added wine back in [to my diet].

But like I learned to love [coffee].   The more I researched it, the more I understood that it had mold and mitotoxins and it had all kinds of things.

Even though the pure bean could help from a physical perspective and from a healthcare perspective because of the pesticides and GMOs in the land, air and water that we have. 

I hate bringing up the topic because people [think] the environment’s not that bad. 

The problem is, regardless of your political stance, our environment is not healthy like it used to, because we’ve had so much pollution/

Nuclear war and when a nuclear war happens, it does not leave the stratosphere. 

It disseminates across our world. 

So a our things – plants and herbs and roots and seeds – you have to be very careful where you get it. 

Most of my career I focused a lot on detoxification and really helping clean out the environment.

Things I’ve worked on… You can go to the store and buy coffee or buy vitamins and they can have heavy metals, lead, mercury, horrible things in it. 

I don’t want to scare people.

Instead, I’ve worked on creating some things that hopefully will help people feel, look, and be better because we just all need to be as great as we can be. 

There’s no easy, one pill solution, right? 

Coffee was definitely something for me.  

People drink [it] every day, and if they’re going to drink it, I’m hoping they drink something that’s, free of mitotoxins, that has a good pH level, that is fair trade.

I had a whole list of things that were so important to me.

When Rahm Roast launched I was very happy because we ended up getting a 91% cup score. We worked really hard for that. Only 1% of the coffee in the world has a score that high.

But I think what was more important than a score, what’s that going to do for you? 

What really matters to me is that the coffee did not have toxins and the coffee did not have heavy metals and it hadn’t been exposed to GMOs or pesticides.

If my name was going to be on it it better be something that’s really helping people and making their life better. That was important to me.

Joe Winger: 

Two words you said a second ago, let’s connect them: coffee and detoxification.

What does that process look like for Rahm Roast?

Dr. Christina Rahm: 

I went all over, even to Ethiopia because [they] have great coffee.

I would meet with different coffee plantations and different owners trying to find a really good place. We ended up being able to find a place in Guatemala that was on top of a mountain, which had never been exposed to GMOs and pesticides.

The water’s clean, the air’s clean. 

It was a very isolated place.  We decided we wanted to partner with a business that was small.  All they cared about was making something that was just really unique and special.  [Unlike most other businesses] they were not worried about mass production.

They’re worried about making sure that it tastes good, which taste was important to us. 

But the biggest issue was let’s make sure that everything is fair trade, the organic, the vegan, we wanted everything. I wanted to be sustainable. 

For me, sustainable is not enough. 

We need to remediate things because you can to be sustainable. It’s not completely accurate, right? 

I have a lot of patents based on remediation of things and making sure that you’re not just detoxing, but you’re helping the plants and you’re helping everything grow.

Because we should have this much top soil [gestures to 6 inches] and now we have this much top soil [gestures to 2 inches] and there’s not enough nutrients in it that help the plants and the roots and the seeds.  They’re just not the same. 

We explored all of that and came up with a process to clean the beans and detox the beans of any kind of monotoxins, mold, fungus, bacteria, viruses, anything surrounding it. 

I developed that in 2015. I started by basically writing a series of patents that had to do with getting rid of nuclear waste.

The regeneration of land, air and water and the human body and also the reversal of aging.

What I’ve learned as a scientist and as a human being is to admit failure every day, and then to admit that I’m going to try to be better every day. 

And that’s what happened with the coffee. 

It was a one step process that involved a four day process to make the cleaning and it’s made from basically a zeolite silica trace mineral vitamin mixture which goes in and cleans the beans.  

I think that’s the reason our cup score is so high because the PH level basically getting rid of all those minor toxins, all the things, the beans that are harmful or could be harmful creates a ph level that is very conducive to our body.

I don’t know if you know this, but our Earth is composed of silica and water, right?

As humans, we are too. 

So when you put something in your body, you want to make it compatible bioavailable to the body. And I would say that’s another proprietary thing that I do. And I work on things I’m working on. 

Understanding the DNA of a coffee bean, and understanding our DNA and then understanding how they would work copacetically together.

Another thing that was really close to me that I actually have not talked about in any interview is the fact that. With coffee and coffee enemas and different things that people have, there’s like a 70 percent increase right now in colon cancer. It’s horrible. And I would credit that to the environment and to all the things we’re being exposed to.

And even vegans are getting colon cancer. Even younger people. You can look it up. 

It was in the New York Post, everything else. So I wanted a coffee that a doctor decided functional med doctors or doctors in other countries wanted to help with this area that could use it as a colon cleanse as well.

Again, I have not talked about that anywhere, but for me, it was essential because as a person that’s had so many different types of cancer, I want to put things in my body that will help my body. 

What’s interesting about what I do for a living now, I used to work in pharmaceutical and biotech and we could say.

We don’t cure bronchitis, but here’s zithromax to help with bronchitis and it does right from my perspective. 

Giving people things that make their body, make them achieve the greatest thing they can, that, which is to be their best self, it’s so important.

And if those things that we give them can also improve the cellular health of their body by making the healthy cells healthier and making the cancerous or the sick cells not even wanna be there, then that is a goal. 

There’s been all kinds of studies, there’s all kinds of information which shows that could be possible.

But again, the problem is in theory, yes, that can help people in different areas of health. 

But in reality, I don’t feel like it has because I think the coffee beans and coffee has been exposed to so many things in our environment that then sometimes we’re putting more toxins into our body. 

So that was really a major focus for me when I worked on the coffee.

We drink coffee every day and we deserve to have really good coffee. 

I’m not saying,me making spaghetti and saying my spaghetti is the “best spaghetti in the world.”

I will tell you that I’ve traveled to 89 countries and I’ve studied this for years and this has been a topic of mine since I was in my twenties, that has been important to me. 

Then my oldest son, my Mom used to give him the coffee with the sugar and the cream and he would just keep drinking it.

And I would get in an argument with my Mom about why are you giving my Son coffee now? 

He’s bouncing off the walls. He just loves it. 

So he put fire under my feet on it. I was like, I’m too busy working on all these other projects. 

He was like, “Mom, you have to make good coffee.”

Because some people drink four or five glasses a day. So it needs to be healthy for you. 

It’s just like water. If you’re going to drink water, you want to drink healthy water; and water is part of the process when I make the coffee too.  It’s a specific type of water that helps clean the beans. 

It’s interesting. I tried to do it in the United States. I could not find a master coffee maker that could do what I wanted.

I found one in Cyprus [Greece]. 

So I was in Cyprus introduced to an award winning coffee grinder coffee maker.

He’s won awards all over, [ he] understood my process, understood how to do it. 

Then after you tasted it, after it went through the process, he was like, this is amazing. This is the best coffee ever. And again, it makes sense.

Like when we’re healthy, we look better, right? 

When coffee beans are healthier, they taste better. They’re better. 

It’s just simple and I love it. 

I think it’s magical how science works and how all of our DNA is connected. We’re connected to a leaf on a tree. We’re also connected and able to bring coffee to the world that’s going to help people.

I think it is probably one of the things I’ve enjoyed the most in the last three to four years of my life.

Joe Winger: 

That’s beautiful.  Obviously you have a huge scientific background.  Our audience is into the flavor. Food, spirits, wine, coffee based on flavor. 

I’m sure you can understand how science can intimidate so many of us.

Is there a very simplified way of explaining what makes Rahm Roast good for the body, good for the planet? 

Dr. Christina Rahm: 

It’s like going to an organic farm up in the mountains where everything’s perfect and tasting a bite of a watermelon and it just tastes so great. 

Or of strawberries. 

When you go to these places on these islands that have never been exposed to GMOs and pesticides.

And you’re like, why does this taste better? 

Sometimes in the United States, you’ll buy a rose for someone and it doesn’t even smell like a rose, but then you’ll go to a tropical island where they don’t use GMOs or pesticides and it smells so beautiful.

This is the most beautiful rose. It smells so amazing. 

The coffee was made and sourced from a single source in a place that was the perfect environment that we could find. We looked everywhere. 

Then the process. That was made basically cleaning it until it was beautiful and perfect. It’s like you brush your teeth, you take a bath, you look better.

If you don’t shave or brush your teeth or take a bath for two years, then you may not look the same as you look today. 

This coffee has been cleaned in a very holistic way, organic way using only natural.

It tastes amazing. It tastes almost like chocolate.

It’s very smooth.

Using zeolites [like they] used to line the ducts of the Aztec and Incas and Mayas and the pyramids. It’s documented throughout history and all I did was take a process and make sure it was cleaning so that it would look beautiful.

I think it’s simple.

I sourced it from the most amazing place that had not been exposed to pesticides and GMOs, that was fair trade, that everything was a sole source farmer.

We knew everything about the history.  I want your audience to also know this. 

It’s not just the beans and the plants.  

It’s the parent plants and the genetics behind it. 

When you see race horses. They breed, right? You pay a lot of money if you have a winner from the Kentucky Derby.  Because it’s genetics. 

There’s a genetic component and there’s always this debate about genetics and the environment.

Which one’s better? 

And so to me, both are important. 

So I looked at the genetics of the plants and the seeds

I made sure the environment was a really good environment to raise a healthy environment to raise these amazing coffee beans. And then we just cleaned them and made them even more beautiful so that everyone could taste how amazing they are.

Scientists made GMOs to try to make plants bigger, better, right? That failed. 

So as a scientist I went back to school, I went to Harvard and studied nanobiotechnology for a very different reason than most people think. 

I studied to see how we could reverse it.

Things naturally from things that we’ve put into our world that weren’t natural, that have hurt us. 

Joe Winger: 

Incredibly inspirational.

From a corporate point of view, can you talk a little bit about what inspired you to pursue the social responsibility of the company?

Dr. Christina Rahm: 

In my career, I worked for the government. I’ve worked for a lot of the top pharmaceutical and biotech companies. 

I would say I failed at that in many ways.

Our economy depends on spending a lot of money on health care.

It was a hard time for me, but I never gave up. 

From my perspective. Since I had cancer, since I had Lyme’s disease, since I had a child that had cancer, I’ve devoted my life to trying to do the right thing.  I have an opportunity to be alive for a reason.

It was a blessing, even though I didn’t feel like it was a blessing when I was diagnosed. I have a warrior strength of fighting anything.

We’ve just got to be better humans, right? 

My goal is to make every person have the longest, best life possible.

That means mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. And as a scientist, I feel like it’s on my shoulders and my responsibility to tell the truth and to do it in a positive way instead of being a whistleblower blowing things up. 

I want to offer these things that can help people.

About 8-9 years ago, I started really stepping up and talking about social issues, working on female empowerment. I just always try to talk about how we can empower.

When you have gifts, if you have influence, if you have money, if you have power, your job is to protect those weaker than you or that need help.

And somehow we’ve lost that in our move for success.

We think we don’t we forget about that. But for me, that’s my motive to make social change is to it’s my responsibility to be a good human. I’m going to die someday. And I’m going to have to answer for everything I’ve done on this earth.

So I have to try every day to be better. 

The coffee was something that was for a social change that I think we need to be aware of without scaring everyone. 

And so that has led me to move past that. To run companies. I have 22 companies actually under DRC ventures and a lot of people don’t know that. So there’s 22 companies that I’m actually in charge of right now, trying to make some good social changes in the world.

Joe Winger: 

For our audience who wants to learn more about your and Rahm Roast Coffee, what are the best ways? 

Dr. Christina Rahm: 

DrChristinaRahm.com is my website.

I’m on social media at Instagram, LinkedIn

The root brand sells Rahm Roast at RahmRoast website.  We also donate from every bag of coffee to philanthropy as well. 



A Month of Flavor: Celebrate Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Owner Alex Sarkissian and Chef Vartan Abgaryan Celebrate Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary With Four Renowned Chefs & Monthlong Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Celebrate Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Momed in Atwater Village is turning ten this September, and to celebrate a decade of culinary excellence, Owner Alex Sarkissian and Chef Vartan Abgaryan are bringing back the beloved “Immigrant Chef Series.”

This special event, kicking off on September 9th, will feature four extraordinary Monday night dinners, each showcasing the talents of renowned Los Angeles chefs with rich immigrant backgrounds.

Starting September 9th and continuing each Monday throughout the month, guests can indulge in a unique Seven-Course Tasting Menu ($80 per person) served family-style, featuring dishes crafted in collaboration with Chef Abgaryan.

Each evening will highlight the diverse cultural and culinary heritages of the guest chefs, creating a vibrant tapestry of flavors that truly celebrates the richness of Los Angeles’ immigrant communities.

The Momed 10th Anniversary “Immigrant Chef Series” lineup includes:

Chef Susan Yoon, Momed Atwater Village

Chef Susan Yoon

Monday, September 9th

Chef Susan Yoon

Orsa & Winston, Wolfdown, 71Above

Chef Nakul Mahendro, Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Chef Nakul Mahendro – BADMAASH

Monday, September 16th

Chef Nakul Mahendro


Chef Wesley Avila, Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Chef Wesley Avila

Monday, September 23rd

Chef Wesley Avila

Guerilla Tacos, KA’TEEN, MXO Steakhouse

Chef Vivian Ku, Momed Atwater Village ’s 10th Anniversary with Immigrant Chef Dinner Series

Chef Vivian Ku

Monday, September 30th

Chef Vivian Ku

Pine & Crane, Joy

Momed cocktails

Momed cocktails

Complementing the culinary experience, guests can also enjoy Five Specialty Cocktails and Five Specially Selected Wines by the glass, all priced at just $10 each.

But the celebration doesn’t stop there!

To keep the festivities going, Momed will offer Happy Hour “all night” at the bar from Sunday through Thursday all throughout September.

Additionally, in the spirit of giving back, Momed will donate 5% of the proceeds from each dinner to five organizations committed to immigrant and refugee affairs: Armenian Relief Society (ARS), Immigrant Center for Women and Children (ICWC), International Rescue Committee (IRC),Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (LAFLA), and the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles(CHIRLA).

Momed’s 10th Anniversary “Immigrant Chef Series” promises to be a flavorful and festive celebration of culture, community, and culinary artistry.

Don’t miss this special event and mark your calendars and make your reservation today!

For more information on Momed’s 10th Anniversary “Immigrant Chef Series” coming up on Monday, September 9th, 2024, Monday, September 16th, 2024, Monday, September 23rd, 2024, and Monday, September 30th, 2024, from 5:00 pm to 9:30 pm. 

Please visit www.AtMomed.com to make your reservations, and for further information call Momed directly at 323.522.3488.

About Momed:

Momed, owned by Alex Sarkissian and short for “Modern Mediterranean,” offers a fresh take on the diverse flavors of the Mediterranean basin, emphasizing seasonality and sustainable ingredients. Since opening its doors in 2014, Momed Atwater Village has become a cherished dining destination in Los Angeles, known for its warm ambiance, inventive cuisine, and commitment to community. With Chef Vartan Abgaryan now at the helm, Momed continues to push culinary boundaries while honoring its Mediterranean roots.


About Chef Vartan Abgaryan:

As a child growing up in Los Angeles, Vartan Abgaryan was deeply moved by the way his family’s Armenian American culture celebrated all occasions, both happy and somber, with food. Inspired by the pure joy of cooking and how food brought many generations together, Abgaryan decidedly embarked on a career in the culinary realm. Educated at Le Cordon Bleu, Abgaryan graduated in 2004 and went on to cook at the famed Andre Soltner restaurant Lutece for one and a half years. In 2006, he moved back to the West Coast to be closer to his family, where he worked at Red Pearl Kitchen, followed by three years as Executive Chef at A Restaurant in Newport Beach. He then headed inland to accept the position of Executive Chef at Public Kitchen and Bar at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, where he received 2-stars from the Los Angeles Times food critic and was mentioned as a ‘Restaurant to Watch’ in Esquire magazine by Food Writer and Critic John Mariani.

In 2012, Abgaryan joined the Eastside’s iconic Cliff’s Edge as Executive Chef. Here, he successfully took the eight-year-old neighborhood restaurant and made it relevant again. At Cliff’s Edge, Abgaryan became known for his highly seasonal approach to ingredients and his stunning presentation of dishes – Eater Los Angeles’ Matthew Kang commented that his dishes were “among the most beautiful plating in the city.” In 2014, Cliff’s Edge was awarded three stars by LA Weekly’s Restaurant Critic, Besha Rodell.

After a successful run, he elevated his role, quite literally, by opening 71Above – the highest restaurant west of the Mississippi, in July 2016. Since opening, the restaurant has received great critical acclaim and put Abgaryan on L.A.’s culinary heat map. Under his hand, 71Above was awarded 3-stars by LA Weekly, and Los Angeles Magazine named it ‘one of the Top Ten New Restaurants of 2016,’ with Critic Patrick Kuh remarking that “the experience is luxury that reflects on-point execution.” The Los Angeles Times’ beloved Jonathan Gold called his Suckling Pig dish “something out of a charcuterie dream.”

After serving over 300 diners a night at elaborate helicopter-hovering heights, Abgaryan had become one of the city’s most talented and respected chefs. When an opportunity presented itself to bring a refined culinary experience to Abbot Kinney Boulevard, considered by many to be “America’s coolest block,” he took it. Abgaryan’s culinary endeavor, Yours Truly, with partners Dave Reiss (formerly of Salt Air) and Paul Pruitt (Founder of New School), allowed him to focus less on the number of guests and work within a more intimate dinner setting. Continuing to build dishes blending flavors from many cultures, Abgaryan’s dinner menu exhibited a multi-cultural approach to each dish, combining ingredients from the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

In February 2023, Abgaryan took on a new challenge as the Chef at Momed in Atwater Village, where he continues to bring his creative vision and dedication to seasonal, culturally rich cuisine.

Santa Monica’s Mon Ami “First Class to Spain”  Sept 19 Experiential Dining Brings Barcelona to Your Table

Santa Monica ‘s Mon Ami “First Class to Spain”  Sept 19 Experiential Dining Brings Catalonia to Your Table

If you’re not already familiar with Mon Ami, you’re missing out on one of Santa Monica’s tastiest hidden gems.

Tucked behind the crowds on Ocean Avenue, this hidden courtyard restaurant feels like the best-kept secret for cocktails and bites near the beach. 

Nas Negahban’s Mon Ami “First Class Experience’ takes Your Tastebuds to Barcelona

Under the guidance of Nas Negahban from Pacific Coast Group, a seasoned traveler with a passion for authentic culinary experiences, Mon Ami strives to mirror the richness of Mediterranean cultures in every aspect. 

The Mon Ami event series will launch September 19.

Reservations to the Barcelona First Class Series Event: https://resy.com/cities/santa-monica-ca/venues/mon-ami?date=2024-09-19&seats=2&query=Mon%20ami&activeView=list

Pricing is: $95 plus tax and gratuity for the 4-course food menu

Or $125++ for the food menu and 2 included drinks

Mon Ami Chef explaining tonight's dishes

Mon Ami Chef explaining tonight’s dishes

Speaking on his inspiration and Mon Ami’s concept, Nas explains:

“I’ve always had a passion for building new concepts and brands across various industries.

We currently have a few restaurants in Spain and other countries

but Santa Monica is home. ”


Nas Negahban


Mon Ami is the true Mediterranean experience.

With an emphasis on a variety of culinary dishes and spices and inspired spirits with an enhanced flair attached to it from several countries located on or by the Mediterranean Sea such as Spain, Greece, Italy, France, Morocco, & many more with a lot of their food curated and selected from the local Santa Monica Farmers Market. 

First Class Series Event on September 19 – Extraordinary Journey to Barcelona

The First Class Event Series includes 2 items from Mon Ami’s drink menu (specialty cocktails or wine)… and dishes from their food menu:

  • appetizer
  • first course
  • second course
  • choice of 3rd course
  • and choice of dessert

If that sounds like a lot, it is.  And not in a “I’m stuffed and need to roll home” kind of way.

Incredible flavor.



But you leave feeling pleasantly fulfilled. Not heavy.

For me, that’s incredibly important.

Mon Ami’s First Class Series is a great idea for date night, for a casual business dinner, for a birthday or celebration.

Most importantly, it creates memories.  It’s been a few days since my dinner, and I’m still remembering it and smiling.

Mon Ami's Blackberry Mojito

Mon Ami’s Blackberry Mojito

Mon Ami’s Blackberry Mojito

Mon Ami's Catelonia Margarita

Mon Ami’s Catelonia Margarita

Mon Ami’s Catelonia Margarita.

The dinner started with a light appetizer, perfect to ignite your appetite.

Mon Ami; Amuse Bouche (Iberian Jamon with Burrata, Calabria Chile on a crustini)

Mon Ami; Amuse Bouche (Iberian Jamon with Burrata, Calabria Chile on a crustini)

Amuse Bouche (Iberian Jamon with Burrata, Calabria Chile on a crustini)

Light with a good crunch and subtle flavor.

Equally important, the perfect conversation starter.  If your dining table has a quiet moment, the arrival of this plate sparks smiles, giggles and reactions.

Mon Ami; Tapas Trio: Truffle mushroom, Chicken Mousse with a Pickled Onion, Spicy Tomatoes and Pepper

Mon Ami; Tapas Trio: Truffle mushroom, Chicken Mousse with a Pickled Onion, Spicy Tomatoes and Pepper

1st Course

Tapas Trio: Truffle mushroom, Chicken Mousse with a Pickled Onion, Spicy Tomatoes and Pepper

This is the first feel of diversity.  Flavor, mouthfeel; each of the three delivered a different experience.  From subtle, to bold, to a kick of spice.

Is your dinner Instagrammable?  It is if you’re at Mon Ami.

All evening long diners were taking pics of their meals.  Why?  Sure, it’s delicious.  But the plating.  Beautifully well-designed and playful.

Mon Ami takes their flavor seriously, but has fun creating each dish into art.

Mon Ami; Grilled Octopus with Patatas Bravas

Mon Ami; Grilled Octopus with Patatas Bravas

2nd Course

Grilled Octopus with Patatas Bravas

The grilled octopus is tender and juicy, paired well with crispy fried potatoes and drizzled with red sauce. It made you hungry for what’s next…

Mon Ami; Marinated Skirt Steak with a side of Spanish Rice and Roasted Zucchini

Mon Ami; Marinated Skirt Steak with a side of Spanish Rice and Roasted Zucchini

3rd Course 

Marinated Skirt Steak with a side of Spanish Rice and Roasted Zucchini

Don’t forget, the 3rd course has options: steak vs pasta.

Choosing skirt steak because it’s commonly a tougher cut and I was curious to see how Mon Ami’s skilled chef would create a heavenly plate.  Here, the marinade brought out the tender juicy flavor that we hoped for.  Well-prepared.

Our table shared smiles, giggles and mmmm’s with each bite.

Mon Ami; Crema Catalona with Shaved Chocolate and Berries

Mon Ami; Crema Catalona with Shaved Chocolate and Berries


Crema Catalona with Shaved Chocolate and Berries

Again, dessert offered choices.  Dessert was between Crema Catalona and Sorbet.  I chose the Crema because I wanted to see how the Chef and his kitchen would prepare the dish.  His choices were impressive so far and I chose to trust his instincts.

I’m glad I trusted him.

It was perfect for me.  To be clear, I don’t want a mountain of sugar.  I want 5 bites of flavor and pleasure.

If tonight had been a date, sharing 2-3 bites each would have been the perfect evening to a perfect dinner.




Born and raised in Santa Monica, Nas is committed to elevating his hometown’s hospitality scene to reflect the sophistication of beachside cities he has encountered abroad.

This is present in every aspect of MON AMI’s ambiance, from its lush indoor-outdoor seating surrounded by greenery to its late-night live entertainment and picture-perfect cocktails. MON AMI is meticulously curated to enchant and immerse guests.

The event series will launch September 19 at the Mon Ami Santa location.

Reservation to the Barcelona First Class Series Event: https://resy.com/cities/santa-monica-ca/venues/mon-ami?date=2024-09-19&seats=2&query=Mon%20ami&activeView=list

You can also email events@monamism.com if you have any questions or want to book over the phone.)

Pricing is: $95 plus tax and gratuity for the 4-course food menu or $125++ for the food menu and 2 included drinks. 

Mon Ami will offer a complimentary taste of the sangria upon arrival.

Taste Temecula, Fun Roadtrip South of LA !  Bold flavor, Rich fruit, lingering finish: Leoness Cellars earns 6 90+ Point Wines from Wine Spectator 

Taste Temecula, Fun Roadtrip South of LA !  Bold flavor, Rich fruit, lingering finish: Leoness Cellars earns 6 90+ Point Wines from Wine Spectator

Temecula’s Leoness Cellars earns 6 90+ Point Wines from Wine Spectator

Leoness Cellars, a celebrated winery and restaurant in the picturesque Temecula Valley, has once again been honored for its exceptional winemaking prowess.

Leoness is a Temecula must-visit destination for wine lovers

In the latest review by Wine Enthusiast, six of its selections earned impressive 90+ point scores, further cementing Leoness as a must-visit destination for wine lovers.

In addition, Leoness Cellars’ restaurant was recently ranked in the top five best winery restaurants in the nation by USA Today, which has been praised for its stunning Temecula Valley setting and culinary team that masterfully fuses French cooking techniques with modern Californian cuisine to create a diverse menu designed to pair beautifully with its award-winning wines.


Temecula’s Leoness Cellars also ranks Top Five Best Winery Restaurants based on USA Today

These recognitions serve as a continued testament to Leoness’ unwavering commitment to producing wines of the highest caliber while delivering a fine dining experience for visitors from around the world.

Leoness Cellars’ six 90+ point wines include:

  • 2021 VS Syrah Alessandro Vineyard, Summit Block (92 points) – This Syrah stands out with its intense flavors and remarkable aging potential. Wine Enthusiast writer-at-large, Matt Kettman notes, “Baked fruit and woodspice on the nose, with hickory smoke and rich berry flavors on the palate. Ideal for cellaring until 2039.”2021 VS Syrah Alessandro Vineyard, Foundation Block
  • 2021 VS Syrah Alessandro Vineyard, Foundation Block (92 points) – Celebrated for its complexity, this wine offers a deep blend of rich fruit and earthy notes. Kettman describes it as featuring “roasted fig, black plum, and fig flavors, heavily spiced with nutmeg, clove and allspice.”

2021 VS Syrah Alessandro Vineyard, Summit Block

  • 2021 VS Syrah Dragon’s Den Vineyard (92 points) – Known for its bold flavors and smooth, lingering finish, this Syrah boasts “Cabernet-like aromas of pepper, cocoa, and dried berry, with charred plum and berry flavors complemented by bay leaf and anise,” according to Kettman.

2021 VS Syrah Dragon’s Den Vineyard

In addition to these standout selections, three other wines have also achieved critical acclaim but are currently sold out: The 2021 Signature Series Grande Mélange (91 points) captivated with its balanced ripe berries and subtle spice

The 2021 Signature Series Eloquent (90 points) showcased Leoness Cellars’ artistry with its rich, silky texture and refined barrel notes.

Finally, the 2021 Signature Series Syrah (94 points) was celebrated as a collector’s item, praised by Wine Enthusiast for its rugged, earthy aromas and complex flavors.

In addition to its success with Wine Enthusiast, Leoness has also earned the distinction of ranking number five in USA Today’s 2024 list of Best Winery Restaurants in the United States.

The Restaurant at Leoness Cellars has risen in prominence not only for its award-winning wines but also its “stunning views of both the vineyards and surrounding mountains, creating the perfect backdrop for dining and drinking.”

USA Today describes The Restaurant at Leoness Cellars as a culinary gem, where seasonal fare, such as wild mushroom risotto and grilled local yellowtail, are expertly paired with Leoness Cellars’ wine selections, creating an unparalleled dining experience. The accolade highlights the winery’s commitment to excellence in both winemaking and hospitality.

“We are honored to receive these prestigious accolades from both Wine Enthusiast and USA Today,”

Rebaux Steyn

CEO and co-founder of Temecula Valley Winery Management and owner of Leoness Cellars

“Crafting exceptional wines and creating unforgettable experiences for our guests is the cornerstone of what we do. We are proud to be recognized for our achievements in both areas.”

As Leoness Cellars continues to garner recognition for its exceptional wines and dining experiences, guests are invited to explore all that the winery has to offer.

Whether through guided wine tours, educational tastings, dining or weddings and special events, Leoness Cellars delivers the perfect wine experience in the heart of Temecula Valley.

To learn more, visit www.leonesscellars.com.

ABOUT LEONESS CELLARS: Founded in 2002, Leoness Cellars is a prestigious winery and restaurant situated in the scenic Temecula Valley of Southern California. Renowned for its exceptional wines and innovative approach, Leoness Cellars offers a rich array of experiences, including guided wine tastings, immersive vineyard tours, a vibrant wine club membership program and engaging wine education sessions.

Guests can savor a unique dining experience at the top-rated Restaurant at Leoness, which features a sophisticated blend of French cooking techniques and modern Californian cuisine curated to create a diverse menu that pairs beautifully with its wines. The estate also serves as an elegant venue for weddings and special events, providing an unparalleled setting for creating unforgettable memories.

Discover more about Leoness Cellars and its offerings by visitingwww.leonesscellars.com.

About the Author
Joe Wehinger (nicknamed Joe Winger) has written for over 20 years about the business of lifestyle and entertainment. Joe is an entertainment producer, media entrepreneur, public speaker, and C-level consultant who owns businesses in entertainment, lifestyle, tourism and publishing. He is an award-winning filmmaker, published author, member of the Directors Guild of America, International Food Travel Wine Authors Association, WSET Level 2 Wine student, WSET Level 2 Cocktail student, member of the LA Wine Writers. Email to: Joe@FlavRReport.com

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